Parish Christmas Carol Service

This will take place on Sunday 11th December at 3pm, in St Wilfrid’s Church followed by mulled wine/tea & coffee/mince pies and tombola in our hall.  Any prizes for the tombola for men/women/children, bottles of wine/spirits! Or  variety of gifts may be left in the church porch to be collected after Masses.  Thank you.


The True Spirit of Christmas Giving, World Gifts this Christmas:  As usual we are collecting for gifts for the poor and needy throughout the world.  There is a collecting box in the church porch and hall.  Many new ideas for helping “those in need” have been introduced this year.   Depending on “how much we collect” as to what gifts we can order, please give to this worthy cause.

Parish over 50’s Club

Our next afternoon tea will be Thurs 24th Nov at 2pm.  “Pre Christmas Party”, £5 each please.  Our Dec date is Thurs 29th Dec at 2pm, “Pre New Year’s Party” also £5 please to cover the cost.  Thank you.  Please do come along and join us.  Christmas Jumpers can be worn!

After a very successful outing to Headcorn last week, we are taking a small bus to Staverton Nursery, Halland leaving St Wilfrid’s Church at 10am, return at 3pm.  This is a good     garden centre with a lovely café.  Proposed dates: Mon 5th or 12th, Tue 6th or 13th or Thurs 15th.  If interested in joining us please Tel: Joan 07873 390944 and state your preferred date, if coming from St Georges you can be picked up opposite the church.

November’s Parish Charity Breakfast

at St George’s Hall will be from 10am on Sunday 27th November. Those joining will enjoy delicious hot breakfast baps of sausages and/or bacon or a selection of pastries.  Last month we raised £77 for The Royal British     Legion’s Poppy Appeal, this month our charity     fundraising will be for Children With Cancer – cash donations can be made at the breakfast. Everyone is welcome so invite, family and friends if you wish. They are welcome to join us from 10am if not attending mass.