Last week’s Parish Charity Breakfast

Last week’s Parish Charity Breakfast marked a year of breakfasts and raised a record total of £224 for Love In A Box. There was an excited buzz around us with what we think was our busiest breakfast so far, our thanks to everyone who helps and supports and donates even if not there on the day.  Since September 2022 we have held 11 breakfasts and with these and half the table sale fundraising we have raised over £1500 for our worthy causes.  The Sunday 29th October Breakfast will support CAFOD and 26th November the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal (these charities will remain annually).  We are seeking suggestions of other local/Catholic charities, please just let us know who you might like us to support.   

Parish Confirmation Catechists

The parish confirmation catechists wish to invite all year 10 – 13 young people who are looking to prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in 2024 to enrol for this year’s formation classes.  Forms can be found at the back of both churches or can be sent to you via email by emailing a request to [email protected]

The group is open to all young Catholics 15-19 in our deanery and will launch on Sunday 15th October, with an information session for candidates and their parents/carers at 4pm in St George’s Hall. It will then meet every second week at 4pm    during term time from November. 

Application forms should be completed and posted or emailed to the parish office by Sunday 8th October. For more information contact Sandra on 07791627368.

Songs of Praise

The Songs of Praise on Sunday at St George’s was a resounding success. Very moving stories were told on why each hymn had been chosen. Beautiful hymns sung with gusto. Special thanks to Anne Bowe, an excellent master of ceremonies and who  orchestrated the event. Thank you Sandra, the young people and children who picked blackberries that were made into    delicious jam for the tea afterwards. Special thanks to the  kitchen team who kept the tea flowing and did the huge clean up afterwards. You know who you are ladies and are very much appreciated. Oh, and the cakes were superb too!!