St George’s Children – First Holy Communion

St George’s Children – First Holy Communion:

We are looking out for all seven year old children, wishing to make their First Holy Communion next year 2020 at the Mass of Corpus Christi in June.  Lessons will start at the end of January for twelve weeks.  (There are no lessons during school holidays).  Please see me after Mass or ring Cathy 01323 487688, or see Fr Rory or ring 01323 841504.  Application Forms are available at St George’s Church, Polegate.

Eastbourne Foodbank

EASTBOURNE FOODBANK:   thanks to your continued generosity, the Foodbank is able to help many people enjoy a proper meal This Christmas.   Please remember to give basic provisions, milk, cereal, toilet rolls, toothpaste, tinned veg and soups  etc. as well as the enjoyable goodies, such as tinned meat, fish, chocs and biscuits.  All who receive your gifts of food, send their warmest thanks and good wishes.


HOPE:  Dear Jesus, you are the hope in our messy world. This Advent, help us slow down, listen to your voice, and focus on what’s really important. We place our hope in you as we prepare our hearts to celebrate your birth on Christmas. Amen.

Love in a Box

Love In a Box:  A big thank you to all those who contributed to this worthwhile cause.  The charity, Mustard Seed in Eastbourne, now have the boxes and they will be delivering them to the children of Moldova in time for Christmas.

St Mary’s Parish Church

St Mary’s Parish Church:  The service celebrating 25 years of the Link last Sunday at 3pm.  Beautiful service, the church was packed with members from various religions who have supported the Link venture over the years.  Nice to get together for a chat over a cup of tea and refreshments.

St Wilfrid’s & St George’s

St Wilfrid’s & St George’s   After the 10am Mass on Wednesday 27th November, Edmund Ginn’s Ashes will be interned in our Garden of Remembrance.   Anyone who knew dear Edmund is welcome to attend this little ceremony, followed by refreshments in the hall.  We all know how Edmund enjoyed his food, especially cake!  So Bridie felt it fitting that we have a little party in his honour.