Tea and coffee is now being served in our hall at St George’s after Sunday Mass. Covid rules are being fully observed but it is wonderful to have a chance to meet again socially. Thank you to those serving and preparing the teas for us. Very much appreciated.
Category: Saint George’s latest news
St George’s Church
During the Christmas period, Ros Burke, a parishioner at St George’s, and her lovely neighbours, constructed a life size nativity scene on the tiny roundabout at the end of her road set in a cul-de-sac in Willingdon. They lit up the tree and it was truly stunning. The purpose was to raise money for local charity, Children With Cancer. They organised a small Christmas fair in their road and the local brass band played carols on Christmas Eve. Over £760 was collected. Well done Ros.
Deacon John Writes
Happy New Year with many blessings to you all. This prayer is from the Redemptorists and I thought it would be good to share it with you: A New Year Prayer:
Lord, You make all things new and bring hope alive in our hearts and cause our Spirits to be born again. Thank you for this new year for all the potential it holds. Come and kindle in us a mighty flame so that in our time, many will see the wonders of God and live forever to praise Your glorious name.
Thank You
I would like to thank all of my friends at St Wilfrid’s for their care and compassion. I have been overwhelmed by your well wishes, gifts, mass offerings and prayers. Knowing that I am in your thoughts has been a great source of comfort and is helping me to make a good recovery. Happy Christmas everyone from Teresa Palmer xx
Weekly Services
Sat 1st St Wilfrid’s –
Second Sunday of Christmas
Sun 2nd 9.00am St George’s – Parish Communities’ Intention
10.30am St Wilfrid’s – Private In tention
Mon 3rd 2.30pm St George’s – Rosary Group
Tue 4th 10.00am St George’s – The McCann Family Intention
Wed 5th 10.00am St Wilfrid’s – Ephram & Lesley Crowe Intention
Thurs 6th 10.00am St George’s – The Epiphany of the Lord, Cathy & Trevor Hollingdale Int
Fri 7th 10.00am St Wilfrid’s – Holy Souls’ Intention
Sat 8th St Wilfrid’s – .
The Baptism of the Lord
Sun 9th 9.00am St George`s – Marylou Cockshoot Intention
10.30am St Wilfrid`s – Bridie Cleary 1st Anniversary RIP
CAFOD is combining efforts with the DEC to launch the Afghanistan Crisis Appeal. In Afghanistan, 8 million people are on the brink of famine because of drought, collapsing economy, food shortages, conflict, and COVID. CAFOD is supporting sister Caritas agencies to reach communities most in need with food, clean water, and fuel. During Advent, when we open ourselves to the needs of others, let’s do all that we can to save lives. You can donate on the CAFOD website: cafod.org.uk/AfghanistanAppeal and please pray for the people of Afghanistan.
Heaven’s Road Catholic Online Radio
Heaven’s Road Catholic Online Radio www.heavensroadfm.com is an online radio broadcasting features like prayers, interviews and music to appeal to a Catholic audience – they also have many podcasts and broadcast over 40 daily live Masses from 15 churches in England and Ireland from their website www.heavensroadfm.com.
Justice & Peace Webinar
Justice & Peace Assembly Webinar: ‘To a Safer Shore?: 15th January, from 9.45 am for 10 am to 1 pm, will now take place online. More details and to book at To a Safer Shore? Spotlights refugees, highlighting what we can do to help. | Arundel & Brighton Catholic Diocese (abdiocese.org.uk) or contact Tessa Ricketts at [email protected]
St Wilfrid’s Church
St Wilfrid’s Church: There will be no teas/coffees after the 10.30am Mass this Sunday 19th December, as we have a Carol Service at 2pm.
Hailsham Foodbank
HAILSHAM FOODBANK COMMUNITY FRIDGE We are currently Crowdfunding to purchase a Community Fridge (and Freezer) which will be supplied by end of day food from local supermarkets and businesses. This will give the opportunity to offer fresh items and help eliminate food waste locally. We were able to secure match funding for this project but need a minimum of 30 supporters. If you could help us reach this target we would be extremely grateful. Even £1 could make all the difference to us receiving an extra £1000. Thank you. https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/hailsham-community-fridge
I think we at St Wilfrid’s would like to contribute to this very worthy and worthwhile cause. There will be a collection box in the porch after each Mass, please put some money into the pot. Thank you.