Bishop Richard – Pastoral Plan

Bishop Richard has written a new Pastoral Plan for the Diocese ‘The Word Who is Life: The Call to Mission’. As society becomes more secular our parishes must be ever-clearer beacons of light guiding people to Christ. The new Plan       highlights how our community of faith can embrace this important time of renewal, forging diocesan parishes into communities of saints and strong, lively, and welcoming schools of discipleship. The Pastoral Plan can be found on the diocesan website:  

Christmas Collection

As I am sure many of you are aware, Catholic Priests do not receive a salary and rely on your generosity at Christmas and Easter as a thank you for all they do for us. It is also possible to claim gift aid on your donation if you are a UK taxpayer and that extra 25% will go directly to Father Rory. If you aren’t part of a planned giving scheme then please use the “one off” gift aid envelopes located in the porch. You can also contribute via the digital collection plate at     St Wilfrid’s or via the donations website link  ( )  using the “Christmas Collections” tab. 

Church Cleaning

Your church needs cleaning; at St Wilfrid’s we are looking for volunteers to be part of a rota to clean the church and hall.  Ideally this would be for a    couple of hours every 4-6 weeks. There will be an opportunity to sign up for this in the New Year, but in the meantime please speak to Maria Hills if you are able to put yourself forward to be part of this important team.

Christmas Collection

Christmas Collection for the Support of Clergy; just a reminder that Gift Aid is applicable on Christmas Offerings and this extra amount claimed will go directly to Father Rory.  If you are not part of a planned giving scheme but are a UK taxpayer then please use the one off gift aid envelopes located in the porch in order for us to claim an extra 25% on your donation.  You can also contribute via the digital plate at St Wilfrid’s.

Thank you

A huge thank you to Helen and Sally from the South Downs Singers for spending hours at St George’s Wednesday morning creating beautiful Christmas displays of seasonal greenery for the window ledges in readiness for the concert.  The church looks absolutely stunning and we are so grateful to them for giving of their time and talent to prepare our church for the Christmas celebrations.