Thank You

St George’s parishioners would like to thank St Wilfrid’s parishioners for such a wonderful time spent celebrating the Centenary Celebrations with them.  A lovely time was had by all. 

Fr Rory Writes

“Grateful Hearts”

I am very grateful for all the work and goodwill that went into the preparation for our centenary celebration.  The order of service, research and preparation, the music, flowers and the altar, catering, decorating, cleaning, care and attention.  The fruits of goodwill and good work, please God, it will bear fruit in a new generation.  Sincerest thanks and asking for all the help you can give.

Wishing you all the best for the rest of

the summer holidays.

Children’s Liturgy

Children’s liturgy will resume at St George’s and St Wilfrid’s on Sunday September 11th and we look forward to welcoming the children back, hearing all about their summer adventures and working towards this year’s Harvest celebrations with them.

The Parish of St George & St Wilfrid Youth Group 2022/23

If you or your child are aged between 11 and 19 and want to find out more about our Newly established Parish Youth Group please join us on Sunday 9th October, 4pm at St George’s Church Hall Polegate.  Light snacks and refreshments will be served.  

At the meeting we will:

– outline our planned programme of Confirmation preparation Sessions for those wishing to prepare for receiving the sacrament in May 2023 (age 14 -19). Please ensure you attend if you or your child will be wanting to take part in this programme.  

– Consider areas of parish life our youth would like to become more involved in.  Some of our teenagers already read, serve etc. but we would love for all of them to consider helping with one small responsibility within any of our Church ministries, from serving teas, reading, welcoming, creating displays, offertory etc.    

– ask our teenagers what types of activities they would like offered by the parish to enable them to enjoy more time together.

Once established, Our Parish Youth Group, plans to gather once termly and is open to all our older parish children/teenagers and their friends and intends to focus on learning, sharing, serving, fellowship, spiritual growth and fun.  

Please email [email protected] or call 07791 627368 for further information. 

Fr Rory Writes

Please God

We will have a successful Centenary Celebration for 100 years of faith, perseverance and hope, and we will lay firm foundations for the next hundred years.  We are blessed with Christ’s message of eternal life, and in the here and now there are trials through which we triumph by the power of Him who loves us.

Prayers and best wishes to you all through the remainder of the holiday season.  May they be a time of happiness and relaxation, and God’s safety be with you in your travels.

God bless.

The Relics of St Bernadette

The Relics of St Bernadette will soon be journeying to the UK for the very first time.  The sacred Relics will visit our Diocese and the Knights of St Columba are arranging a coach to visit Worth Abbey on Monday 24 October. We will be leaving about 11am with pickups in Eastbourne, Polegate and Hailsham. Further details from Bob on 01323 847014.