APF Mission Box Holders

APF Mission Box Holders:  could you please bring in your boxes within the next two weeks for counting.  Your promoter can also visit you at home to collect the box if you prefer.  In the year 2019 the Mission Boxes generated £968.91.  Another splendid result!  Thank you all for your generous support.  (Doris Jung your local APF Secretary).

Revised Film Club Notice

Revised Film Club Notice:  St George’s Film club next films will be: Sunday 15th March, (2011) Documentary about the master sushi chef Jior Ono.  29th March (2010) Japanese animation about a family of tiny creatures. 12th April (2009) A famous pop star finds a new meaning of life in a rural setting. All films start at 3 pm.

2020 Family Socialising Calendar of Events

2020 Family Socialising Calendar of Events:  St George’s

Children’s Liturgy will be organising several opportunities for all our parishioners and in particular our families with younger children to spend time together in 2020 – please see noticeboards for full list.  The first event is our Family Stations of the Cross followed by Lent Poverty Lunch at St George’s Church 11am Saturday 4th April.  The second is our annual Abbots Wood gathering on Sunday May 17th from 12noon.  More details will follow, but please do pop the dates in the diary and ask other friends and family members to also.  Both are very enjoyable occasions and really give us all a chance to enjoy time as a Church Family together outside of our weekly mass.

St Patrick’s Day Lunch

St Patrick’s Day Lunch:  Tuesday 17th March.  We are going to the Treacle Mine to celebrate at lunch time, 12noon.  Vouchers available to cut cost.  If you would like to join us, there is a list in the porch for your name and telephone number please or contact Joan on 849732.

St Wilfrid’s Sales Table

St Wilfrid’s Sales Table:  Displayed on Welsh Dresser in the Hall.  Money taken from January and February will go towards props and equipment needed for our children’s First Holy Communion and weekly liturgy.  Also to help towards cost of cakes etc for Special Birthdays and our newly formed over 50’s Afternoon Tea Venture.  Any items suitable for a table top sale would be most welcome and may be left in the church porch or by the sales table in the Hall.  Thank you.