St George’s Monthly Charity Breakfast

This month we will hold our newly introduced last Sunday charity breakfast on 30th October after mass. It is open to all parishioners and their friends/family/neighbours. Those joining don’t have to have been at mass it’s open to all from 10am.  This month the    nominated charity is Royal British Legion and we will be     cooking up Sausage and Bacon Baps and lighter snacks for those less hungry.  (Helpers needed please volunteer if you can for this or a future breakfast). 

First Communion Preparation

Parents are invited to enrol their children in our First Holy Communion Programme for 2022/3. Application forms to join the programme are available at the back of the church and on the Parish Website. There will be an            introductory meeting for parents and children on October 21st at 6.30pm in St Wilfrid’s Church Hall, with a view to starting lessons in November.  Please ensure you attend if your child will be wanting to take part in this programme.  Please contact Annette  07839571916, [email protected] or Teresa 07951082592, [email protected] for more information.

Parish Youth Group

last Sunday was a great success with over 25 of our 11 – 19 year olds parishioners and friends already part of the group.  We will be arranging our first activity/adventure in the next few weeks.  Any of you unable to attend the launch but still wishing to join us are welcome.  If you provide your contact details to     Sandra on [email protected] or 07791 627368, we can ensure you are included in our   communications directly for the future. 

Margaret Piegrome

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of a longterm parishioner of St George’s, Margaret Piegrome, after a short illness. Margaret and Charles moved to Newick to be near their daughter and her family almost a year ago. Margaret was a very active member of St George’s Parish team and was also on the Finance Committee. We send our sincere condolences to Charles and her family at this very sad time.    The funeral Mass will take place at St George’s. May she rest in peace.

Holy Rosary

October is traditionally dedicated as the month of the Holy Rosary. Even if you don’t regularly use this form of prayer you might like to say at least a decade each day in October for peace in Ukraine or any other particular intention you might have. This is a good opportunity for us to deepen our devotion to Our Lord and Our Lady using this ancient prayer of the Church.

World Mission Sunday

Next Sunday is World Mission Sunday, when the Holy Father invites all     Catholics to contribute to a special collection for Missio, his charity for world mission.  Please support Missio in     helping missionaries to work alongside communities throughout the world that are poor or in need, regardless of their background or belief.  Join in on this special day, that unites Catholics all over the world in prayer and celebration of our Church’s mission to share God’s love with all people.  Please call 020 7821 9755 (office hours) or visit Missio’s website to give a single gift, set up a Direct Debit and Gift Aid your donation if possible:

Parish Harvest Festivities at St Wilfrid’s & St George’s

Following the Harvest table sale/breakfast and recent collections we have sent off £485 to CAFOD. Many thanks to everyone who contributed to making this appeal such a success.  The produce window displays have now been delivered to Hailsham Foodbank and they are really grateful for your generous contributions.  Donations from St George’s are sent weekly to Eastbourne Foodbank & St Wilfrid’s to Hailsham Foodbank, both collected at the back of the church.