Now Accepting Contactless Donations at St Wilfrid’s

You will find our new DIGITAL COLLECTION PLATE, contactless terminal in the church.

Just use your contactless debit/credit card or smart phone/ device to make a donation.

Simply choose the amount you wish to donate and hold your card onto the reader.

You can also opt-in for Gift Aid to increase your donation by 25%.

If you are a UK taxpayer then donating with Gift Aid means that we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 received.

Contactless donations are simple to administer, secure and convenient.

The Link Coffee Shop

It is with great sadness that Ron, Kay & Staff will be serving us for the last time this Easter Saturday morning.  They have given great opportunities for the young people with learning difficulties and such a shame this will come to an end.  We wish them both well in their retirement.

Parish Trip to Emmaus

Despite the weather we all agreed we had a great day out.  Our driver Nick looked after us all so well, lending a helping hand when needed.  Tables were reserved in the café and the staff were most patient with us all.  It was       decided to have another trip to Emmaus in the    summer when the weather is more settled.  Please God, the sun will shine and we can enjoy the ex-convents beautiful gardens.  Our next date will be Tue 9th May, usual time and of cost of £15.  Please contact Joan 07873390944 if you are interested

Parish Over 50’s Club

Our next afternoon tea will be Thursday 27th April, 2pm.  The theme for this will be Red for St George.  All the usual fun for £5

Parish Outing to The Bluebell Walk:  Mon 24th April, details and cost in next weeks newsletter.  Charity for that day is “Demelza Hospice Care for Children”.  Also in June we hope to go to Headcorn Aerodrome, this will be on a Saturday, as this is when interesting displays etc. are arranged.  More details to follow.


A quick reminder that all children attending the liturgy group without a responsible adult must have a parental consent form completed for the group and also a consent for safe use of images form.   These are available from myself, Annette, Teresa or Angie.  All under fives must be accompanied by a responsible adult. 

We really love having so many children taking part in our groups but want to ensure they have a happy and safe experience.  To this end we need some more people to be the extra pairs of eyes and ears to help keep the children safe.  This doesn’t need to be a commitment for every week but shared on a rota basis.  Please let us know if you could help with this.  Thank you, Maria (Safeguarding Rep).

Easter 2023

Don’t forget after Mass today, whilst the children will be looking everywhere for their eggs on their “Easter Egg Hunt” we will be in our hall anxiously awaiting to see if we are lucky to “win a prize”.  As we only had two donations, Teresa & Joan will be spending money on the many prizes.  Unless more people buy raffle tickets we will be unable to contribute to the parish pot.

New Date for Diary

Feast of St George, Patron Saint of England.  Fish & Chip Supper plus all the usual fun.  St Wilfrid’s Hall, Saturday 22nd April, 6-9pm.  We will have to charge £8 pp due to the price of fish & chips going up, like all food.  When paying please state your preference on the lists provided by Jean,      vegetarians catered for.  Tickets available from next week, keep your tickets for a ‘lucky number’ prize on the night.  If you would like to help us please contact either Annette, Teresa, Gerry, Jean or Joan.  Thank you.

Parish Over 50’s Club

Our next afternoon tea will be Thursday 27th April, 2pm.  The theme for this will be Red for St George.  All the usual fun for £5

Another date to think about “The Bluebell Walk”.  Suggested date Mon 24th April, charity for that day is “Demelza Hospice Care for Children”.  Travelling by Cuckmere Bus, 10am departing from St Wilfrid’s car park, return around 3pm.  Cost TBC.  If interested please contact Joan 07873390944.  Thank you.