Fr Rory Writes

To repeat a little bit from what I said last year, with emphasis on the season of Advent.  The seed has been sown and a focus given to that most special moment of baptism when the new baptism candle is entrusted to the parents and godparents with the words “this light has been entrusted to you to be kept burning brightly, this child of yours will be enlightened by Christ as he grows in faith on his journey of life”.

This seed has been sown for us, and as we sincerely strive to grow as a community of faith, it has been refreshed by the work that is being done as we try to be involved in the synod process.  A greater awareness of ministry in different moments of service, welcomers, readers, ministries of the eucharist, ministry of prayer, and the great openings that are developing from our children’s liturgy.   The ministry of hospitality after mass allows various windows to begin to open.  A parish council can really develop as one of our services to the greater community than just being an instrument of authority.    So to all a Happy Christmas.

Last Hour Rescue Bid for the Link Coffee Shop in Hailsham

A last hour rescue bid is underway as Sussex Charity Computers for Charities launches a public appeal to safeguard the future for numerous adults with  learning difficulties, living in the Hailsham area. Time is running out, support is urgently needed today to protect all concerned. To that end donations can be made via Just Giving

Parish Carol Service

A little depleted due to the snowy   weather, but we managed to raise our voices to all the carols.  The children performed a very moving nativity (so many     shepherds chasing the Angels!), but the true meaning was    acted perfectly.  After in the beautifully decorated hall; mulled wine, minces pies, hot chocolate etc.  The tombola and guess the name of the Reindeer raised a grand total of £135, which is going towards our Parish Party on 30th December and           expenses incurred for the Children’s Liturgy.  Now comes the faux pas; we forgot to put non winning tickets in the drum, so not only the children had a prize every time, but the grown ups too!!  It was all taken in good faith and everyone had a good laugh, Joan will never live that one down. Christmas jumpers can be worn at our Parish Party.

St Wilfrid’s Penitential Service

St Wilfrid’s Penitential Service – Tue 13th Dec at 6.30pm:

Thank you Fr Barry for conducting our service, you made it a different kind of format which gave us time to reflect as well as helpful sheets of prayer etc., and your blessing to each individual completed a lovely service.  Unfortunately the bad weather kept many away, but it was broadcast on-line.  Some brave souls from St George’s made it and were very welcome.

St Wilfrid’s CAFOD

The True Spirit of Christmas Giving – World Gifts This Christmas:  

Thank you all who contributed, we collected £170.10.  The chosen gifts are as follows:-

Chirpy Chicks x 1 £20, Emergency Water x 4 £20, Emergency Food x 1 £50, Self Watering Gardens x 2 £40, Weatherproof Crops x 3 £36, Colouring Pencils x 1 £4, Total sent to CAFOD  £170.

Fr Rory Writes:

Last Sundays Carol Service

Just a very joyful occasion, most appropriate to Gaudete Sunday

Rejoice in the Lord indeed.  I am sure the weather had its effect in reducing the numbers, and by the end of the carol service the snow was falling very, very heavy.  A bit of a spectacle in itself.  In the hall the mulled wine, the very best of fayre and a tombola stall that consisted of  winners and winners.  Really great and a great lady (she won’t like me saying that), Joan, a real treasure.  Needless to say the children stole the show, there is something about carol singing to lift the spirits.  We can continue to build on this.  What a world it would be if there is no Saviour, no salvation.  The light of Christ shines through all our obstacles, and I say thanks be to God for that.