St George’s Charity of the Month

St George’s Charity of the Month is Handicapped Children’s Pilgrimage Trust we will give 50% of our table sale proceeds to this charity (50% goes to support our Parish Youth activities).

Also, our last Sunday Breakfast on 26th February 10am is in aid of Handicapped Children’s Pilgrimage Trust.  Please make time to attend and invite friends and family to join us at breakfast even if not attending mass that morning.  We will serve sausage and bacon baps and a selection of lighter pastries.

Over 50’s Club

Our next afternoon tea will be Thurs 23rd Feb at 2pm.  The theme is “Chinese New Year – year of the Rabbit”.   Our party table, raffle and prizes table will all have a Chinese theme.  If you missed our last party “Scottish Theme”, do try to come to this one.  We can assure you of a fun and laughter afternoon.  As soon as the weather improves, probably March, we will be going on our little outings on the Cuckmere Bus.  Check the newsletter for dates, times and cost.

Grand January Raffle

will be drawn this Sunday 29th January after Mass in our hall.  It will not be a ‘long drawn out affair’ as some raffles can be! But a quick efficient operation under our new arrangements!!

Do come and join us, there will be plenty of biscuits & cakes.  If your number comes up you choose what you like from the table, laden with prizes.  Good luck and hope to see you in the hall on Sunday.  The   money taken will be put towards future events in our parish, so we will all benefit.

St George’s Church

St George’s Church needs someone, either male or female to clean up the candle sticks each week, time to suit you.  Please ring Cathy on 487688.

St George’s Church also needs a lady/man who would like to join our flower arranger team.  Friday or Saturday morning, training will be given.

PS. My husband is a natural flower arranger.  Please contact Cathy on 487688.  Thank you.

Racial Justice Sunday 2023

Racial Justice Sunday 2023 – 5th February

Our theme “All are included in the mission of Christ and His Church. Let us walk together, pray together and work together” reflects on the role each of us must play in promoting the mission of Christ and His Church. This was inspired by conversations around last year’s Racial Justice Sunday and Pope Francis’ visit to Canada last year when he spoke about looking towards a future of ‘Justice, healing and reconciliation’.

To mark the day, three video reflections have been produced, highlighting the three sections; Walking together;  Praying together; and Working together.   This years’ resources can be found on the Bishops’ Conference website at: