Nine Lessons & Carols

Sat 16th Dec, 3pm at St Wilfrid’s.  Please fill the church, raise the roof in song and pray with us in the season of Advent.  And don’t forget to invite friends and family, this service is a perfect way to bring those who don’t attend our weekly mass through our doors. Next year this Parish service will be at St George’s Church.  Mulled wine & mince pies in the hall afterwards.  We shall have a “surprise bag” table, a prize every time for just £1.   There is a box in the porch to receive any gifts you may like to contribute please.  We are asking for   donations of mince pies that can be left in the church porch on Sun 10th Dec and on the following Wed/Fri morning as long as they are in date on the 16th if you are buying, or if making brought to the church on the 16th before the service at 3pm. Thank you.

Las Posadas

Las Posadas – A Journey towards Christmas:  If you have not signed up yet to be part of our travelling nativity during Advent please do, the list is at the back of St W’s Church, or speak to one of the youth team (Teresa, Angela, Annette, Sandra or Mary) to find out more.  All you would need to do is welcome one family with the travelling nativity figures on your allocated date, then the following day you will deliver the nativity to the next family on the list. 

Bambinelli Sunday

Gaudete Sun 17th Dec the 3rd Sunday of Advent. Gaudete means “rejoice” and on this Feast Day we rejoice because we are almost at Christmas, the day where we celebrate the coming Jesus into the world, the greatest gift we have ever been given. To mark the Feast, our parish will join with parishes around the world, in celebrating the tradition of Bambinelli Sunday. We invite each family in the parish and their friends/families to bring the figurine of Jesus from their family crib to either mass, where they will be blessed and returned to you for wrapping and placing under your tree until Christmas Eve/Day.


The Diocese has prepared four thoughtful online streamed presentations to help us all prepare for Christmas called “invited”.  Each week the presentation comprises a film, discussion, reflection, music and prayer.  The first online presentation was launched yesterday and can be accessed via the Diocesan website at

Advent Service

You are warmly invited to attend “Wait for the Lord”, a Service of Music and Prayer from Taize on Sunday 17th December, 4 pm, in the Church of St. Thomas of Canterbury and English Martyrs, Magdalen Road, St. Leonards-on-Sea, TN37 6ET. If you would like to help lead the music you are requested to attend a practice beforehand at 3 pm.