St Wilfrid’s Hospice Café: Have you ever visited the Café? Open to the public everyday from 8.30am-5pm. We did just that last Sunday 12noon, delicious roast lunch for £5, extra for pudding, gateau, tea & coffee. All profits go directly to the Hospice. We can thoroughly recommend.
Category: Saint George’s latest news
Churches Together
Churches Together – Linking Lives Eastbourne. Quiz Night February 29 February – 7.30pm. St John’s Hall, St John’s Road, Eastbourne. Have a great night out and help support Eastbourne’s Linking Lives charity and Befriending Project. Register your team or email [email protected] to let us know that you are coming. We are a registered charity with local trustees. Charity No. 1171917 Company No. 10236474.
Deacon John Writes
Deacon John Writes:
Elizabeth Lamb once said: “You are needed where you are. As in the heavens, each and every star fills its appointed space, so that you fill that place where God has need. Do not doubt, your hand held out to help a friend, your love to warm an empty heart, even your smile to light the dark, you are in your needed place.”
Recently people have been praying for peace in the world, and for unity among Christians. It might be good to remember that it is not just the unity of Christians we should be concerned about. It is important to show care and concern for all creation and for all people whether or not they believe in God. We must always remember that God has something special for all of us to do, and only we can do it. A Jesuit priest tells the story of an old man who collapsed on a Brooklyn street in America and was taken to Hospital. From a blurred address in the man’s wallet, nurses had deciphered the name of a marine who appeared to be the old man’s son. They put in an emergency call to the Army camp. When the marine arrived, the old man stretched out his hand feebly. The marine took it, and held it for the next four hours, until the man died. After the man had died, the marine asked a nurse: “Who was he?” The nurse, somewhat puzzled, replied:”Wasn’t he your Dad?” The Marine said: “No, but I saw that he needed a son, so I stayed.”
St Wilfrid’s – Afternoon Tea Over 50’s Club
St Wilfrid’s – Afternoon Tea Over 50’s Club: Our next date is Thursday 27th February in our Hall, 2-4pm. We would love you to join us and get to know our fellow parishioners. Not only women, but men too are invited, get together on your own table if you wish.
St Wilfrid’s – Lulu’s 70th Birthday
St Wilfrid’s – Lulu’s 70th Birthday: This was well and truly celebrated in our community. Sunday after Mass the party went with a bang, literally as the balloons went pop. Lunch at the Treacle Mine last Tuesday, 19 of us enjoyed a very happy meal. Many of us agreed that we should get together soon, thinking of St Patrick’s Day? Tuesday 17th March. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Joan on 849732.
Lulu, in her own words, was simply overwhelmed. She said she has never experienced such a wonderful Birthday, and wishes to truly thank everyone who celebrated with her and David.
Bonus Ball
Bonus Ball: Due to the lack of subscribers to the Wednesday and Saturday Bonus Ball, we have decided to condense them into just Saturday. We have one number still available, if anyone is interested, please contact the office. Thank you.
St Patrick Day Cards
St Patrick Day cards are on sale at the back of St George Church
Revised Film Club Notice
Revised Film Club Notice: St George’s Film club next films will be: Sunday 1st March (2011) Documentary about the master sushi chef Jior Ono. 15th March (2010) Japanese animation about a family of tiny creatures. 29th March (2009) A famous pop star finds a new meaning of life in a rural setting. All films start at 3 pm.
The National Novena to St Joseph
The National Novena to St Joseph will take place from 10th – 18th March 2020 at St Joseph’s Church in Maidenhead and at Herbert House, Freshfield, Liverpool. Each year the Mill Hill Missionaries prepare for the Feast of St Joseph, their patron, with a special Novena of Masses and prayers to ask for God’s blessing on their Society and the missionary outreach of the Church, as well as for the intentions of all those who support their work. You are invited to send in your petitions and/or to request a Novena booklet to enable you to join in from home by praying the daily Novena prayer. Please write to Novena Director, St Joseph’s Missionary Society, 58 Cookham Road, Maidenhead, SL6 7HT, or email [email protected]
Lourdes Pilgrimage 24th to 30th July 2020
Lourdes Pilgrimage 24th to 30th July 2020
The pilgrimage helps contribute towards the cost of any sick or disabled pilgrim, and those helpers who care for them, who lack the necessary funds to go to Lourdes. A small amount of the funds donated are also used to nurture our young leaders, so that they develop and are able to take on more responsibility.
Your donations not only helps those who go on the pilgrimage but also helps the carers, parents and family who have a rest at home whilst their family member enjoys the week in Lourdes. For some, this is the only break they get throughout the year, so your kindness and generosity is greatly appreciated.
We give you our heartfelt thanks in advance, on behalf of those we help financially, for responding to this appeal. If you would like to go on the Lourdes Pilgrimage as a helper, please see our website Thank you again for your generosity and support., and please be assured of our prayers at the Grotto for you and your family this July.