Blessing of the Graves

Blessing of the Graves:  After the 10am Mass on Tuesday November 2nd, Deacon John will bless the graves in the Memorial Garden at St George’s and then go onto Willingdon Cemetery.  Fr Rory will bless the graves after the 10am Mass on Wednesday November 3rd in the Memorial Garden at St Wilfrid’s and then go onto Hailsham Cemetery.

Deacon John Writes

During this week we heard a Gospel which talks to us of the qualities of being a good servant. Jesus was speaking to all of his followers, which includes us, when he said “blessed are those servants whom the master finds vigilant on his arrival.” We must never consider being a servant as being a demeaning term. We are privileged to be able to act as servants of Jesus. We must remember that, as Fr James McKarns wrote in a recent article I read, Jesus is our Lord, Rabbi, Teacher and Master. We must always be available to him even though we do not know what his plans are for us. I think we all have our own agendas but sometimes we must put them on hold so that we can follow whatever plans the Master has for us so that we can all say, as Mary said “Thy will be done”. We really should be saying “Speak Lord ; your servant is listening.”

There have been some notices in recent newsletters which are good examples of how we can be servants if we really listen and decide that we can be servants to the Lord. I have read that we need more people willing to write the Bidding Prayers – it only comes round about once every two months and does not need a computer. 

We are also in need of people to volunteer with the counting of the collection. This would be once a month if four volunteers come forward. It does involve two people every week for about an hour and a trip to the Bank in Eastbourne. Please come forward if you can to help in this important work.

There are many other areas in which we need volunteers to help, such as welcomers and readers in church. Why not give it a try! There is a line in the Gospel this Sunday which says “Master, I want to see.” We all need to see, to see His presence in what we do, for ourselves, others, the church and in the people we meet. I hope and pray that we will all “see” and do those things which we possibly can. So if you can help in any way to assist Fr Rory and those who already do, please phone or email Jackie on 01323 841504 or [email protected]. If you have already volunteered then I wish to thank you sincerely on behalf of Fr Rory, myself and the community. Thank you for reading this and, hopefully, for volunteering in either community.

Fr Rory Writes

Again two things:- Are you surprised?  When we were in the seminary these two things were given a special emphasis. 1) An awareness that life is a journey with a beginning and most importantly an end.  2) On that journey the importance of our and each story.  The church through the liturgy of the word gives us the perfect structure to express this.

Each new year begins in Advent with the liturgy of the Eucharist, to give life to our journey and our story.  The heart of this event is the assembly of the faithful.  The presence of Christ in His faithful is what gives greatest witness to His presence in our world.  To be true to this; is not well, maybe not at all served by seeing it an obligation, a mortal sin if we do not do so.

The mass as a “celebration” the presence of Christ with us.  Before the 2nd Vatican Council Mass was seen as a very liturgical event with a strict discipline, where the language was Latin, mostly unknown to those in attendance who were there saying their prayers.  With the emphasis on celebrating His presence, and refocusing on its first celebration by Jesus on the night He was betrayed….  He celebrated His Last Supper with His instruction “Do this in remembrance of me”.  Let us become far more faithful to this.

St Wilfrid’s – Sales Table

Yes, we are up and running, one table all goods 50p, another table all goods £1.  Come and browse/buy after Mass on Sunday over a cuppa!  The table will be left out all week as many of the people attending other events in our hall have requested.  The ‘honest pot’ will be there also of course.

A well loved parishioner

A well loved parishioner, Chris Jones, at St George’s was kind enough to leave a gift in her will to the church. Our Sacristans, Angela and Cathy, chose a much needed new altar cloth to be made in her memory. Chris will always be remembered when the altar cloth is used.

Altar Servers’ Albs

Altar Servers’ Albs:  We are still asking someone to come forward to take on the task of keeping these “fit for the job” undertaken by our very able altar servers.  You may have noticed they are growing so much that their albs need letting down, so we don’t see an expanse of leg! David Hoad is the man who is training them, if you cannot find him then please contact Annette on 849732 or Joan on 07873 390944.  Please consider this very worthwhile job very rewarding, thank you.

Lunches at Kings Head – Horsebridge

At our parish lunch in October we decided on two dates; 1st – Thursday 4th November at 12noon and 2nd – Our Christmas Special Thursday 2nd December at 12noon.  There are two lists for your name please, circulating either at the back of the church or in the hall on Sundays after Mass.  The November date is £11, pay on the day, but the “Special Christmas Menu” we require payment when putting your name on list please.  The price is £18 which includes a 3 Course Meal, Mince Pies, Tea/Coffee and Tip.  The restaurant needs your choice of menu beforehand, so when you pay you will be given a copy of the menu to keep, but please let us have your choice first.  Thank you.  Of course our friends from St George’s are very welcome to join us.

Lepra Appeal – Sunday 24th October

Today 600 people will be diagnosed with leprosy, more than 50 of these will be children.  Over 7 million people are currently affected by leprosy across the world.  Evidence shows over 3 million people are living with undiagnosed leprosy.  Over 4 million people are living with a life-changing disability caused by leprosy.  Although curable, many people are unable to access treatment, even though the cure is free.  Lepra works to find, treat and rehabilitate these hidden people and promote their rights in India, Bangladesh and Zimbabwe.

Our mission is to beat leprosy – so that all cases are easily diagnosed and treated and leave no disability or discrimination.  We are working towards a day when leprosy no longer destroys lives; with your support we can achieve this sooner.

Please help us beat leprosy – even the smallest contribution can help treat and rehabilitate people trapped by this disease.

Ministry of Consolation

I would like to make you all aware, again, of our new Ministry on Consolation – instigated by Bishop Richard.

The Ministry of Consolation has been set up to support anyone who has a loss of any sort – whether bereavement, employment or any other sort of loss.  This is a ‘listening’ Ministry where people can speak freely and confidentially, about these issues, wherever they feel comfortable. You can speak on a one-to-one basis, or as a group, to the Representative – who is currently Sue Longridge for St Wilfrid’s.

There are Leaflets/booklets and contact cards to be able to get in touch with Sue, on the Reception Desk in Church.  Father Rory is fully aware, and supports this Ministry.  Please do call Sue, in confidence, on 07921 152444 or 01825 873175.