Love in a Box

Please remember to purchase items to fill shoe boxes for Love in a Box to be collected in November.  If you can’t fill a whole box, donations of items for the St G Children’s Liturgy to fill as many as possible would be appreciated.  Please see leaflets at the back of church for items needed.  Contact Mary Burbage for more information.

Wanted at HMP Lewes

WANTED at HMP Lewes for 9am Mass on Saturday mornings:  Volunteers to join the Chaplaincy team and provide support to the Catholic community – 20-30 prisoners, two Chaplaincy team members, a rota of three priests and three musicians.

The commitment – that you can attend the Saturday Mass on an approximate monthly basis or more frequently as you wish; you will be collected at the gate at 8:20am and escorted back at 10:30.  If you are interested please let Fr Rory know and he will put you in touch with one of the Chaplaincy team for an informal and no-obligation conversation. Parking available.

Knights of St Columba

The KSC is an Order of Catholic men who try to serve God by serving others. The Knights have been supporting our Parish for over 70 years as well as carrying out duties for the Diocese and are also involved in National events. We also distribute our Holy Week posters and also the Christmas posters (part of our campaign to keep Christ in Christmas).
There are now only 2 members left in our Parish so we do need more men to join us, please. If you would like more information please contact Bob Waters on 07752043009.

Fr Rory Writes

I received a star quality letter that I believe is right to share

Dear Fr Rory

Thank you for inviting us to the Bereavement Mass on Sunday 15th at St Wilfrid’s.  Unfortunately we shall still be away on that date, so regretfully cannot be present.

The children’s liturgists are doing sterling work with our young people, but the lack of adult formation courses has   resulted in a lack of knowledge in our grown up population, an area for our Bishop to address.

And yes, an area for me to address with the parish council who have taken this onboard.  In fact they had brilliantly     attended to this at their first parish council, which I could not attend because I was in Ireland.

I have full confidence and gratefully thankful to them.  They have established a response to our  journey; building up all the ministries, that will establish a body made up of many parts working  together.  Beginning with welcomers and referring to the fact that the Knights of St Columba had years of experience.  Turning to the readers and drawing our attention to the legion of Mary who gave active witness to the implications of this ministry.  The St Vincent de Paul could bring a depth of riches to how this ministry of the eucharist could be effected.  The children’s liturgy gives us a great example of the progress that can be made.  I continually return my attention to lighting the first advent candle, the candle of hope.  Please God, these ministries will revive my drooping spirits unlike all the deanery meetings that I attend. 

St Thomas a Becket School

St Thomas a Becket Catholic Primary School Open Day: On Thursday 16th November, we are running 3 sessions, 9.00am, 2.00pm and 6.30pm , please can prospective parents contact the office to book onto one of these sessions. the Sessions will be a ” Taste of what the school offers” Please can they book by phone 01323 737221 or email [email protected]

Harvest Thanks

A big thank you to everyone who brought produce in for the Harvest Festival Mass. We had a magnificent display of our abundance. Over 15 boxes and bags of food were donated  to Hailsham Foodbank. They were extremely grateful and said that this year it was needed more than ever as they are unable to keep up with the demand. Going forward, we need to think of a strategy to adopt as a parish to support the needs of our local  community more effectively.

The sale of fresh produce raised £200 for CAFOD. If you have not yet contributed to our harvest appeal there is a    further opportunity. This weekend we are collecting the envelopes for CAFOD Family Fast day which took place on Friday, October 6th. If you are a UK Tax Payer, please remember to complete the Gift Aid form on the envelope as you can increase the value of your gift by 25p for every £1 you give – at no extra cost to you!

Thank you to everyone who signed the CAFOD Seeds for all campaign letter. This will be presented to the World bank on 11th October along with a further 60,0000 signatures gathered from 700 parishes.

Thank you again to everyone who has made a contribution – we are very proud of our generous community.