Parish suggestions – Prayer

Some of the suggestions made by parishioners during the recent SYNOD consultation relating to the prayer life of us all. Since 2012 the Diocese has been calling us to increase the longstanding Catholic tradition of pausing for prayer at 3pm on Fridays, the time that Jesus died on the Cross.
The Diocese say we would like to invite all Catholics to pause for a moment of prayer, praise and thanksgiving at 3pm (or at lunchtime if you prefer). You may wish to make up a prayer of your own or say “We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you, because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world”.  The exact words used are not as important as pausing to be with Jesus in that moment and deepening your relationship with Him.

Collection for the Ukraine

If you would like to support us in collecting items for Ukraine, here are some of the items we are collecting:- Tinned food i.e. meat/fruit, good condition clothing, nappies, baby wipes, toiletries etc.  If you would like more information please speak to Loretta after Mass.  Thank you.

Fr Rory Writes

“With the help of God”

Yes, with the help of God we will do better; and so let us rely more upon that help.  We had a very good get together with those who attended our first meeting in response to the issues raised by those who responded to the Synod questionnaires.

The reality of the age profile of the priests now in the church here in England and Ireland is beginning to be recognised and acknowledged.  A great concern is the number of churches closing, and being sold; with this becoming a threat for other churches.   For years our response has been too superficial, and of no help or benefit for a good outcome to the problems that are real.

With all my heart and soul I pray to God that this Synod will provide a great opportunity.  I recall the great hope with which the 2nd Vatican Council was received.  Equally there were many who were hostile to it.  Life does not change, and so I am becoming more realistic.   The first thing I can do in my response is not to set my hopes too high.  Also to become more responsible and in the best possible way to help so that we can achieve the best possible outcome.  Please God, St George’s church and St Wilfrid’s will flourish through God’s grace at work in us.

Structures have a good purpose and we made a good first response to the question raised by those in our parish to the Synod Questionnaire.

I brought to our attention some structures that worked very well in our past.  The St Vincent De Paul Society and something parallel with this for the ministers of the eucharist.  The Legion of Mary as a structure in support of the readers.  Also many others as for preparation for the sacraments; for the liturgy for ecumenism.  Beginning with core groups, identifying first points to help progress our response and in time our leaven groups will be up and running again.  “Fit for purpose”.

The ASCENT Information Sessions

The ASCENT Information Sessions 11 or 24 May at 7.30pm

An opportunity for Parents, Catechists and Priests to learn more about the ASCENT project and the huge impact it is having on young lives. Meet the team, as well as young people who are already taking part, to have all your questions answered. Join one of our Zoom sessions to discover more about this fantastic project for teenagers in year 10, 11 and 12. Contact E: [email protected] for joining instructions.

Monthly Mass at EDGH

Monthly Mass at Eastbourne District General Hospital: a monthly Mass at 12 pm on the last Tuesday of each month is celebrated in the Hospital Chapel, to which anyone is invited who would like to come and pray with and for the staff and patients.

“Saints & Sinners Concert”

“SAINTS & SINNERS CONCERT”: Our Lady of Ransom, Saturday 28th May (7:30-9.30 pm), with refreshments interval mid-way. An evening of secular and sacred music and storytelling, exploring and celebrating the journey of faith as saints and sinners on the road. John Holmstrom (keyboard) and Dominic Dring (saxophone, flute and vocals) with special guests. Donation (suggested £5-£10) on the night, with support given towards local charities. This is part of a series of concerts across Sussex churches.

Time for tea?

Please allow a little extra time on a Sunday to enjoy tea/coffee and a chat with your fellow parishioners.  Both St George’s and St Wilfrid’s are blessed to be able to hold this social opportunity, in our halls, after mass and would love to have more people join us weekly.  All friends and family are also welcome – they don’t have to have been at mass to enjoy some time with us!