Deacon John Writes

Last week I wrote about the Holy Spirit and how we should make the ‘Word go forth” as President Kennedy spoke about in his speech to the nation in 1961. It is a daunting prospect. But there are many ways, large and small, that we can keep the flames of that first Pentecost burning. These include the following:

Start with Saint John Henry Cardinal Newman’s favourite prayer: “Come Holy Spirit Make our ears to hear, Make our eyes to see, Make our mouths to speak, Make our hearts to seek, Make our hands to reach out and touch the world with your love.  AMEN.” 

We do it every time we whisper a prayer for peace.

We do it when we volunteer at a food kitchen, or give to a charity, or donate to missionaries overseas.

We do it when we support the work being done closer to home, in this parish, such as the food bank.

We do it every time we choose to spend our Sunday mornings praising God, instead of finishing the sports pages or the crossword.

We do it when we hold the hand of a friend who is hurting, or bring a smile to someone who is lonely.

We do it when we strive to love, to give, and to hope.

Pentecost marks the coming of the Spirit to empower the church to carry out the Great Commission. As a result, every Christian today is baptised with the Holy Spirit when they are baptised. Every day we need to pray for the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. “Come Holy Spirit Make our ears to hear, Make our eyes to see, Make our mouths to speak, Make our hearts to seek, Make our hands to reach out and touch the world with your love.  AMEN.” 

The Southfield Trust

The Southfield Trust consists of four  special schools in Eastbourne. The Trust are currently recruiting Teaching Assistants for our schools. This includes Summerdown, our  newest and rapidly expanding school, which will be growing further this September.
We welcome applicants from all backgrounds, and no prior   experience is necessary. Our comprehensive developmental program will provide all the training and support you need to succeed in this rewarding role.

Please visit to look though our vacancies page

Jubilee Celebration time changes

Due to the cuckoo trail closure in June/July it will not be possible to have a sponsored walk on Father’s Jubilee Celebration date 14th July. We have therefore adjusted the timings of the afternoon celebration slightly. A new invite will be issued with the full programme next week but for now be aware that masses will remain the same 9am St Georges and 11.30am St Wilfrid followed by light refreshments for all and a storyteller for the children. Then Rosary and Benediction will start at 2pm in St George’s Church (Magician in the hall during this time). We will then be treated to performances of Irish dancing and Indian dancing from 3-4 and afternoon tea at 4pm followed by live Irish music by Flash Company Band from Worthing. 

We hope to welcome as many parishioners as possible on the day to celebrate with Father Rory. Please complete the RSVP sheets at the back of church to confirm attendance of you and your family members. Thank you. 

Deacon John Writes

On May 19th we celebrated one of the great feasts of the church – Pentecost. John F. Kennedy in 1961, in his inaugural speech challenged the world when he said “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” He said “Let the word go forth” at the beginning of that speech. 

Surely that is what the Apostles did when they went beyond the streets and alleys of Jerusalem, into the hill country of Judea and beyond, across the Mediterranean, to Greece and Rome, to Africa and Spain. They really did let The Word go forth…into every continent, to be heard in every home, to be lived in every heart. They needed to spread The Word. They needed to tell what they knew, and Who they knew…and let The Word go forth. It is quite astonishing to consider where that Word has gone, and how far and wide it is preached. What began with a few frightened people in a darkened room in Jerusalem has spilled out and touched every corner of the globe.

Our challenge today is to do our bit and keep The Word going, to remind ourselves of the rugged beginnings of this faith…and to carry it on. To follow the mandate of those very first believers. To throw open the windows of our fear and uncertainty — to let in the light — and to let The Word go forth. Probably no better way than to start with Saint John Henry Cardinal Newman’s favourite prayer: “Come Holy Spirit Make our ears to hear Make our eyes to see Make our mouths to speak Make our hearts to seek Make our hands to reach out and touch the world with your love.  AMEN.” 

Next week I will list some other ways in which we make the Word go forth. 

St George’s Parishioners

St George’s Parishioners would like to thank Gerry Palmer for offering his time in organising a  very successful “Name Day” at St George’s, on Sun 19th May.  It was really informative and most enjoyable.  We look forward to doing this ourselves, having seen how effortlessly and spontaneously, Gerry undertook this super idea!