Deacon John Writes

Last week I came across this  story which illustrates the theme of Sunday’s Gospel – forgiveness. John R. Aurelio, in his book Colours: Stories of the Kingdom, gives us a beautiful portrayal of this side of God. He writes: On the sixth day, God created Father Adam and Mother Eve. On the seventh day, as God was resting, they asked Him if He would give them something special to commemorate their birthday. So, God reached into His treasure chest and took out a sacred coin. Written on it was the word “LOVE.” On the eighth day, Father Adam and Mother Eve sinned. As they left the Garden of Eden, they asked God for an assurance that He would not abandon them. “You have the coin,” He told them. “But, the coin says LOVE,” they answered. “We have lost love. However will we find it again?” “Turn it over,” God said. On the other side of the coin was written the word “FORGIVENESS.” — There is great truth in that. There is no love without forgiveness and there is no forgiveness without love. They are the two sides of the same coin. The Good News is that God loves you no matter what you’ve done or what you’ve thought of doing. God loves you. That’s the bottom line: God loves you. And God wants each of us to turn over the coin.

Fr Rory Writes

Unless a grain of wheat falls on the ground and dies it remains a single grain”. But when the most special grain of all fell  upon the ground, so this Sunday with all our hopes coming alive again we join once more with the crowd, when on that most special of occasions of all when Jesus entered into Jerusalem triumphant, but humble riding on a donkey. The plot was set for the most important occasion of all. It commences the process that will end with his crucifixion and death, giving rise to an early awareness beginning to grow among his closest disciples that this was far from the end of the story.

As we take part this week in these sacred events, it is with a great desire to do our best, but above all that we too will become parts of the fruit that will last, and that we will bring life to our Parish and all our communities.



Today, Tomorrow, Together

Mission Today – Spring 2022

For years we have highlighted the importance of the Red Mission Boxes as a great way of supporting the church in the developing world.  It did a lot of very good work all the way back to the “Penny Prod Box” when I was a child.   For years Doris Jung has done a great job for our parish collecting the boxes and counting the money a couple of times a year.  Obviously this has been drastically effected by the virus, but she has kept it going.  Now the change in money habits – people using credit cards, much less coins in their pockets, as they introduce in their Mission Today “Lets think outside the Box!” with suggestions how you can donate.

Send a cheque: Make it payable to Missio-Mill Hill and post it to Red Box, 23 Eccleston Square, London, SW1V 1NU.

Give online:  Go to

Give via text:  Text REDBOX 5 (to donate £5) or REDBOX 10 (to donate £10) to 70085.  This costs £5 or £10 plus your standard  rate message.

Give via phone:  Call us on 020 7821 9755 during office hours to donate with your credit or debit card.

Bank Transfer:  Account Name: Missio, Sort Code 16-00-16, Account Number: 10824230, Reference: RB + your postcode.

Doris Jung has suggested that in the light of this we will end up using our boxes this harvest time.  So we can make an extra effort to fill, to count and to return all our boxes at harvest time at the end of the year.  Thank you.