: All men are invited to the meeting of the Knights of St Columba at 3pm on Friday 13th May in St Wilfrid’s Parish Centre. Details from Bob Waters Tel: 01323 847014.
Category: Saint George’s latest news
Time for tea?
Please allow a little extra time on a Sunday to enjoy tea/coffee and a chat with your fellow parishioners. Both St George’s and St Wilfrid’s are blessed to be able to hold this social opportunity, in our halls, after mass and would love to have more people join us weekly. All friends and family are also welcome – they don’t have to have been at mass to enjoy some time with us!
Crowning of Our Lady
This Sunday the children at St George’s Church will prepare a crown of flowers to Crown Our Lady’s Statue in the Remembrance Garden after mass.
Confirmation – 22nd May 2.30pm OLR
Please keep in your prayers ten of our Parishes Children and two adults who are currently preparing to receive the Sacrament of confirmation later this month. The Confirmation Service, with Bishop Richard, will be at 2.30pm on Sunday 22nd May at Our Lady of Ransom.
Requiem Mass for Clodagh Coleman
who sadly passed away, will be held on Wednesday 25th May at St Wilfrid’s Church at 11am.
Lent Fundraising for Tiny Tickers
Lent Fundraising for Tiny Tickers – We raised £1024.10
We are delighted to announce that Our Parish Children’s Liturgy Fundraising for Tiny Tickers during Lent was a great success with just over £1000 being raised. This amazing amount was achieved through several different events and our thanks go to everyone who supported them and gave so generously. Events included, family Stations and Lent Lunch, Cake Sale, Raffle, Sponsored Walk, Rosary Group Lent Alms and a Family Recital and afternoon tea held by two of our children and their family.
The money raised has been sent to Tiny Tickers and will soon be spent on the purchase of at least one ward based Pulse Oximetry machine and possibly also a portable unit along with training of staff for use. These machines will be placed in our local Maternity ward and/or Midwifery Unit and will ensure babies born there in the future will be tested at birth for Congenital Heart Defects.
Last Tuesday 15 parishioners from both of our churches met to discuss how we could start the process of responding to everyone who made suggestions for the development of our Parish earlier this year. A useful discussion was held and people indicated which subjects they were interested in and ways in which our two communities could work together and learn from each other. Over the next few weeks you will be hearing about the different areas that we hopefully will try to improve.
Universe Catholic Weekly
The Universe Catholic Weekly is thrilled to announce that we have launched our new online newspaper with the full support of our first subscriber none other then His Eminence Cardinal Vincent Nichols. Order your digital 4 weeks FREE trial supply by calling Michelle on 0743 661 7650 or email: [email protected]
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day Wednesday 8 June at West Grinstead
A pilgrimage to the shrine at West Grinstead. If you would like to find out more please contact E: [email protected]
Wedding Anniversary Celebration
Anne & David would like to thank Fr Rory and all, for their kindness extended to us last week for our Wedding Anniversary.