St Wilfrid’s & St George’s Parishioners:

All St Wilfrid’s and St George’s parishioners who are seeking the Sacrament of  Confirmation (and parents if candidate 14 – 16) are invited to attend an information meeting and first session at St George’s hall on Sunday 6th March 4pm – 6pm. The parish Confirmation programme will run for 11 weeks and prepare all candidates for the Deanery Confirmations being held in late May. A programme information leaflet is available at church today, or for more information contact Sandra on 07791627368 or email [email protected]

St George’s Children’s Liturgy Lent Fundraising:

During Lent we are asking our children and families to raise money for Tiny Tickers.  1 in 125 babies is born with a serious heart condition. Tiny Tickers helps to fund oximetry monitors in maternity wards.  Early detection of Congenital Heart Defects (CHD) is key to saving lives.  Our local NHS Trust has committed to having these monitors and all funds raised by our children will go to help this happen.  Please support our children in their efforts through your prayers and donations.

Two key dates for fundraising are;

· Sunday 20th March – Cake Sale and Raffle after mass in St George’s Hall

· Sunday April 3rd 12noon – Sponsored Parish Walk from Jevington to Alfriston (Reserve day 10th April)

A ‘webinar’ with Bishop Richard

A “webinar” with Bishop Richard, Wednesday 9 March at 7.30pm.

      Hopefully you all know that a two-year synodal process is taking place across the Catholic Church and our Parish has already sent its responses to the Diocese. That was the first stage.
The second stage is for Bishop Richard to prayerfully engage with the responses submitted and to discern, with the help of the Holy Spirit, how he will compile this into a document to be sent to the Bishops Conference of England and Wales for the next step in the  journey.                                                                                                                                           It was decided that, in the spirit of dialogue, it is really important for participants to hear what is being forwarded onto the national level, and have the opportunity to provide feedback.
To enable this to happen, the Diocese will be hosting a live webinar, where Bishop Richard will present the document. This will be     recorded for those unable to attend at the time.

If you would like to watch the live webinar then you should register your interest by visiting the Diocesan website and click on the words indicated.

Deacon John Writes

The readings next weekend, Feb 20th, really do challenge us. First off is the “golden rule”. In everyday language this rule is “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Stop being selfish and really listen to what others need and to be sensitive to the feelings of others. This is what is called love in the “golden rule”. The second challenge is to love unconditionally in our relationships with others. The third and last challenge is to forgive unconditionally – no seeking revenge or retaliation for anything that has happened – instead look for the good in others and encourage and support others in their need.

We all know how easy it is to forget how God has worked in our lives. Just think for a moment of your memories, each of which will tell a story of God at work in you.

There are several stories of forgiveness in the real world, including these three which concern two presidents of the United States and a truck driver. When President Gerald Ford granted former President Richard Nixon “a free, full and absolute pardon” for his participation and perjury in the “Watergate” scandal, many considered Ford’s decision to be an act of weakness. In 1977, when President Jimmy Carter offered amnesty to those who, during the Vietnamese War, had avoided being conscripted, he was criticised for not enforcing the law. Both men, one a Republican, the other a Democrat, “took the heat”, as it were, because neither was motivated by partisan politics or the pressure of public opinion. Each had chosen to go beyond the limits of strict justice in order to exercise a mercy that was dictated, not by law, but by a conscience formed on Gospel principles. During the race riots in Los Angeles, in the aftermath of the Rodney King incident, a truck driver named Reginald Denny was pulled from his vehicle and severely beaten with a brick. When the case went to trial in 1993, Denny stunned the courtroom with his offer of forgiveness to those who had almost killed him. Later Denny said that only by forgiving the perpetrators of the crime against him had he been able to put the event behind him and move on.

Finally on a lighter note I offer you this: There’s a story told of a husband and wife both of whom were doctors – one a Doctor of Theology and the other a Doctor of Medicine. When their doorbell was rung and the maid answered, the inquirer would often ask for “the doctor”. The maid’s interesting reply was: “Do you want the one who preaches or the one who practices?

Dates for your Diary

Sat March 12th at 11am –  Family friendly Stations of the Cross at St George’s Church. Everyone is welcome.  Followed by a Lenten Lunch in the hall.

Sun April 3rd at 12noon – Sponsored Walk, Jevington to Alfriston – More information to follow. 

Reserve date Sun 10th April

Churches Together

Churches Together, Polegate Willingdon and Jevington – The Life Christian Centreat 6 Oldfield Road, Willingdon Eastbourne BN20 9QE, will be meeting every Wednesday at 2.00pm, for refreshments, whilst relaxing and chatting.  All are welcome!

Walking on water

Three ministers were out in a boat on a lake fishing one fine afternoon, a Protestant minister, an Episcopalian priest and a newly-arrived Catholic priest. They were sitting out in the middle of the lake and the Protestant minister said he had to relieve himself, so he got out of the boat and walked across the water to shore, relieved himself behind a tree. Then walked back to the boat. The Episcopalian priest did the same thing. The Catholic priest thought to himself, if they can do it, so can I. So, he stepped out of the boat and started sinking. After saving him and bringing him back on the boat one minister commented: “We should have told him where the rocks are under the water!”

Alpha 2022 – Eastbourne Catholic Churches

We will be commencing our second parish online Alpha Course for 11    consecutive Wednesdays, via Zoom, on Wednesday 9th March.Alpha is an acclaimed international programme that explores the Christian faith and is aimed at anyone who wants to examine their faith more deeply and develop a closer personal relationship with Jesus. If you are interested and would like to know more please contact: [email protected] Before the first session you will need to set up Zoom (if not already done so) by going to ZOOM.US/TEST and joining a test meeting. All are welcome!

Enriching Our Catholic Faith

ENRICHING OUR CATHOLIC FAITH” – OUR LADY OF RANSOM (EASTBOURNE):  A series of talks  to enrich and deepen our    understanding of our faith. All are welcome to all or any of the talks.

–           Thursday, 17th Feb.  The simplicity of Prayer – speaker: John Kimberley

–           Thursday, 3rd March – Can War ever be Just?   – speaker: Fr Kevin.

–           Thursday, 17th March – The Second Vatican Council (reasons for and consequences) – speaker: to be confirmed

–           Thursday, 31st March – Making use of scripture in prayer. – speaker: Caroline Rother.

Sessions last an hour and start at 7.30pm in the Our Lady of Ransom Parish Hall (accessed via car park), – with a break halfway for refreshments.