Lourdes Pilgrimage – Second Collection 13th February

As you may know, the Pilgrimage manages our Diocesan Pilgrimage, and takes around 700 people each year to Lourdes, of whom around 140 are Assisted Pilgrims who are frail, elderly, disabled or sick.  The Pilgrimage relies on the efforts of volunteers and generous donors to enable it to offer financial support to the Assisted Pilgrims who join us, and to some of those who will care for them whilst we are in Lourdes.  If you would like to support this appeal on-line please follow the instructions below:-

Go to the Arundel & Brighton Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage website using this link: A&B Lourdes Pilgrimage Website or the website  address https://www.abdiocese.org.uk/lourdes/home Click on the donate button on the right-hand side of the screen. Please then click on the donate button in the middle of the page and follow the instructions.  If you have any questions, please contact the A&B Lourdes Pilgrimage Office, either by email on [email protected] or call 01403 740110

Deacon John Writes

Do you believe the Bible? Recently this article appeared in a cutting sent to me from America;

“Sometime before she died, someone had the audacity to ask St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa), “Why do you spend so much energy on the poor, the hungry, and the weeping of those in Calcutta?” She responded, “Jesus says the poor are the blessed ones. I take him at his word. I treat them as the royalty of God’s kingdom, because they are.” — To grow into becoming a Christian is, in no small part, to be converted into seeing the world as God sees it. It is to be given new eyes to look upon people and events from an eternally loving perspective. When that begins to happen, you begin to see that God has an opinion about how life should be lived, what Churches should be doing, and how people should act. You begin to see that the future belongs to those whom God blesses. They include the poor, the hungry, the hopeless, the damaged, and those whose only salvation is found in the God who comes to redeem.

Vacancy: Facilities Officer

We have an opening for a Facilities Officer who is able to carry out minor repairs and organise the process of obtaining quotes for more complex projects. If you are interested in undertaking this paid role please contact Jackie at [email protected] providing brief details of your availability and experience in relevant trades . Closing date for initial responses is Friday 18th February. Interviews will be held shortly after this time.

Urgent Notice:

If there is someone you have not seen at Mass either Sunday or weekdays, who would normally attend.  Please get in touch with them yourself or inform Fr Rory asap.  It has been so easy for people to go unnoticed during Covid lockdown.  Perhaps we could arrange for them to join us for tea/coffee in our hall after Sunday and Wednesday Mass, for a social chat and to get to know other members of our community.

Over 50’s Activities:

Thursday 10th February (this week) Lunch at the Kings Head, Horsebridge, 12noon.  Yes we are going ahead with our friendly social event.  We are able to have the much reduced OAP’s meal, 2 courses for £12., which comprises of either starter and main course or main course and dessert.  Drinks will be ordered and paid for separately.  I have included a tip in the price and would be happy if you would pay when putting your name and telephone number on the list please.  If you would like to stay and have tea/coffee with us after the meal, you will be very welcome.  Also, if you need transport, please ring me asap to arrange it Tel: 07873 390944, thank you.  Look forward to meeting up with you after a covid break!!!

Our next Afternoon Tea will be Thursday 24th Feb at 2pm in our Hall.  Everyone is welcome at this very friendly and happy occasion, bring your friends and invite anyone you think would benefit from  a “Happy Social Event”.  The cost is £3 and you will be surprised at what you will be offered!  Do come along and enjoy yourselves, don’t let Covid win anymore!!  Look forward to meeting up again, Joan.

Vacancy: Foundation Governor

Foundation governors are appointed by the Bishop to serve as his representatives on the governing body of diocesan schools to ensure the Church’s mission is upheld.  Governors have oversight of the curriculum and the appointment of staff and are accountable for the performance of the school.  They have a strategic role to play as well as acting as a critical friend to the head teacher.  The governing body needs people with a mixture of skills and experience and would welcome anyone who can offer their own perspective and time.  Training is provided to help governors fulfil this very important role.

If you would like to know more, contact the clerk to the governors, Mandy Randall: [email protected] or visit the diocesan website which can be found at  https://www.abdiocese.org.uk/education/governance

Racial Justice Sunday 13th February

We are encouraging everyone to mark the day by praying the words of Pope Francis taken from his encyclical letter Fratelli Tutti – on fraternity and social friendship:

Come, Holy Spirit, show us your beauty,

reflected in all the peoples of the earth,

so that we may discover anew

that all are important and all are necessary,

different faces of the one humanity

that God so loves.


Catching fish from the shop

A man had spent fruitless day fishing. He didn’t want to go home empty-handed. He decided to stop at a local fish market. “I’d like three good sized fish,” he said to the clerk. “But before you wrap them, toss them to me, one by one.” The clerk looked puzzled at his request, “Sir? That’s a strange thing to ask.” Smiling the man said, “This way I’ll be able to tell my wife truthfully that I caught them!

Ash Wednesday and the Ashes

You probably know that the ashes to be used this year on Ash Wednesday on 2nd March actually come from the burning of the Palms given out at Palm Sunday last year. Please bring your palms to the church next week so we can prepare the ashes in plenty of time. Thank you.

SYNOD 2023 – Keeping Focused on Our Thanks

We are now in our fourth week of focusing on the Synod, and our thanks goes to all parishioners who have so far attended meetings and/or given their responses to the questionnaires.

A particularly special thank you goes to the children who have taken time to give us some very useful ideas.  

All the responses have been passed to the Diocese.

A final handout is being given to everyone this weekend. It includes one final question and the opportunity to further suggest how we as a Parish can improve and work together to make Our Church work for us all.  We encourage all of you to give us plenty of suggestions!

There is no need to give your name and we will prepare a summary of all your comments in a few weeks time.

If you missed any of the first three questionnaires, it’s not too late to complete them, there are spare copies at the back of Church. You can also request a copy by calling Jackie on 01323 841504 or email [email protected].

Once again, as well as providing Private Individual or Group responses to this week’s questionnaire, you are also invited and very welcome to attend either or both of the following group sessions being held for the Parish. 

Wednesday 9th February after 10am Mass – St Wilfrid’s Hall

Saturday 12th February 10am – St George’s Hall

Zoom – for those unable to attend our discussion groups weekly, we could organise a Zoom group. Please contact Bob Waters at [email protected] if you would be interested and like to take part in this, day/time to be confirmed.

Further information:

www.abdiocese/org.uk/synod – this includes the Diocese document and an online easy to use survey.  Even if you undertake this survey though, which we wholly encourage, please also take time to respond to the Parish survey.
