St Wilfrid’s Church

St Wilfrid’s Church will celebrate in the hall after Mass today for our “New King Charles & Queen Camilla”.  Money raised from our sales table in January has now run out, so we are asking for a    donation please towards the cost.  We are reliably informed that the donation pot for tea/coffee/biscuits has not kept up with the raising costs, therefore we are asking for a donation of at least £2 please towards the cost each week.  Thank you.

Thank you to our Parish Rosary Group

Thank you to our Parish Rosary group for donating £100 from lent alms (no cake for them during lent) this has been split   between our lent charity HCPT and the Parish Youth Group.  The Parish Rosary Group meets every Monday at 2pm in St George’s Hall (not bank holidays).  Everyone is welcome to join as a regular or occasional member to Pray the Rosary a most wonderful devotion together.  May is the Month of Our Lady so a good time to start.

Parish Sponsored Walk

Parish Sponsored Walk: June 11th Start time 3pm – collect your sponsorship form today from welcomers. 

All parishioners, their friends and families are invited to take part in the sponsored walk. We will start promptly at 3pm from St George`s Car Park Polegate and walk via the Cuckoo Trail to St Wilfrid`s Hailsham (approx 3miles).  At     St Wilfrid’s we will be greeted by those who couldn’t walk with delicious cakes and refreshments. Fundraising is to be split 50/50: Hailsham and Eastbourne Foodbank, who will need more than ever during school holiday time this year; and Parish Church funds, much needed at this time with rising costs and often lower collections. Joan is already organising a team of helpers for the refreshments (the ones who cannot walk so far) and rattling a sponsor pot for these good causes, please give generously. 

Volunteers for Stewarding are also needed please speak to Sandra at St Georges of Jean at St Wilfrid’s if you can help. This is an event that all ages can take part in, let’s make this a whole Parish effort, if you can’t walk join us at 4pm   onwards anyway.  

Parish St George’s Celebration

Parish St George’s Celebration “Patron Saint of  England”:  This was a great success, over 40 of us had our fish & chips and strawberries & cream, a truly English menu.  2 quizzes took place, Country Dancing under the instruction of Maria, Roll the Coin for a bottle of gin.  Then of course our famous raffle.  Our famous band of helpers were each given a plant in recognition of their hard work.  Keep your eye on the newsletter for future events.  If you have not yet enjoyed one of our celebrations, please do come and join us.  £100 was raised, split 50/50, Foodbank/St Wilfrid’s Funds.

Parish Over 50’s Club

Parish Over 50’s Club:  Next afternoon tea will be Thurs 25th May, 2-4pm, St W’s Hall.  £5

Bluebell Walk:  The bus was only half full due to  illness and medical appointments, but we still had a great day out.

Tue 9th May, Emmaus Centre in Portslade:  £15. We leave St Wilfrid’s Car Park 10am, pick up St George’s Car Park 10.30am, return 4pm.  When booking please give your choice of lunch menu.

Sat 24th June, Headcorn Aerodrome in Kent:  £20. We leave St Wilfrid’s Car Park 10am, return 4pm. 

See or ring Joan on 07873390944 for details and booking.  Thank you.

Parish Youth Group

to all our 13+ youth and their parents/carers who joined us last October to launch the group, please accept our apologies for not yet delivering on promises made for some fun activities.  Our focus was diverted to confirmation group instruction and general social support in the church.  We hope to plan a couple of good events soon. All 13+ youth can join this group text or email Sandra on 07791 627368 / [email protected].