New Date for Diary

Feast of St George, Patron Saint of England.  Fish & Chip Supper plus all the usual fun.  St Wilfrid’s Hall, Saturday 22nd April, 6-9pm.  We will have to charge £8 pp due to the price of fish & chips going up, like all food.  When paying please state your preference on the lists provided by Jean,      vegetarians catered for.  Tickets available from next week, keep your tickets for a ‘lucky number’ prize on the night.  If you would like to help us please contact either Annette, Teresa, Gerry, Jean or Joan.  Thank you.

Parish Over 50’s Club

Our next afternoon tea will be Thursday 27th April, 2pm.  The theme for this will be Red for St George.  All the usual fun for £5

Another date to think about “The Bluebell Walk”.  Suggested date Mon 24th April, charity for that day is “Demelza Hospice Care for Children”.  Travelling by Cuckmere Bus, 10am departing from St Wilfrid’s car park, return around 3pm.  Cost TBC.  If interested please contact Joan 07873390944.  Thank you.

Easter 2023

Whilst the children will be searching for eggs in their “Easter Egg Hunt” we grown ups will be having an “Easter Raffle” over tea and cake.  A good time to meet with other  people in our parish.  Last week for your contributions to our Easter Egg Raffle in the hall after mass, of either Easter Eggs or money in pot please.  Do support us and come in the hall after mass where the raffle will be drawn.  Good luck!

Lenten Charity Update

If you haven’t contributed to our HCPT fundraising this is the last week to donate to this most worthwhile cause.  It is lovely to see the porch cross beginning to bloom in St Wilfrid’s. Please continue to add your pound coins to the cross in the church window in exchange for the flowers. Don’t forget to return your filled Smarties tubes to church before Easter Sunday. Coins or notes are most welcome.

New Date for Diary

Feast of St George, Patron Saint of England.  Fish & Chip Supper plus all the usual fun.  St Wilfrid’s Hall, Saturday 22nd April, 6-9pm.  We will have to charge £8 pp due to the price of fish & chips going up, like all food.  Tickets available from next week, keep your tickets for a ‘lucky number’ prize on the night.

We had a jolly good evening on St Patrick’s night and a lot of people asked when the next one would be.  Well we have the answer! So lets make it as good as ever.  Talking of St Patrick’s night it was not meant to be a ‘fund raising event’, but a good ‘social get together’, hence the entry fee of just £5 which covered the cost of food.  We made money on the raffle and roll a £1 coin to win a bottle of Irish    Whisky.  So we were able to pay £80 in to the parish funds.  We had a very good team of helpers on the night which made such a difference.  If you would like to help us at St George’s Party please contact either Annette, Teresa, Gerry, Jean or Joan.  Thank you.

Having a Spring Clear Out?

Having a Spring Clear Out?  Don’t forget any new or nearly new items suitable for the St George’s Table Sale are most welcomed, please just leave at the back of church, under the table in the hall or display them ready for sale!  50% of the  proceeds go to the charity of the month and 50% to parish and youth activities.  

St George’s Church

After Easter, at St George’s, we are going to start introducing a new sung Mass called Mass of the Son.  It was written by a priest who used to be based at OLR.  It is very congregation friendly and easily picked up. We will start to learn it on the first weekend after Easter that Marylou is with us.  I hope you like it.  If you have any favourite hymns or ones that mean something special to you or your family, let me know and if I can I will include it in our Sunday music liturgy.  Shirley 

Parish Over 50’s Club

Parish Over 50’s Club:  Thurs 30th March over 50’s afternoon tea will have a St Patrick’s Theme, do wear something green if you can.  All the usual fun and games.  All for just £5.

Our Grand Table Sale last Saturday.  The total raised was £512, far beyond our expectations.  Thank you everyone who contributed in anyway, we had many helpers both on Fri afternoon setting up and Sat    selling the mound of goods for sale, then packing up goods left to go to various charity shops.  Well done everyone, a big thank you to you all.  The money raised will go towards music and sound equipment much needed in the church and hall.