We really need the support of parishioners to assist with the safe supervision of children for these sessions. This may involve taking the register, ensuring all children are safely accompanied between the two buildings and encouraging children to take an active part in the liturgy. You will not be required to plan the session (unless you wish to) We hope to enlist sufficient assistants to allow us to share the responsibility for 2-3 sessions per term. Please speak to a member of the Children’s Liturgy Team if you feel able to assist us.
Category: Saint George’s latest news
Harvest Sunday
We give thanks for all God’s generous gifts at our family masses. We remember those in our community who are struggling to put food on the table and ask for donations for our local Foodbank. Please bring along your donations for the next three weeks and leave them in the labelled box in the porch. You will find lists of what is needed in the hall or the back of the church.
Womble Day
Womble Day (The Parish big help out) Sat Sept 30th 10-4pm. Both St Wilfrid and St George’s desperately need your help to garden, clean, tidy etc. There are also several maintenance tasks for those who are good with tools and paint brushes. We are currently creating a list of jobs: some small, some a little bigger, but enough for us all to have something to volunteer for on the day. More details to follow but please save the date and ask your family to join us if they can- even if only for half an hour. Many hands make light work – don’t assume others will do it. Refreshments will be provided.
Confirmands Going Forth Celebration
Confirmands Going Forth Celebration – all welcome. Today – Sunday 3rd September we are holding an additional Sunday service at 4pm at St George’s which will include the presentation of certificates to all the confirmands prepared by us in 2022 and 2023. After the service there will be a celebration in the hall. All welcome
Children’s Liturgy
Children’s Liturgy will return in both our churches next Sunday 10th Sept. This is a wonderful offer for our young Catholic families who wish their child/ren of nursery and primary school age to benefit from our child-friendly focus on the daily Readings and Gospel. Attending a children’s liturgy group is an essential part of all young people’s journey in faith, and we are lucky to have committed teams at both our churches to offer this still – if you know other families who might like to bring their children they are all welcome to join. To help us to ensure the safety of our children, we ask all parents to complete a registration form. Please remember to return your completed forms to a member of the children’s liturgy team.
Songs of Praise
Sunday 17th September at St George’s Church. Starting at 4pm followed by refreshments. This event will see us once again host the annual service where all Polegate churches join together in song and prayer. All are welcome. Our Parish Children and the Youth team have kindly offered to serve refreshments afterwards and we will be treated to homemade Blackberry jam and scones along with other cake offerings. Donations of cakes welcome please leave in hall after Sunday mass that day or bring along before the service.
Charity Breakfast
Sunday 24th September. This time we will be raising money for the Love in a Boxes transportation at Christmas.
Parish Quiz Night
Friday October 13th 7pm St Wilfrid’s Hall
This will be the first of two annual parish quiz nights, St George’s will host the second in their Hall next Spring. So find yourselves a team of maximum six and put the date in your diary, £5 per person there will be a coveted trophy and a cash prize for the winning team – family and friends most welcome.
Quiz masters are in the process of preparing the rounds at present ……bring your own nibbles and wine/beer, tea, coffee and juice will be on sale.
First Communion Preparation
Parents are invited to enrol their children for our First Holy Communion Programme 2023 – 24 (those entering Year 3 or above). Application forms to join the programme are available at the back of the church and on the parish website. The course will begin with an introductory meeting for parents and children on September 28th at 6.00pm in St Wilfrid’s Church Hall. Deadline for enrolment is September 22nd .
For more information please contact Teresa Palmer. 07951082592, tpalmer2205@gmail.com
Quiz Night
Tickets are on sale after Mass for our Parish Quiz Night on the 13th October at 7pm. Tickets are £5 each with 6 people to a table. Please get your tickets early as they are limited to the capacity of the hall.