Deacon John Writes

Deacon John Writes:

During Lent we will hear Jesus say these words: “If anyone believes in me, even though he dies he will live, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.”

Fr.Kenneth E Grabner wrote the following about these words: “When two people deeply love each other, they never want their love to end. I think that’s one of the best experiences we can ever have. It’s open to every one of us! It is a sign of a vibrant love, one that reaches out to heaven. It’s also a sign of the way God loves us. God desires to be with us in an intimate relationship that will grow and never end. Our resurrection is the way God brings this about. There is a sign which reads: “This life is good, but the best is yet to come.” Never forget those words. God offers us a resurrected future full of incredible beauty and joy. But then, what else would you expect a loving God to do?”

He concludes with this little prayer: “Thank you, Lord, for your incredible, unending love.”

With my love and prayers for each one of you.

St Wilfrid’s Penitential Service

St Wilfrid’s Penitential Service:  Tuesday 31st March at 6pm.  Please come and support our 13 First Communion Candidates as they take their First Confession.  This is a very important step for them, please remember them in your prayers, and if you have not been to our Penitential Service before, it is a very interesting and moving experience – one that should be witnessed and enjoyed.

St Wilfrid’s – St Patrick’s Day Lunch

St Wilfrid’s – St Patrick’s Day Lunch:  We have decided to make it 1pm to enable us plenty of time to get there.  I have booked the tables for 12.30pm, 28 of us going so far, so I think we will take over the conservatory!  This weekend will be the last chance to put your name on the list in the porch.  If you need transport please ring Joan on 849732.  Look forward to our happy gathering.

St Wilfrid’s Church

St Wilfrid’s Church:  My name is Julie, my daughter Darcie and I attend St Wilfrid’s Church.  Darcie is in Year 9 at St Richards and has an item of work to complete.  She has chosen to help someone in the community, do a bit of shopping, little jobs around the house or just a bit of company and a cuppa.  If you would like some help or know someone that would, please get in touch through Fr Rory, Deacon John or speak to me in person.  Thank you.

Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus update: The Diocese has ordered that,  due to Coronavirus threat, all catering in churches and halls must cease. Therefore, we are reluctantly cancelling the planned Lenten Lunches.  Tea and  coffee cannot be served after Mass for the foreseeable future.

Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Update:   The Diocese has issued revised guidelines to every parish. These include: 

(a) Asking anyone with cold or flu symptoms not to attend Mass. 

(b) Advising the elderly, people with weakened immune systems, those with long-term conditions like cancer, diabetes and heart  disease, to stay at home. 

(c)         Not to pass the collection plate around.

What we will do locally is to have the collection basket in the porch and ask you to place your offering in it on the way out.   If you would prefer to make your offerings by monthly bankers order or by online banking, then this would greatly help us, as our volunteer cashiers would have less money to count and bank.   The bank details for St Wilfrid’s are: HSBC: Sort Code: 40 05 20, Account Number: 61077023,  St George’s Sort Code: 40 05 20, Account Number:  51077090.

Annette’s Birthday Bash

Annette’s Birthday Bash:  Having been suitably embarrassed after Mass with us all singing Happy Birthday, accompanied by Emily on her Violin.  The children presented her with a big bouquet of flowers and a card with little messages from them inside.  Then in the hall for cake with sparklers – Lulu’s special Lemon Drizzle Cake.  We know it’s Lent, but we are sure the good Lord will forgive us.  He knows how hard Annette works for our Liturgy and First Communion Children.  She puts so much time and effort into it all and the children and our community really do appreciate all she does.  It was all a Big Thank You to her.