Golden Jubilee Celebration

Father Rory’s Golden Jubilee Celebration – Sunday 14th July: All Parishioners will receive an invite to Father Rory’s Jubilee celebration at mass today.  Please ensure you RSVP via the sheets at the back of church to help us with planning and catering arrangements. If you can help with the days events please let us know, we especially need some physical help with set up and clear up as this will be heavier work. Contact Sandra on 07791627368 for more information. 


Crowning our Lady

Crowning our lady is part of all our parish tradition and children’s liturgy focus in May.  Last week at St Wilfrid’s the children had a Godly play session focusing on the wonders of Our Mother Mary and then crowned her during mass. This week at St George’s our children will make the flower crown for our lady’s statue in the remembrance garden and we invite everyone to join them in song while they crown her. 

Womble Day

(The Parish big help out) Sat June 1st, 10-4pm. Both St Wilfrid’s and St George’s desperately need your help to garden, clean, tidy etc. There are also several maintenance tasks for those who are good with tools and paint brushes. We are currently creating a list of jobs: some small, some a little
bigger, but enough for us all to have something to volunteer for on the day. More details to follow but please save the date and ask your family to join us if they can- even if only for half an hour. Many hands make light work – don’t assume others will do it. Refreshments will be provided.