Fr Rory Writes

“precious, truly precious”

The light of Christ has come into our world.  A great focus for us to grow in His light is:-

“God is love, God is life, God is nourishment”

Recently a challenge was offered; come and speak to children in our local schools.  We are in the process of responding, though I am hesitant.   With concerns over the relevance of the church, especially because of the war that is taking place in Europe at the moment.  Other ministries have been welcomed and it is part of our time of prayer each month, and highlights our divisions, so we are all in a work in progress.

Our future is a great challenge.  My core position is that the light of Christ has come into our dark world.   This was the great gift I received from my home and family.  I have struggled with how we have expressed this in the life of our  parishes, but thanks be to God, I am greatly helped by the work that is taking place here.  I was asked by a parishioner who was particularly impressed with Stephen’s input which was presented to us in our newsletter last week.  It is so, so important.  In fact it is brilliant.

Here is an extract from it, “The reports sent by Churches across the world give voice to the joys, hopes, sufferings and wounds of Christ’s disciples.  They express the desire for a Church that walks with Christ under the guidance of the Spirit, so to fulfil its mission of evangelization”.

St Wilfrid’s Raffle 29th January

In our hall after Mass we will have 2 tables full of prizes for a raffle, men, women and children are catered for, so do please come along and join in the fun.  Also, tea/coffee/biscuits and cakes.

A box is in the church porch for your unwanted gifts etc. please.  The money will go towards future      activities in our hall which will benefit us allIt would save time on the day if you would buy your tickets beforehand i.e. after Sunday & Wednesday Mass please in the hall.  Tickets are £1 per strip, pink for ladies and blue for men, or contact Joan on 07873390944.  Thank you.

Parish Over 50’s Club

Parish Over 50’s Club:  Next Afternoon Tea is  Thurs 26th Jan at 2pm till 4pm.  As “Burns Night” falls on the day before, we are going to make the theme “Scottish”, so party time again!  This time you may wear anything Tartan if you wish, men don’t forget your sporran!  Price is £5 each please.  All welcome.

St George’s Charity of the Month is St Wilfrid’s Hospice

we will give 50% of our table sale proceeds to this charity (50% goes to support our Parish Youth activities).

Also, our last Sunday Breakfast on 29th January 10am is in aid of St Wilfrid’s Hospice.  Please make time to attend and invite friends and family to join us at breakfast even if not attending mass that morning.  We will serve sausage and bacon baps and a selection of lighter pastries – Spread the word!

St George’s Table Sales

New and nearly new items suitable for sale are needed, please leave at back of church or under the table in the hall.  Especially popular are Jigsaws, books (fiction & non fiction) toiletries and small gifts. Money raised in our table sale will be split between our charity of the month and Parish social events/youth activities.

Members of Over 50’s Club

Last Sunday afternoon members of our over 50’s club attended the performance of “Andre Rieu in Dublin” at our local cinema.  We enjoyed ourselves so much we suggested we get together for another film.  If you are    interested please contact Joan on 07873390944.  We also went into Wetherspoons for a light lunch together before the performance.  Tables were booked and reserved for us.  Its only just across the road to the cinema, so not much walking!

Fr Rory Writes:

‘I Found’

The opening prayer for the first week in the new year was incredibly fit for purpose and worthy of all our attention.

                            “Attend to the pleas of your people with

                             heavenly care, O Lord, we pray,

                            that they may see what must be done

                            and gain strength to do what they have seen.

Through Our Lord Jesus Christ”.

Hearing about the situation of the church in France, now what is happening in Ireland, all the signs are that this will be our situation.  Reality is a shortage of priests and if we continue as we are, this is not going to change any time soon. I find it so so sad.  When we were in our seminary, we were so inspired (though this may not have been the same in every seminary) with the work of the Second Vatican Council, and what the Holy Spirit was saying to the church.  This is what I find so summed up in that opening prayer.

I am greatly impressed by the support that I am receiving here in our parish.  Our meeting on Tuesday evening was excellent and the work being done by the team was inspiring.  We will be hearing from them as they present their plans in conjunction with the work that is being done by the Synod.  This will be presented to our two communities in the weeks to come.