Deacon John Writes

Almost 8 months after Queen Elizabeth’s funeral King Charles III’s coronation will take place next Saturday. The ceremony will see His Majesty King Charles crowned alongside Queen Camilla. The coronation is the formal investiture of a monarch of their regal powers. It is an occasion for celebration where the crown is physically placed on the monarch’s head in front of thousands of guests and witnessed by countless others watching it on television all over the world. It will be a historic moment in the lives of all of us.

At its centre is a Christian service in which His Majesty will be anointed as King. It will be rooted in longstanding tradition and Christian symbolism. We offer our prayers for King Charles III and all the Royal Family for this important occasion. We hope that this might be a moment for the nation and many around the world to encounter the person of Jesus Christ, the servant King, and hear His call to each of us to serve others. The Coronation weekend presents a unique opportunity for all Churches to reach out, gather together with those we know, to pray together and establish new links and relationships. As we prepare for The King’s Coronation, may we seek to serve others, connect with our neighbours, and give thanks to God for the wonderful unity we find in the great diversity of our nation. 

The Bishops of England and Wales have asked us all as faithful citizens of our countries to pray for our King as he assumes the fullness of the high office of monarch and for the Queen. Please pray daily asking Almighty God to guide the King in his appointed tasks and for God’s continued blessing on our new King and Queen.  May He preserve  them both in health of mind and body and grant them every grace and blessing now and for the years to come.

St George’s Remembrance Garden

Last weekend a tidy up of our garden took place after the long winter. The roses have been pruned and the border mulched.  Around Our Lady’s statue the border was tidied and the gravel area weeded. Dying plants and flowers were removed. Can we respectfully request that if you leave a plant or flowers (no false flowers please), you water it and remove it once it has finished. This way the garden always looks well cared for. Thank you.

Parish Sponsored Walk

On June 11th we will be having a sponsored walk from St George`s Polegate to St Wilfrid`s Hailsham via the Cuckoo Trail with  refreshments after in St Wilfrid`s Hall.  Starting time is 3pm from St George`s car park.  This is an event that all ages can take part in, you can walk as an   individual or as a family. Forms are available in the Porch. If whoever is sponsoring you is a UK taxpayer they can gift aid their donation.   We will be raising funds for the Foodbank and Church funds split 50/50.  We will be needing stewards on the day to walk, also we will be asking for cakes and helpers in St Wilfrid`s Hall.  Please sign up if you can help.

Parish Over 50’s Club

Parish Over 50’s Club:  Next afternoon tea will be Thurs 27th April, 2-4pm, St W’s Hall.  The theme will be Red for St George.  All the usual fun for £5.

Mon 24th April (tomorrow), Bluebell Walk:  A few places available, see or ring Joan 07873390944.  We leave St Wilfrid’s Car Park at 10am, return 4pm £10.  Charity is “Demelza Hospice Care for Children”. 

Tue 9th May, Emmaus Centre in Portslade:  £15. We leave St Wilfrid’s Car Park 10am, pick up St George’s Car Park 10.30am, return 4pm.

Sat 24th June, Headcorn Aerodrome in Kent:  £20. We leave St Wilfrid’s Car Park 10am, return 4pm.  We will visit the Aerodrome, have tea/coffee in the village and a pub lunch.

For any of these outings please see or ring Joan on 07873390944.  Thank you.

A Big Thank You

A BIG THANK YOU to all our parishioners, friends and family who have supported our Lent Charity, the local branch of HCPT (Hosanna House and Children’s Pilgrimage Trust). So far we have raised over £550, achieved through a variety of fundraisers across both churches including; two last Sunday charity breakfasts, the family stations soup lunch and 50% of table sale takings in lent at St George’s; and the Children’s lent in a bag smartie tubes filled with coins and the Pound Cross at St Wilfrid’s.  We are still accepting donations to this charity if anyone wants to boost our total and the Pound Cross will     remain in situ for more to be added.  It costs around £850 for HCPT to provide a life-changing week-long pilgrimage holiday to Lourdes for disabled and disadvantaged young people.   If you want to find out more about HCPT visit the website

Parish Last Sunday Charity Breakfast

Parish Last Sunday Charity Breakfast, April 30th, St George’s Hall at 10am after mass, all funds raised will go to our local RNLI.  These breakfasts are proving very popular with parishioners and their friends and family.  Please encourage others to join us, they don’t have to be at mass to attend, everyone is welcome, spread the word.  Sausage and bacon baps and croissants and cake are all on offer along with a lovely cuppa and a good chat and laugh.

World Youth Day

Are you aged 18-35? If you are, we invite you to join the Diocesan Pilgrimage to   Lisbon to meet with the Holy Father. 31st July -7th August 2023. Join millions of other young people from all over the world to celebrate our faith and make life-long friendships. The week will include a trip to Fatima as well as all the amazing festival    activities, not to mention Mass with Pope Francis. For more info E:  [email protected]