Deacon John Writes

Holy God,
When angels visited the shepherds, they sang for peace on earth.
Yet as we look out on your world, we see that there is still much conflict, war, injustice and poverty.

Holy God,
When an angel visited Mary, he whispered to her not to be afraid.
Yet as we look out on our communities, we see much fear and anxiety, so much that is not as you would have it be, Lord God.

Holy God,
When you came, as a baby, to a refugee family 2000 years ago,
You showed the world that every human life matters,
That every person’s potential can be fulfilled,
And that there is hope for a better kind of world.

Holy God,
Come to us again this Christmas, come and bring your hope.
In Jesus’ name we pray,


(From the Redemptorists)

Fr Rory Writes

Last Sunday was Gaudete Sunday – “Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice”.  So to repeat from last Sunday “thanks be to God”.  Returning to the first Sunday of Advent with its focus upon hope.  There is an expression “hope springs eternally” and even when times are very difficult “hope” is something we can always try to hold on to, and we are all the better for it.  For these difficult times I have found this very helpful.

I have even found it remarkable for myself.  At the beginning of each Sunday morning masses I really feel the affects of these times.  By the time I have finished saying the masses I  am in a much better place, so thanks be to God; and thank you all for being so helpful to me.  Yes, you are two very helpful parishes.

This brings me back to what I have been sharing through Advent.   From the fruits of last year, we must find the best seeds available.  At the Deanery Meeting of the priests and deacons, which was by zoom, some would say doom!  The recognition of a seed of hope, a window of opportunity offered by the Synod.

We need to begin with small groups that can share together and inspire together.  Also for families, and for individual persons with particular interests.   Truth to say I have not found much in the church that is inspiring and hold up my hand to say I have not managed to do anything very inspiring myself.  This is so important that we must all turn to the Holy Spirit with heartfelt prayer and devotion.  I just cannot get over that there is no real thought being given to the shortage of clergy, and with the seminaries closing what comes next?

The word of God, the scriptures and the eucharist are the food of life.  These are gifts that will never be taken from us.  We must return to baptism which is the key to the life of grace.  A powerful moment in the celebration of the sacrament is when Parents and Godparents  are given the child’s baptismal candle with the words  “This light is entrusted to you to be kept burning bright, this child of yours will be enlightened by Christ.   The seed is sown, the seed is established. 

To be continued …………

South Down Singers

The South Downs Singers, Community choir performed a concert, “Christmas Melodies” at St George’s last Saturday, which was a sell out.  Last week was the first time the concert has been held at St George’s, and what a fitting venue it was. The church had the most warm, welcoming atmosphere, and the acoustics were excellent.  The choir have been formed for many years, and we produce two concerts a year in aid of local charities.   We were under the musical direction of James Aburn from Bede’s, who is the most talented of young directors whose enthusiasm shines through in our performances. Our piano accompanist, as always, was Robert Scamardella, a most achieved musician, who is the director of music at Bede’s.  It was heart warming to see so many of the parish in the audience, and to have Shirley McCann, Anne Bowe and myself singing in the choir, felt a bit like being at home among friends. I would like to thank Shirley and Anne for all the support they gave to organise the afternoon.  Finally a very big thank you to our Father Rory for giving his permission for us to use St George’s so many thanks Father.  The feed back from the audience has been overwhelming, and we are all so pleased that the concert was a great success… 

Merry Christmas one and all…and God Bless us all in 2022.  Kelly Richards (Chair of the South Downs Singers)

St Wilfrid’s Teas/Coffees after Mass on Wednesdays

Hurrah! All the covid rules and regulations have been put in place, so now we can offer tea/coffee in our hall after Wednesday Mass as well as Sunday.  Please do take advantage of this service and pop in and have a cuppa and natter with us.  You will be most welcome.  If you feel you could help us getting tables ready, making the tea/coffee or cleaning up afterwards, please give your name to Joan on 07873390944.  Thank you.

Thank You

Anne & David would like to thank Joan and all who contributed to the very generous gift of £140.00 in memory of Hannah. The funds will be donated to HCPT group 71 based in Haywards Heath and will go towards helping to pay for a child, with special needs, to go on pilgrimage to Lourdes at Easter, as well as offer some respite for their families. Hannah loved going to Lourdes and went on 5 separate occasions. All the children who have been have such a fantastic time often they don’t want to come home. With all our thanks and best wishes for a wonderful Advent and Christmas season, Anne & David Hoad

Hailsham Foodbank Community Fridge

We are currently Crowdfunding to purchase a Community Fridge (and Freezer) which will be supplied by end of day food from local supermarkets and businesses.  This will give the opportunity to offer fresh items and help eliminate food waste locally.  We were able to secure match funding for this project but need a minimum of 30 supporters.  If you could help us reach this target we would be extremely grateful.  Even £1 could make all the difference to us receiving an extra £1000.   Thank you.

St Wilfrid’s Church

Our collection for the “Lourdes Fund” in honour of our Hannah amounted to £140.  David and Ann, Hannah’s parents wish to thank everyone who so generously contributed. 

This year at our Christmas Party , Sunday 19th December, after our Carol Service in the Hall, we have decided not to have a large raffle, but instead a large tombola with many prizes.  So if you have a suitable prize you would like to contribute, please leave in our church porch.  Thank you.

There will also be a “Children’s Tombola”, 50p a go, prize for everyone.  Father Christmas will be far too busy to visit, so each child will take home a “Goodie Bag”, please put your name on the list on the Notice Board in the church porch.  No Name, No Goody Bag.

Don’t forget our Christmas Sales Table.  It is there all the time now because the many organisations hiring our hall have requested it and the money is flowing!  You may have noticed the chair in our porch overflowing with warm goods for “The Homeless at Christmas”.  Please bring items suitable so we can help the homeless to keep warm this winter.  We have an organisation who will collect these goods and distribute them for us.  There is also a collection pot.  Let us show them we feel for them at St Wilfrid’s