Today at OLR – Eastbourne, 6.45pm. A prayer service will be held for those who have lost children – pre or post natal, young or adult. All welcome.
Category: Saint George’s latest news
Knights of St Columba
The KSC is an Order of Catholic men who try to serve God by serving others. The Knights have been supporting our Parish for over 70 years as well as carrying out duties for the Diocese and are also involved in National events. We also distribute our Holy Week posters and also the Christmas posters (part of our campaign to keep Christ in Christmas).
There are now only 2 members left in our Parish so we do need more men to join us, please. If you would like more information please contact Bob Waters on 07752043009.
St Thomas a Becket School
St Thomas a Becket Catholic Primary School Open Day: On Thursday 16th November, we are running 3 sessions, 9.00am, 2.00pm and 6.30pm , please can prospective parents contact the office to book onto one of these sessions. the Sessions will be a ” Taste of what the school offers” Please can they book by phone 01323 737221 or email [email protected]
Parish Charity Breakfast
Sunday 29th October Breakfast will support CAFOD and 26th November the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal (these charities will remain annually). We are seeking suggestions of other local/Catholic charities, please just let us know who you might like us to support.
A Big Thank You
A big thank you to Lesley, Maeve, Lorretta and their team of helpers who produced a magnificent display of sweet and savoury treats to celebrate Father Rory’s birthday. It was very well attended and we all had a good time
Harvest Thanks
A big thank you to everyone who brought produce in for the Harvest Festival Mass. We had a magnificent display of our abundance. Over 15 boxes and bags of food were donated to Hailsham Foodbank. They were extremely grateful and said that this year it was needed more than ever as they are unable to keep up with the demand. Going forward, we need to think of a strategy to adopt as a parish to support the needs of our local community more effectively.
The sale of fresh produce raised £200 for CAFOD. If you have not yet contributed to our harvest appeal there is a further opportunity. This weekend we are collecting the envelopes for CAFOD Family Fast day which took place on Friday, October 6th. If you are a UK Tax Payer, please remember to complete the Gift Aid form on the envelope as you can increase the value of your gift by 25p for every £1 you give – at no extra cost to you!
Thank you to everyone who signed the CAFOD Seeds for all campaign letter. This will be presented to the World bank on 11th October along with a further 60,0000 signatures gathered from 700 parishes.
Thank you again to everyone who has made a contribution – we are very proud of our generous community.
Parish Events – Save the Date
Sat 18th Nov PM (time TBC) St W’s Hall – Preparing for Advent Workshop and Service – more details to follow
Your parish and the deanery
Your parish and the deanery urgently need parishioners to help run a short Marriage Preparation Course for engaged couples. The course is one designed by the diocese that couples preparing to marry have to attend as a condition prior to marriage and all materials are provided.
It is run over four 2 hour sessions on the dates and times that you would choose. You can be couples or individuals to run the course and all training would be given. It is an enjoyable course and one where you, with your experience of marriage, have a great deal to offer the couples looking to spend the rest of their lives together.
If you would like to join this important ministry, please contact Fr Rory
Sacrament of Confirmation
The Parish of St George & St Wilfrid invites all year 9 – 13 young people who live and worship within our Deanery to consider joining its programme Faith & Fellowship with a view to prepare themselves for the Sacrament of Confirmation. An introductory meeting for parents/carers and young people about the formation programme will be held on Sunday October 15th at 4pm St George’s Church Hall, 110 Eastbourne Road Polegate BN26 5DF. Please email s[email protected] for an application form or call 07791 627368 if you would like further information.
Womble Day
Today we are hopeful that you walked into church to find that many of our weeds and shabby looking areas around our grounds have been cleared. If you didn’t perhaps we didn’t get enough support yesterday. We are thankful to those who were able to join us. Our grounds need clearing regularly and our church and hall also need some tlc once in a while. If you see something that needs doing and can help, please consider spending just half and hour or so once in a while on a task – work with someone else and make it fun.