Following last years successful “Choose a Bag” £1 Children, £2 Adults, after our Carol Service on Saturday 14th December at 3pm, we shall have mulled wine, tea, coffee and refreshments in our hall plus our popular “Choose a Bag”. For this we shall need lots of bags please, either empty or filled. There will be a box in the church porch to receive these please. Thank you in advance.
Category: Latest News
Funeral of Mrs Elizabeth Robinson
There will be a requiem mass for Elizabeth Robinson at 11am on Thursday 28th November at St Mary Magdelene’s RC church, Bexhill on Sea TN40 1RH.
There is a reception, a carvery at the Royal Victoria Hotel from 2 – 5pm. Everyone is welcome to attend.
If you do plan to attend reception, just let Nigel (son) know at [email protected] so they can plan for numbers.
Welcomers, Eucharistic Ministers and Catechists
As we are now really close to the first practical steps towards our new parish, Fr Kevin has invited us to an informal get together of Welcomers, Eucharistic Ministers and Catechists so they can begin to look at how we can work together across the Hub, to exchange ideas and suggestions that you may have. This will take place on Tuesday 10th December from 6.30pm to 8pm at OLR Parish Hall, refreshments will be offered. Please let the parish office know if you are attending by Friday 29th November, and we will send a list to Eastbourne.
Family Advent Workshop
Come along to our Family Advent Workshop for some festive fun on Saturday, Nov 30th, 3.00pm – 6.00pm at St Wilfrid’s Hall. This is an opportunity to prepare for Advent and Christmas together through fun, festive crafts and activities. Following this there will be a short Advent reflection followed by a shared meal. Children under 11 must be accompanied by an adult. Places must be booked as numbers are limited. To book your place, please purchase a ticket from the back of church at the cost of £1 per person which will also enter you into a raffle. Feel free to dress up in your festive jumpers and outfits too!
South Downs Singers:
South Downs Singers Christmas Celebration Concert: Sat 14th December at 3.30pm at St. George’s Church, Tickets £10 on the door or pre-book by calling 01323 832767. There will be an opportunity to buy tickets after Mass each Sunday.
Parish Christmas Lunch
Wednesday 18th December at the Kings Head, Hellingly. 12noon, £25 per person, cash only please, this includes a tip. Pay when booking to ensure a place and menu. Contact Sally Riley or Judy Davis after Sunday and weekday masses in the church porch or in St Wilfrid’s Hall. Thank you.
Newsletter Articles
Any new articles for the newsletter on the 24th November, please could we have in by Friday 15th November. Thank you.
Readers’ Formation Time
An important formation session to help readers with the upcoming changes of the new lectionary is being held at Our Lady of Ransom, Eastbourne on Sat 23 November from 10.30am – 1.15pm. Please let the parish office know if you are attending by 13th Nov, and we will send a list to Eastbourne.
Family Advent Workshop
Come along to our Family Advent Workshop for some festive fun on Saturday, Nov 30th, 3.00pm – 6.00pm at St Wilfrid’s Hall. This is an opportunity to prepare for Advent and Christmas together through fun and festive crafts and activities. Following this there will be a short Advent reflection followed by a shared meal. Children under 11 must be accompanied by an adult. Places must be booked as numbers are limited. To book your place, please purchase a ticket from the back of church at the cost of £1 per person which will also enter you into a raffle. Tickets will be available from November 10th onwards. Feel free to dress up in your festive jumpers and outfits too!
Thank You
Thank you to those who supported the Beetle Drive last Friday. Only a small number attended but £201 was raised to help fund the Advent Workshop.