Christmas Collection

Christmas Collection for the Support of Clergy; just a reminder that Gift Aid is applicable on Christmas Offerings and this extra amount claimed will go directly to Father Rory.  If you are not part of a planned giving scheme but are a UK taxpayer then please use the one off gift aid envelopes located in the porch in order for us to claim an extra 25% on your donation.  You can also contribute via the digital plate at St Wilfrid’s.

Thank you

A huge thank you to Helen and Sally from the South Downs Singers for spending hours at St George’s Wednesday morning creating beautiful Christmas displays of seasonal greenery for the window ledges in readiness for the concert.  The church looks absolutely stunning and we are so grateful to them for giving of their time and talent to prepare our church for the Christmas celebrations.

St Wilfrid’s

Have you noticed a large revolving book stand in our church?  This was purchased for the  children to take a religious book, read it and return for someone else to read.  In our world of technology it is good to read a book, especially a holy one.  The money raised from Christmas cards & religious items will go to pay for this new and useful item.

Nine Lessons & Carols

Sat 16th Dec, 3pm at St Wilfrid’s.  Please fill the church, raise the roof in song and pray with us in the season of Advent.  And don’t forget to invite friends and family, this service is a perfect way to bring those who don’t attend our weekly mass through our doors. Mulled wine & mince pies in the hall afterwards.  We shall have a “surprise bag” table, a prize every time for just £1.  There is a box in the porch to receive any gifts you may like to contribute please.  We are asking for donations of mince pies by Sun 10th Dec and on the 13th/15th morning as long as they are in date on the 16th if you are buying, or if making brought to the church on the 16th before the service at 3pm.