Pilgrimage of Reparation and Consecration: On Saturday, 17th July, at West Grinstead, from 12 noon. More details from Jayne at [email protected] or 07816 422851.
Category: Saint George’s latest news
St George’s First Communion Breakfast
St George’s First Communion Breakfast: This will be held on Sunday July 25th after mass. All the children will enjoy a party breakfast together for this occasion with our three First Communion Candidates attending in their communion outfits and receiving their certificates at Mass that morning.
The First Communion Mass for three St George’s Children
The First Communion Mass for three St George’s Children took place on Sunday 27th June, it was a wonderful occasion enjoyed by all those who attended in person and from afar by watching it on the livestream. The service is still available to watch by going to the online mass recordings on our website, www.saintsgeorgeandwilfrid.co.uk/online-masses-and-recordings/. Being able to livestream was so important to the families, especially at this time as it enabled family and friends in India and Catalan to be at the celebration mass.
During the mass the children had their Baptism candles relit and passed on to them by their fathers to show how they are now taking forward the light of Christ within them
Our thanks go to all who made this such a special occasion: Father Rory for his spiritual leadership of the families, children and their catechists in the preparation for the sacrament; the Catechists Mary Burbage, Marie and Cathy for teaching and preparing the children over many weeks; Mary Lou, Shirley and Anne who all sang beautifully bringing this special ministry back into our church once more; Thomas and Alen who took time to prepare in advance and manage on the day the great responsibility of filming the service ensuring the sound quality was the best we could achieve with minimal equipment; Cathy, Trevor and Anne who decorated the church with ribbons, bunting and lovely floral displays; and off course everyone who offered good wishes and prayed for our children and their families at this special time.
St Wilfrid’s First Holy Communion
St Wilfrid’s First Holy Communion: Please remember and keep in your prayers our 10 First Holy Communion Candidates who will be celebrating their First Holy Communion on the 10th July at 3pm
St Wilfrid’s First Holy Communion breakfast will be on Sunday 25th July at 10:30am.
Thanks for your support, CAFOD has been helping communities around the world cope with the pandemic. Just in Zambia, in the past year, our reports show we’ve been able to reach 1,234,200 people with messages on COVID-19, provide 13,312 people with access to safe water, train 392 frontline health workers from Zambia’s 11 dioceses on how to prepare and respond to COVID-19 in their local communities and donate over 1000 handwashing hygiene stations in communities to support handwashing measures. Thank you for standing alongside people in Zambia and for supporting people in more than 30 other countries worldwide.
Dawn Mass
Dawn Mass: Thursday 24th June, Seaford Head Car Park at 4.50am. To offer Mass for an End to the Pandemic and a New Dawn of Salvation for the Church and World.
Feast of the Birth of John the Baptist. The Dawn of Salvation. Followed by shared BBQ breakfast (Please bring something to share).
St Wilfrid’s First Holy Communion
St Wilfrid’s First Holy Communion: Please remember and keep in your prayers our 10 First Holy Communion Candidates who will be celebrating their First Holy Communion on the 10th July at 3pm.
St Wilfrid’s First Holy Communion breakfast will be on Sunday 25th July at 10:30am.
Bereavement Mass
Bereavement Mass: A decision has been made to change the date of our Bereavement Mass from Sunday 4th July, a new date will be established and we will let you know as soon as possible. We are looking forward to this taking place as it will be so helpful because for many there has been much sadness and indeed loss, so it is important to pray for one another and when we can to support each other.
Update – St Wilfrid’s & St George’s
Update: St Wilfrid’s and St George’s – Friendly lunchtime meal at the Treacle Mine, Midday Thursday 24th June. I have been in touch with the Treacle Mine in view of the latest lockdown rules extended to 19th July. If the weather is good, then no problem we can eat outside under the awnings. If the weather is not good then it will be eating inside with up to 6 people per table (no flitting from table to table or changing seats) – that I will find difficult! Nevertheless, we will overcome these problems and have a lovely “Get Together”. We must start socialising again and meeting up with friends, something Fr Rory is very keen to do. I must have definite numbers of people going ASAP before Tuesday 22nd June. Please get in touch with Joan on 07873390944. Look forward to meeting up with you all again. I shall have my famous bell with me!
Deacon John Writes
Many of us will have been on a boat during a storm. It is often not a comfortable experience! The gospel this Sunday is the familiar one where Jesus actually sleeps while the storm is raging around their boat. The apostles get rather panicky and wake Jesus who in effect says ‘what is the problem you men of little faith’ and promptly gets the waves and wind to calm down. In times of trouble and distress we should always remember that Jesus is in the boat with us and that, with faith, all will be well eventually.
Last Thursday the gospel of Matthew introduced the Lord’s Prayer – the Prayer for ‘forgiveness’. He includes an instruction about ‘babbling’ on with lots of words. The. Instruction is saying ‘don’t do it! Use only necessary words = be short and concise. True forgiveness makes a huge difference to us and if there was more of it the world would surely be a better place!
On Saturday Matthew wrote about anxiety and worry – “why are you anxious about clothes?” Has any one of us never had thoughts which worry us? Worry about the time, have we got enough bread in, enough milk and others, many more serious to us. Whatever the problem, “trust in God” is the answer. Accept that God loves us and he will take care of our worries – so let us all accept God’s love – he will care for us and is the perfect antidote for any worry or anxiety that is holding us back from leading a full life – He will change everything.
There is a story told about a visitor to the Vatican who was quite impressed with the beauty and power of the place. He asked Pope John XXIII this question: “How many people do you have working here?” With a twinkle in his eye, the pope replied, “About half of them.” Humour is one antidote for worry – it really can make you forget about your worries.
A small farming village was threatened with drought because the rains had failed to arrive. On a hot and dry Sunday, the priest told his congregation, “There isn’t anything that will save us except to pray for rain. Go home, pray, believe, and come back next Sunday ready to thank God for sending rain.” The people returned to church the following Sunday. As they sat down the Pastor gently rebuked them. “We can’t worship today because you do not yet believe,” he said. “But we prayed” they protested, “and we do believe.” “Believe?” he responded. “Then where are your umbrellas?”