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LINK for Online Masses & Recordings:
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We are coming to the end of our online study of the Sycamore series but will be starting a new process of studying and praying with scriptures very soon. If you are interested in joining our community and diving deeper into the bible whilst forming new friendships, contact E: [email protected]
Refugee Crisis Coffee Morning with Bishop Richard, Saturday 25 June at 11.30am.
Bishop Richard will be hosting an informal coffee morning to discuss our response to the refugee crisis, at St Gabriel’s Hall, Billingshurst, RH14 9QH. Everyone is very welcome, to reserve your free place please sign up here:
Over 800 million people go hungry each day. Yet the world produces over 4 billion tonnes of food, and we only need 3.7 billion tonnes to feed everyone. From all this food produced, a third is wasted. St John Paul II called this ‘the paradox of abundance.’ Clearly the current global food system is not working. But as Pope Francis said, “Each of us has a role to play in transforming food systems for the benefit of people and the planet.” Let’s respond to his call! CAFOD’s new campaign is called Fix the Food System. See for more information, including an invitation for parish groups to learn about the impact of our food with our Fix the Food System: a 7-station journey resource.
Jean appreciates all the prayers, cards and mass cards along with all the good wishes as she contends with the chemotherapy etc and sends her heartfelt thanks to all parishioners and friends. God Bless you all.
Jubilee Celebration at St. George’s after 9am Mass on Sunday 5 June 2022
As we are having Teas, Coffee, Cakes, Scones, Croissants and other goodies at our Jubilee Celebration, after Mass, it would be great if any bakers out there would like to make a small cake/scones/fairy cakes, already plated up or sliced in portions, and bring it to the hall before Mass, so that we can have a smashing selection and celebrate the occasion with Father Rory, fellow parishioners, families and friends! If you need any more details, feel free to contact Anne Bowe on 07808175455 or [email protected] or just arrive and enjoy yourselves! Thank you!
We have received several applications from Pilgrims who will require assistance to join this year’s Lourdes Pilgrimage, but at this point we are short of Helpers. After two ‘grace years’ dictated by the pandemic we are conscious of people’s wellbeing, and we are having to look for more helpers than usual who are fit and well to support others. Subsidies are available for helpers to go towards them meeting the costs of the pilgrimage. As we currently stand, we will have to turn down some pilgrims who require assistance, if we do not get a significant number of fit helpers applying in the next few weeks, so please do apply if you can spare the time to help those in need. The Pilgrimage Office is happy to answer any questions anyone has prior to applying 01403 740110, [email protected] Helpers Apply now
Would it help to have someone to talk to? Our Deanery has a team of trained Catholic Bereavement Supporters available to listen and support people experiencing bereavement and loss. Please contact your Parish Priest if you would like to speak to one of our team.
To find out more about Bereavement Support please contact our Marriage and Family Life Project Officer: E: [email protected] T: 01293 651155
Requiem Mass for the late Clodagh Coleman who sadly passed away on the 29th April, will be held on Wednesday 25th May at St Wilfrid’s Church at 11am. We ask you to respect Clodagh’s wishes not to wear black at her funeral.
Do you like computers? Do you know how to update a website? The Parish could do with a bit of help and would be delighted if some clever people would offer their help on internet things. Please give your name to Fr Rory or send him an email. Thank you.