Fr Rory Writes

We have celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. 

Now let us continue to prepare for the celebration Mass here in Hailsham for our Centenary of celebrating.

God is love, let us love one another. 

So often we can see the faults and failures of religion.  The war in the Ukraine exposes the dreadful position of the Orthodox Church in Russia.  The paedophile scandal exposes all religious bodies.  When I was younger I had a special attachment to Taizé and the focolare, with them and a lot of bodies in the Evangelical churches, all have had their difficulties.  In the end it is the reality of life.  There is a Kingdom of darkness of evil, and so there is a constant battle and without the light of Christ, and his constant source of grace, life would be a very dark place indeed.

With the celebration of the first mass on August 12th 1922, a source of Devine grace was established.  Now in different circumstances we have the responsibility of ensuring that it continues, and that we as the catholic community will play their full part in continuing to be faithful.

I would emphasis the word faithful.  The opportunity of the Synod has provided an appropriate platform on which to build a structure to continue to develop and grow our parish community.  The liturgy of the church presents us with this instrument to grow, develop, and nourish our lives as faithful Christians.  We are beginning to see a way forward, and part of our responsibility as we prepare for the visit of our Bishop Richard, is to outline plans and a strategy for our future.  The age profile of our priests gives emphasis to this.

Fr Rory Writes

“Come Holy Spirit and fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love”.

How often and how constantly we make this prayer.  As we return once again to the great Feast of Pentecost, it is a time to refocus.  The Synod invites us to make a fresh start, guided by the ministry and life of Jesus.  “By their fruits you shall know them, good trees bear good fruit”.

From time to time I have heard stories of priests making predictions years ago, that the number of priests would decline.  By the beginning of the new millennium there would be many less priests.  I would have to say I could see all the signs that this would take place.  When I first entered the seminary, over fifty years ago, this was a time of great inspiration.  The Second Vatican Council had just taken place.  Pope John XXIII made the statement “that it is time for the church to open its windows, and let in the light”.

Pope Francis frequently returns to this.  I began writing this before this evenings very important meeting that will please God, prepare our way for a journey together with good purpose.  The opening prayers had been prepared laying the foundations in place.

Thanks be to God for our meeting and for all who attended.  There was a lot for our attention, and one contribution was an outline of what had been proposed by Our Lady of Ransom.  I look forward to the presentation of the minutes from our meeting.  The opening prayer was an indication that we can grow and develop our life of prayer and service.  There was a lot of material presented and questions raised during this meeting; a sign that we are a work in progress.

The centre and the heart of our lives is Sunday Mass.  This provides the central structure and nourishment for our faith.  The preparation and the presentation of the liturgy will be crucial to our development or not.  Having just to turn up to Mass, will continue to bring about our decline.  There is no quick fix solution, but working together has the potential to be effective, creative and inspiring

Just a moment to focus our attention to the essential ingredients:

a) Gossip from our parish, with all its potential for good news,

b) Prayer, nourishment, caring for the needs of our parishioners, growth in faith and renewal of life.

The paradox of abundance

Over 800 million people go hungry each day. Yet the world produces over 4 billion tonnes of food, and we only need 3.7 billion tonnes to feed everyone. From all this food produced, a third is wasted. St John Paul II called this ‘the paradox of abundance.’ Clearly the current global food system is not working. But as Pope Francis said, “Each of us has a role to play in transforming food systems for the benefit of people and the planet.” Let’s respond to his call! CAFOD’s new campaign is called Fix the Food System. See for more information, including an invitation for parish groups to learn about the impact of our food with our Fix the Food System: a 7-station journey resource.

Thank You

Jean appreciates all the prayers, cards and mass cards along with all the good wishes as she contends with the chemotherapy etc and sends her heartfelt thanks to all parishioners and friends. God Bless you all.

Jubilee Celebration at St George’s

Jubilee Celebration at St. George’s after 9am Mass on Sunday 5 June 2022

As we are having Teas, Coffee, Cakes, Scones, Croissants and other goodies at our Jubilee Celebration,  after Mass, it would be great if any bakers out there would like to make a small cake/scones/fairy cakes, already plated up or sliced in portions, and bring it to the hall before Mass, so that we can have a smashing selection and celebrate the occasion with Father Rory, fellow parishioners, families and friends!  If you need any more details, feel free to contact Anne Bowe on 07808175455 or [email protected]  or just arrive and enjoy yourselves!  Thank you!

Fr Rory Writes

“Go out to the whole world Mk16:5”

                      “Proclaim the good news to all creation”.               

This is the final parting message from Jesus to his disciples for all ages, as He ascended into heaven.  But while on earth living like one of us He revealed the reality of what it means and what it entails, “no bed of roses”.

When I left my family home in order to do this; it had become enshrined in the expression “no cross, no crown”.  This is a great constant in all our lives and of my family.  The years of preparation had embedded this in my life.  His final instructions compelled His Apostles and His Mother Mary to return to Jerusalem.   They prepared to watch and pray because they were faithful, the Holy Spirit came down upon them and this is the great legacy of Pentecost.  It is important for us each year that after the Feast of the Ascension, we likewise “watch and pray” in preparation for the Holy Spirit being poured out upon us.  We may be more open and prepared for the Holy Spirit to be more active and at work in our lives.

This year gives us the opportunity to work together, to build up and renew our parish communities.  The Synod, and now our parish response is truly important.  As we receive reports from other parishes and churches, the continuing scandals in the churches, we must really raise up our hearts and minds to be refreshed and refocused.  It is only through the power of the Holy Spirit at work in us, that we can change and respond by really working together.  A start has been made, and one sign of the fruits that it can bear, was the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation with Bishop Richard, on Sunday at Our Lady of Ransom Church.  Our 10 candidates and their sponsors, Mary, Sandra and all those who helped, left us with an inspiring moment, and a very happy occasion to celebrate and remember.

Please God, may your Holy Spirit be at work in us, and let us all say Amen to this.

Lourdes Pilgrimage helpers required!

We have received several applications from Pilgrims who will require assistance to join this year’s Lourdes Pilgrimage, but at this point we are short of Helpers. After two ‘grace years’ dictated by the pandemic we are conscious of people’s wellbeing, and we are having to look for more helpers than usual who are fit and well to support others. Subsidies are available for helpers to go towards them meeting the costs of the pilgrimage. As we currently stand, we will have to turn down some pilgrims who require assistance, if we do not get a significant number of fit helpers applying in the next few weeks, so please do apply if you can spare the time to help those in need. The Pilgrimage Office is happy to answer any questions anyone has prior to applying 01403 740110, [email protected] Helpers Apply now