St George’s Foodbank Donations

St George’s Food Bank donations – we are asking all parishioners to continue to support our local foodbank by bringing donations and leaving in the basket at the back of Church.  The September offerings will be taken away following Harvest Sunday on 26th September and we hope to have plenty to give.  Items urgently required are: Tinned Meats/Fish, Jam, custard/rice pudding, Tinned fruit (not peaches), Crisps and Shampoo/Conditioner. 

Deacon John Writes

Following on from last week:-

Where was the father? – the second instalment of last week’s story..

The father was about thirty feet away from the boy all through the night. He was in the forest, next to trees that sheltered him, and he watched his son, but he would not leave his son, because he knew the great danger and he knew that his boy could really have been destroyed by the wild animals in the forest.

But he stayed with him, but the boy never knew it, never thought of it. And so, when the little boy came home, he bragged to his brothers and sisters, “Yes, I have done this wonderful thing and it’s my honour and now I am a man in the tribe.” And they gave him a sword and they gave him a shield and everything.

Why do I tell that story?

What saved that little boy?

The presence of his father. The presence of his father shielded him, took care of him, without him even knowing it. But if it wasn’t for the presence of the father, terrible things could have happened to that child, and yet he himself never knew it. Now, if you think of that, you must remember that this is the presence of God among us. God is hidden, in a way, but not hidden. He is always there when we open our hearts to Him and ask.

But it is we who must search and we who must find and we who must strive with great honour and fall into the arms of a God who has always, always, taken care of us and will continue to take care of us all our lives.

Those are just two little examples. And what does it mean? It means that we are not alone, that God is with us and it is the presence of God that is with us. And then, one day in the not too distant future, Jesus will give us a sign and symbol that will be the best of all. And he will bring them, his little disciples, into the room and he will bless the bread and say, “This is me. This is myself. I give it to you. Take it and eat it.”

And he will bless the wine and say, “This is my blood poured out for your healing and your salvation. “Never again must you be afraid of the darkness. Never again must you walk away from what is your responsibility. Never again. “Why? “Because I am with you all days, even to the end of the world.”

Fr Rory Writes

A very special memory; a lovely event.

Last Sunday at St George’s Church we celebrated the baptism of “Jamie-Leigh”.  Please God, it will continue on the trajectory that it was  launched on.  She established contact with us when the coronavirus had first afflicted us, with the limitations that were established to provide the safety that was needed to counter the effects of the virus.  She began to tell her story and we recognised a great point of connection.  She was a carer for our Mary Parhon and still is.  We have really missed Mary every Sunday from our morning mass at St George’s.  When I met Mary in her home during lockdown, she was as lovely as ever – and as ever she was not going to allow the virus to cause her to change her behaviour, she insisted upon greeting me with a big hug, no social distancing for Mary, and as a consequence her carers have to modify her outings.  She is a great witness for the value of screening services as she too chooses her Sunday morning services.

As part of our preparation for Jamie-Leigh’s baptism that had to be modified, very rewarding and seeds for a new generation.  It highlights our faith and what is at the heart of it, how we share it and how we renew it.   Our faith, how we live it – How we believe it – How we renew it and when choosing the best reading from scripture for her to read at her service of baptism.  One suggested was a reading from the first moments of St John’s letter, and like the first moments of His gospel – compelling.

John 1-4

The Incarnate Word

Something which has existed since the beginning, that we have heard,

and we have seen with our own eyes; that we have watched

and touched with our hands:  the Word, who is life —-

this is our subject.  That life was made visible;

we saw it and we are giving our testimony,  telling you of the eternal life

which was with the Father and has been made visible to us.

What we have seen and heard we are telling you

so that you too may be in union with us, as we are in union

with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.

We are writing this to you to make our own joy complete.

We are now really looking forward to our special event on Sunday 26th at St George’s.

Please God,  we will step out as a new generation looking forward to sharing our lives with hope.

CAFOD responding to multiple emergencies across the world.

CAFOD is responding to significant crises across the world this week. We are working with local Church organisations in Haiti to deliver emergency aid to people affected by the catastrophic earthquake and tropical storm.  In the tragic situation in Afghanistan, we are working to ensure the safety of our local partners and their communities. We are supporting local aid workers to deliver urgent food and water supplies to hundreds of thousands of people facing extreme hunger in Tigray in Ethiopia, South Sudan and north-east Nigeria.  You can read more about how we can all express solidarity with our sisters and brothers affected by these emergencies on the CAFOD website: Your compassion, generosity and prayers have helped us to stand together and enable us to continue to support communities in these difficult times.  Thank you.

Marriage Anniversaries Mass

Marriage Anniversaries Mass:  Anyone celebrating a wedding anniversary that has particular significance for them is welcome to join the annual celebration of marriage at St Joseph’s Church in Guildford.   This year the celebration, with Bishop Richard, is on Saturday, October 9th with Mass at 11.30.

In order that we can be Covid compliant we do ask that everyone books their space via our website. Please use the following link Diocesan Marriage Anniversaries Mass and Reception (09-Oct-2021) · ChurchSuite Events or contact the Diocesan Marriage & Family Life  Adviser, Katherine Bergin at [email protected]  (Places are limited to 150).  We so look forward to celebrating with you!

St Wilfrid’s Bereavement Mass last Sunday at 3pm

How moving it was to be able to hold this important Mass once again.  Fr Rory and the Bereavement Team made it a very moving occasion.  Gary portraying our lost ones on the screen, was especially poignant, making us realise how many good people we have lost, including his own dear mother of course.  Refreshments in our hall meant we could all get together after our Mass thanks to our catering team. 

We are starting back with our over 50’s Afternoon Tea.

We are starting back with our over 50’s Afternoon Tea, 2pm – 4pm or 5pm:  Thursday 30th September and thereafter the last Thursday of every month.  Another opportunity to meet your fellow parishioners socially.  Our sales table will be up and running from that date, bargains galore.  If you have any suitable gifts for a table, please leave them in our church porch, labelled “Sales Table” or contact Joan on 07873 390844.  Thank you.

Of course both of the above two events are open to our friends at St George’s, as Fr Rory says, “we must get together more”.

Lunch at the Kings Head – Horsebridge

Lunch at the Kings Head – Horsebridge, 12noon, Thursday 9th September:  Time is moving on till we have to give in our numbers,   I must have final numbers by Monday 6th September please, tel: Joan 07873 390944.  Thank you.  This is a very good opportunity to meet your fellow parishioners socially.  The menu at the Kings Head caters more for other dietary requirements, so hopefully more of you will join us.