Last year the British Medical Association voted to become neutral on assisted suicide, in June there is an opportunity to revert this stance back to opposition. Please show your support for better palliative care and life until its natural end by signing the Our Duty of Care Declaration. More information can be found at:
Category: Saint George’s latest news
A Day at the Seaside for Young Adults
A Day at the Seaside for Young Adults (18-35) (rescheduled) Saturday 20 August at Our Lady Star of the Sea, East Preston at 11am:
A day at the seaside with Fr Stephen Ortiger! Fr Stephen, a Benedictine monk who is currently working in Parish Ministry is looking forward to celebrating Mass and then spending the day with the young adults of our Diocese. After Mass we will walk along the sea front to a beach side cafe where we will share lunch together. Contact E: [email protected] for more information.
To find out about events hosted by the Diocese please visit our website events calendar W:
Deacon John Writes
I recently read the story in the film Amazing Grace which came out in 2006. It was the story of William Wilberforce, who is credited with being primarily responsible for the 23 February 1807 vote in England to abolish the slave trade. The vote was 283-16. But that vote doesn’t tell the story. Wilberforce spent 20 years pushing abolition. Few people in history were as stubborn as Wilberforce, and few people in history were as criticised as Wilberforce. In the 1790s he was slandered in the press, physically assaulted, subjected to numerous death threats and once challenged to a duel. During certain periods he had to travel with a bodyguard. His spirit was almost broken many times. He suffered a nervous breakdown. But in spite of all the dirt thrown at Wilberforce, he kept stomping and moving. He handled criticism, not by turning back and engaging his critics, but by kicking down the dirt and moving on toward his goal. He set his face toward the abolition of slavery, and he didn’t look back. Wilberforce feared God more than he feared his critics. It kept him committed to his goal of banishing slavery and liberating slaves in England. — In last Sunday’s Gospel Jesus wants such commitment from his disciples – US.
Open Parish Meeting 3rd July
Everyone is invited to this meeting in St George’s Hall after the 9.00 Mass on Sunday 3 July. We will be discussing the suggestions for the development of the parish which were made by parishioners during the listening process leading to the SYNOD in 2023.
Parish Meeting at St Wilfrid’s
Our next meeting will be held on Sunday 10th July after Mass in St Wilfrid’s Church Hall. All welcome.
Empowering Vulnerable Children (EVC) Uganda
We were overwhelmed by the reception we were given in St George’s and St Wilfrid’s Churches. Special thanks go to Fr Rory and all the parishioners for the very warm welcome. The amount raised to date is £647.48 with Gift Aid. We are also grateful for the interest shown in child sponsorships. The money will go directly towards our projects in Uganda and will make a real difference to the education and lives of the children. Be assured of the children’s prayers. God bless. Phil and Gordon on behalf of EVC Uganda.
Deacon John Writes
3 thoughts for the week
The Pharisees are in for a bit of stick in all three thoughts!
1. Almsgiving. We give alms to others in order to bring glory to God. We should naturally and generously help the poor as an expression of our sharing love and in thanksgiving for the blessings we ourselves have received from God. The Pharisees showed us how not to do it. Namely not to show our generosity to others in order to get popularity.
2) Fasting becomes pleasing to God when we do it: a) to experience what the real hunger of the poor is, b) to help the poor by giving the price of what we do not eat to feed them, c) to discipline ourselves in eating and d) to appreciate better God’s blessings of good health, and generous provision of food. Fasting solely for show, as the Pharisees did, is wrong and sinful.
3) Prayer: Prayer is opening our connection to God by talking to Him and listening to Him, convinced of His holy presence within us and around us. a) By prayer we acknowledge our dependence on God, drawing from Him our daily spiritual strength, and recharge our
spiritual batteries from God’s power. Long, noisy, repetitious prayer performed in public solely for show as the Pharisees did, is not prayer at all.
On a lighter note to end: There was to be a Baptismal party for the new baby of a soldier and his wife at their home on an Army base. Before the ceremony the chaplain took the new father aside. “Are you prepared for this solemn event?” he asked. “I guess so,” replied the soldier. “I’ve got two hams, pickles, bread, cake, cookies……” “No, no!” interrupted the chaplain. “I mean spiritually prepared!” “Well, I don’t know,” said the soldier thoughtfully. “Do you think two cases of whiskey are enough?”
St Wilfrid’s Centenary Celebration
We are hoping to form a choir to support the congregation at the 11am Mass on the 13th August. We shall be singing hymns and parts of the New Celtic Mass. There will be two evening rehearsals on August 3rd and 10th to prepare for this. You do not have to be able to read music, just love to sing. Please contact Pat Gaglione or David Hoad at St Wilfrid’s and Shirley at St George’s for more information and any queries you may have. We welcome your support.
Dawn Mass
Dawn Mass, Friday 24th June, Seaford Head Car Park 4.50am: To Offer Mass for an End of War and a New Dawn of Salvation for the Church and World.
Feast of the Birth of John the Baptist, The Dawn of Salvation. Followed by shared breakfast (Please bring something to share).
Counters for St George’s
If there are any parishioners at St. George’s, who would like to help with the counting on Sunday Morning after Mass, at St. George’s, would they please contact Anne Bowe on 07808175455 or [email protected]. This will be done in pairs, as before, with the collections put into the St. George’s Account, the next day. Thank you.