New Parish Secretary Post

the Parish of OLR, St Agnes/St Gregory (Eastbourne)  is seeking to employ a new Parish Secretary to begin in post on 24th April. This role will be 16 hrs per week (£12ph), Monday-Thursday (9.30 am -1.30 pm). The role will be to provide an efficient secretarial service and personal assistance to the Parish Priest and clergy and good communication and administration within the parish. If you would like further details or wish to apply for this role please contact Fr Kevin by email: [email protected] . The closing date for applications is 9 am on Friday 31st March

Easter 2023

Whilst the children will be searching for eggs in their “Easter Egg Hunt” we grown ups will be having an “Easter Raffle” over tea and cake.  A good time to meet with other  people in our parish.  If you would like to contribute to our raffle, please put suitable gifts in basket in the church porch or money in the pot provided.  Thank you in advance.

Pope’s Prayer Intention for March

Pope’s prayer intention for March 2023 is for victims of abuse.

”We pray for those who have suffered harm from members of the church. May they find within the church herself a concrete response to their pain and suffering.”

“Safe Spaces” is part of our diocesan response.

Safe Spaces is a free, national support service run by First Light.  It provides a confidential, personal and safe space for anyone who has been abused through their relationship with the Catholic Church of England and Wales.

To contact Safe Spaces: tel. 0300 303 1056. / via website:


Throughout Lent we are raising money for our local branch of HCPT (Hosanna House Children’s Pilgrimage Trust) who offer  pilgrimage holidays, to Lourdes, for disabled and disadvantaged children. Have you shared your   packet of Smarties with your family yet? Don’t forget to use the empty tube to collect your change for this very worthwhile charity. Please return your filled tube to church by Easter Sunday. In addition, we have a display of your generosity at St Wilfrid’s church. Please add your pound coins to the cross in the church window. In exchange for your coins, please collect one of the paper flowers and add it to the cross in the church porch. We hope to have the cross blooming in time for Easter Sunday. 

St George’s Hall

St George’s Hall now has Yoga classes for beginners and       intermediate on a Tuesday morning at 10.00 am for one hour. All taken at your own pace. Price per session is £9 and payment can be made by cash or card. Mats provided or bring your own. Wear loose, comfortable clothing – not jeans.

Do you have a Charity suggestion?

Do you have a Charity suggestion that you would like us to support  at one of our future breakfasts? Ideally local or     Catholic.  Can you Help occasionally – we are very much in need of extra team members so we can set up a rota as this event needs at least four people helping monthly and we are not always all available.  Speak to Sandra after mass or email [email protected]

World Youth Day

Are you aged 18-35? If you are, we invite you to join the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lisbon to meet with the Holy Father. 31st July -7th August 2023. Join millions of other young people from all over the world to celebrate our faith and make life-long friendships. The week will include a trip to     Fatima as well as all the amazing festival activities, not to   mention Mass with Pope Francis. To find out more please    contact E: [email protected]

CAFOD in Eastbourne & St Leonards Deanery

CAFOD in Eastbourne and St Leonards Deanery invite you to a Workshop on Catholic Social Teaching on Sat 1st April,  11 am to 1 pm, in Concordia Hall, Church Road, St. Leonards-on-Sea, TN37 6HB. Come and explore with us the history and practice of Catholic Social Teaching which informs and underpins the work of CAFOD.   Hot Cross Buns, coffee and tea provided. This is not an “April Fool” but an opportunity not to be missed!”.