The Lord – the Word made Flesh – was born in this world riddled with difficulty, conflict and disease. We have celebrated His birth and, at the Epiphany, his manifestation to the world that He came to save. This Sunday, the Gospel takes us thirty years on – to His baptism in the Jordan by John. The Holy Spirit is seen and the voice of the Father proclaims Jesus as “the Beloved” on whom “favor rests”. This event marks the beginning of the Lord’s public ministry. After the hidden life of Nazareth, the time has come for the Lord to embark upon the three years of preaching, healing and teaching that would lead him to Passion, Death and Resurrection – all for our salvation; all out of love for us. All was done so that, in the words of St Paul in his Letter to Titus, “We should be justified by His grace, to become heirs looking forward to eternal life.”
Despite the circumstances in which we find ourselves – no matter how difficult they may be – we can be confident in the power of the Saviour Who has come. There must be something of John the Baptist about us, as we point the way for others towards the person of Jesus. Now is the time for us to listen to the Prophet Isaiah and to say, as John the Baptist said: “Here is your God.”
Category: Saint George’s latest news
Over 50’s Activities
This is a very difficult time for us oldies. Many of us have ‘Good Reason’ to be anxious and worried. We do not attend Mass, but thanks to Gary we can view it online. We had to cancel our ‘Christmas Party’ but please God, we will be able to celebrate on Thursday 27th January at 2pm in our hall, £5 per person. Please pass the information on to our friends, all are welcome, especially our friends from St George’s and our Non-Catholic friends. To make it a great success, I need numbers for catering etc. Please ring me on 07873390944. Thank you, Joan.
Unfortunately we have had to cancel our monthly lunch at the Kings Head on Thursday 13th January. Although they carry out the necessary Covid Rules, not many of us are prepared to risk dining out just yet. So we have decided to try for Thursday 10th February, 12noon. Details nearer the time. Please inform anyone who normally joins us, but does not receive our newsletter. Thank you.
On a lighter note our Christmas Lunch went ahead very successfully, 25 of us sat at three large round tables in the function room. The food, service and atmosphere were great. Fr Kieran and Fr Rory joined us with several of our friends from St George’s, what fun and laughter we had. We really want to keep up this happy meal out once a month. If you would like to join us or have a friend to come with us, you only have to be over 50 and enjoy good food and company and a good laugh. Transport is not a problem, just let me know on 07873390944. I do hope we can start going out for a meal again. If you pray hard enough, I am sure the ‘Good Lord’ will help us. Thank you, Joan.
Parishioners at St Wilfrid’s
The Parishioners at St Wilfrid’s would like to express sincere THANKS to everyone who helped in any way towards our beautiful Christmas Services. Under strict COVID rules, we enjoyed the Penitential Services with Fr Kieran helping Fr Rory. It was very much in the modern idiom, so we could all connect old and young, especially the 1st Communion children. We have to move with the times, but in our own simple way!
Without the help of; Altar Servers and David Hoad training them, Jean our Flower Arranger, Bob Waters our Health & Safety Officer, Gary arranging the Streaming of Masses, so we can see them on line. Our Readers, especially the Young Ones, the Welcomers and Alan for their input, the team of tea/coffee makers after Masses on Sundays and Wednesdays. The wonderful people who without fuss, just get on with the job of cleaning before and after Mass in accordance with Covid Rules, in order that we can attend Mass in a safe environment. Annette & Sophie training our children for the liturgy etc. They are the Future Members of Our Church and without them there will not be a Catholic Community. When we are called to our Higher Place they, please God, will step up and take our places. What a brilliant contribution they made to our Christmas Services under the guidance of Annette, Sophie, Angela and Teresa, who is now undergoing treatment after her operation. We all wish her well and with God’s help she will regain her health and strength. She made a difference and special input with our children and we miss her. Sophie is working and living in London now, so it just leaves Annette who is a full time Night Sister in Hastings among many other duties. Please God, Teresa will be up and running again and Angela will also be available. Help is very much appreciated. Do you feel you could help her? Training will be given of course and much help all the way. A very rewarding job indeed and very worthwhile for our return to church.
Jackie our secretary and general help and guidance on all sorts of problems. She is a gem because she is so sincere and helpful with anything that crops up, always has a smile and cheery nature to put us at our eases. A very big ‘Thank You’ Jackie from all of us, please continue to help and guide us throughout 2022, Fr Rory would be lost without you. The diary and telephone etc. are all kept up-to-date by you. We do appreciate you.
Then we come to our lovely Ordained Priest, Fr Rory. Who does the job he was ordained to do and more. He is such a humble, yet sincere man. We all know your faults and lack of practical skills, but they fade into insignificance when carrying out your duties for us. Many of us have come to you for help and religious guidance, especially our sick and suffering parishioners. You have been given a wonderful gift Father, don’t put yourself down, we all love you and appreciate you. When saying Mass you have the ability to say it as if it was for each one of us individually, we are completely immersed and it’s a wonderful experience. Please don’t ever change, God has given you to us and we thank you for it. We are truly sorry if anyone who has helped us through this most difficult time or contributed to our lovely Christmas Services, have been left out, you know who you are and we do appreciate you.
Thank You
for all my cards and gifts, they are very much appreciated. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year, Jackie.
John Winter
It is with deep sadness that we learnt of the death of John Winter in December. John was primarily the organist for St George’s but had played also at St Wilfrid’s. John’s funeral will take place on 25th January at 12 noon in Tunbridge. The family have left an open invitation to join them at the Mass and afterwards at the wake. Please contact Tim Winter on 07547 948067 if you are planning to attend. May he rest in peace.
A Message from Ann Fielder
to all my friends at St Wilfrid`s. Thank you all for the Christmas cards and best wishes from all at St Wilfrid`s. I wish every one of you a Happy New Year and I will remember you all in my prayers. With love to you all. Ann
The Diocese has asked us to continue to sign in when we attend Mass and other events. Please use the NHS App and our QR code, the pre-booking system on the church website, or fully complete the form at the church entrance. Please give a contact phone number and ensure that your name is legible. You should continue to use the hand sanitiser and wear a face covering. The Parish will continue to open all doors and windows to ensure good ventilation, so do wear warm clothes especially in the coming cold weather.
St George’s Church
Tea and coffee is now being served in our hall at St George’s after Sunday Mass. Covid rules are being fully observed but it is wonderful to have a chance to meet again socially. Thank you to those serving and preparing the teas for us. Very much appreciated.
St George’s Church
During the Christmas period, Ros Burke, a parishioner at St George’s, and her lovely neighbours, constructed a life size nativity scene on the tiny roundabout at the end of her road set in a cul-de-sac in Willingdon. They lit up the tree and it was truly stunning. The purpose was to raise money for local charity, Children With Cancer. They organised a small Christmas fair in their road and the local brass band played carols on Christmas Eve. Over £760 was collected. Well done Ros.
Deacon John Writes
Happy New Year with many blessings to you all. This prayer is from the Redemptorists and I thought it would be good to share it with you: A New Year Prayer:
Lord, You make all things new and bring hope alive in our hearts and cause our Spirits to be born again. Thank you for this new year for all the potential it holds. Come and kindle in us a mighty flame so that in our time, many will see the wonders of God and live forever to praise Your glorious name.