Lepra Appeal – Sunday 24th October

Today 600 people will be diagnosed with leprosy, more than 50 of these will be children.  Over 7 million people are currently affected by leprosy across the world.  Evidence shows over 3 million people are living with undiagnosed leprosy.  Over 4 million people are living with a life-changing disability caused by leprosy.  Although curable, many people are unable to access treatment, even though the cure is free.  Lepra works to find, treat and rehabilitate these hidden people and promote their rights in India, Bangladesh and Zimbabwe.

Our mission is to beat leprosy – so that all cases are easily diagnosed and treated and leave no disability or discrimination.  We are working towards a day when leprosy no longer destroys lives; with your support we can achieve this sooner.

Please help us beat leprosy – even the smallest contribution can help treat and rehabilitate people trapped by this disease.

Ministry of Consolation

I would like to make you all aware, again, of our new Ministry on Consolation – instigated by Bishop Richard.

The Ministry of Consolation has been set up to support anyone who has a loss of any sort – whether bereavement, employment or any other sort of loss.  This is a ‘listening’ Ministry where people can speak freely and confidentially, about these issues, wherever they feel comfortable. You can speak on a one-to-one basis, or as a group, to the Representative – who is currently Sue Longridge for St Wilfrid’s.

There are Leaflets/booklets and contact cards to be able to get in touch with Sue, on the Reception Desk in Church.  Father Rory is fully aware, and supports this Ministry.  Please do call Sue, in confidence, on 07921 152444 or 01825 873175.

Fr Kieran

What a breath of fresh air it was to have Fr Kieran with us while Fr Rory was having a well earned vacation from us to his family in his beloved Tipperary in Ireland.  They are good friends and good friends always help each other out.

A Big Thank You Father for stepping in and saying Mass for us during the last couple of weeks, especially the last Mass here for a while on our “Feast of St Wilfrid” the Healing Mass with Benediction to follow, which really set our “grey cells” thinking! A lovely experience.  The extra Healing Mass which was well received and the Benediction, I cannot remember the last time we participated singing the “Latin” Hymns, brought back memories.  Thank you Father, you are always welcome among us.  May God bless and keep you in his love.

Deacon John Writes

The parable of the sower which we heard in the daily readings recently was intended as a warning to those who were listening to be attentive and to the apostles to be hopeful receivers, living out Jesus’ teachings and ideas. The sower is God, while we, the Church, are the teachers. The seed sown is the word of God, which has a cutting edge like “a sharp sword” and a purifying and strengthening power like “fire and hammer”. The hardened soil on the footpath represents people with minds closed because of laziness, pride, prejudice, or fear. The soil on rock represents emotional types of people who go after novelties without sticking to anything and who are unwilling to “put down roots” surrendering their wills to God. The soil filled with weeds represents people addicted to evil habits and evil tendencies and those whose hearts are filled with hatred, jealousy, or greed. They are interested only in acquiring money by any means and in enjoying life in any way possible.  The good and fertile soil represents well-intentioned people with open minds and clean hearts, earnest in hearing the word and concentrate on putting it into practice.

Let us all try this week to become the good soil and produce hundred-fold yields by hearing, faithfully taking it on board and daily cultivating the word of God we have received, so that the Holy Spirit may produce His fruits in our lives.

Tea/Coffee at St Wilfrid’s

Tea/Coffee at St Wilfrid’s:  Did you know we are serving tea/coffee and biscuits/cakes after the 10.30am Mass every Sunday.  Do pop in and meet some new friends and get to know your parishioners, we are a very friendly lot and we welcome you.  There is an Honesty Pot if you would kindly make a donation to cover the cost of these refreshments.  Thank you.

We look forward to meeting you, also don’t forget our ‘Sales Table’ is up and running – plenty of bargains to be had.  Please leave suitable gifts for the table in the porch, marked ‘Sales Table’ please.  We are still hoping for someone to come forward to take on the very rewarding job of keeping our Altar Servers Alb’s fit for the important job they do for us.  If you can’t contact David Hoad – who teachers them, then call or see Annette who helps us with the “Children’s Liturgy”.  Tel: 849732, thank you in anticipation.

St George’s is sparkling

St George’s is sparkling, fresh and clean thanks to hard work by Pailey and Shirley this week. Shirley removed candle wax from the altar carpet whilst Pailey used his Vax machine to shampoo the aisle and altar carpet. This will be done now quarterly so if you would like to help let Pailey know. Thank you to both of them.