Last Sunday’s Sponsored Walk for Tiny Tickers was a great success. The sun shone down on 24 of us walking across the glorious South Downs. We had a picnic in Alfriston outside the church and then those who could did the return walk to Jevington, this time via The Long Man. Congratulations to all who took on the challenge, especially our youngest who were quite tired by the end. So far, we do know that with the cake sale, lent lunch and walk sponsorship already has raised over £700 for Tiny Tickers which is superb and we thank everyone for their efforts, generosity and prayers. Babies born in East Sussex will benefit from these efforts. Now we wait to find out how much was raised, please can all walkers bring their sponsorship money in by Sunday 24th April. Also, if any parishioners still wish to sponsor the group we will be collecting after mass today. Gift aid is possible with the sponsorship form available. |
Category: Saint George’s latest news
Easter Greetings
Wishing you Easter Greetings
and Blessings, and may the presence of the risen Christ
remain with you in the year to come.
Fr Rory, Deacon John and our Parish Communities.
Easter Saturday Vigil Mass
Easter Saturday Vigil Mass at 8pm, please bring bells with you to ring at the Gospel.
Churches Together Polegate & Willingdon
Churches Together Polegate and Willingdon– from 10.30am until 11am, on Easter Saturday 16 April, the will be Easter Songs, sung at Polegate Precinct, together with copies of Spring Hope Magazines, Easter Eggs, and a simple booklet for the children, telling the Easter Story’. All are welcome
St Wilfrid’s Church
Cards for every occasion are on sale in the porch at 70p each.
100th Birthday
John Bell celebrated his 100th birthday this week . He and his wife June were generous benefactors to our parish at St Wilfrid`s.
Help Needed at St Wilfrid’s
Help is needed at St Wilfrid`s arranging the flowers in the Church. If we get a number of people a rota can be worked out. If you would like to be involved in this please contact Jean. tel: 842824 email:[email protected]
Deacon John Writes
Last week I came across this story which illustrates the theme of Sunday’s Gospel – forgiveness. John R. Aurelio, in his book Colours: Stories of the Kingdom, gives us a beautiful portrayal of this side of God. He writes: On the sixth day, God created Father Adam and Mother Eve. On the seventh day, as God was resting, they asked Him if He would give them something special to commemorate their birthday. So, God reached into His treasure chest and took out a sacred coin. Written on it was the word “LOVE.” On the eighth day, Father Adam and Mother Eve sinned. As they left the Garden of Eden, they asked God for an assurance that He would not abandon them. “You have the coin,” He told them. “But, the coin says LOVE,” they answered. “We have lost love. However will we find it again?” “Turn it over,” God said. On the other side of the coin was written the word “FORGIVENESS.” — There is great truth in that. There is no love without forgiveness and there is no forgiveness without love. They are the two sides of the same coin. The Good News is that God loves you no matter what you’ve done or what you’ve thought of doing. God loves you. That’s the bottom line: God loves you. And God wants each of us to turn over the coin.
St George’s Table Sale
St George’s Table sale is urgently in need of more donations. If anyone has new/nearly new items suitable for the table please leave at the back of Church marked table sale. Thank you.
Cancellation – Way of the Cross Service
The Good Friday Way of the Cross Service at St Wilfrid’s Church, scheduled to take place at 10.30 am on April 15th has now been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.