Do you own a Rosary? We all know how important it is to us Catholics to say the rosary or even one decade now and then, especially for a certain intention. Our Blessed Lady appeared to several people and employed them to say the “Rosary”. Fr Rory joins us before Masses on Wed & Fri at St Wilfrid’s to say the rosary with us, it doesn’t take long! So if you would like to join us we would be happy to see you. If you have any spare rosaries, there is a box marked “Spare Rosaries” on the table in the church porch. If you would like one, please help yourself. Thank you.
Category: Saint George’s latest news
St Wilfrid’s Sun 29th January
Don’t forget we are having a “Grand Raffle” to be drawn after Mass in the hall on the 29th. Tickets are available in our hall after Masses or tel: 07873390944, please don’t leave it to the last minute. Tickets are £1 per strip, pink for ladies and blue for men. There is a box in the church porch for your donations please. The money will go towards future activities in our hall which will benefit us all.
Southerden Books in the Link
Southerden Books in the Link in the Market Square, are presently holding a sale to clear their old stock of Christian books at half price together with Christmas Cards and other Christmas stock at substantially discounted prices.
St Wilfrid’s Grand Table Sale
Coming up, Sat 11th March, 10am-3pm in our hall, A Grand Table Top Sale & Dress Rail. Now is the chance to clear out any unwanted items. Please be generous and pop your donations in the box in the porch labelled “Gifts for table sale”. Thank you and don’t forget to browse/buy on the day.
Evenings of Reflection for Confirmation Candidates/Youth Groups
St Martha’s, Bexhill on Sea on Friday 3rd Feb from 7pm to 9pm. You can book your places here Evenings of Reflection (03-Feb-2023) · ChurchSuite Events
St Wilfrid’s Raffle 29th January
In our hall after Mass we will have 2 tables full of prizes for a raffle, men, women and children are catered for, so do please come along and join in the fun. Also, tea/coffee/biscuits and cakes.
A box is in the church porch for your unwanted gifts etc. please. The money will go towards future activities in our hall which will benefit us all. It would save time on the day if you would buy your tickets beforehand i.e. after Sunday & Wednesday Mass please in the hall. Tickets are £1 per strip, pink for ladies and blue for men, or contact Joan on 07873390944. Thank you.
Parish Over 50’s Club
Parish Over 50’s Club: Next Afternoon Tea is Thurs 26th Jan at 2pm till 4pm. As “Burns Night” falls on the day before, we are going to make the theme “Scottish”, so party time again! This time you may wear anything Tartan if you wish, men don’t forget your sporran! Price is £5 each please. All welcome.
St George’s Charity of the Month is St Wilfrid’s Hospice
we will give 50% of our table sale proceeds to this charity (50% goes to support our Parish Youth activities).
Also, our last Sunday Breakfast on 29th January 10am is in aid of St Wilfrid’s Hospice. Please make time to attend and invite friends and family to join us at breakfast even if not attending mass that morning. We will serve sausage and bacon baps and a selection of lighter pastries – Spread the word!
St George’s Table Sales
New and nearly new items suitable for sale are needed, please leave at back of church or under the table in the hall. Especially popular are Jigsaws, books (fiction & non fiction) toiletries and small gifts. Money raised in our table sale will be split between our charity of the month and Parish social events/youth activities.
Members of Over 50’s Club
Last Sunday afternoon members of our over 50’s club attended the performance of “Andre Rieu in Dublin” at our local cinema. We enjoyed ourselves so much we suggested we get together for another film. If you are interested please contact Joan on 07873390944. We also went into Wetherspoons for a light lunch together before the performance. Tables were booked and reserved for us. Its only just across the road to the cinema, so not much walking!