A Big Thank You

A BIG THANK YOU to all our parishioners, friends and family who have supported our Lent Charity, the local branch of HCPT (Hosanna House and Children’s Pilgrimage Trust). So far we have raised over £550, achieved through a variety of fundraisers across both churches including; two last Sunday charity breakfasts, the family stations soup lunch and 50% of table sale takings in lent at St George’s; and the Children’s lent in a bag smartie tubes filled with coins and the Pound Cross at St Wilfrid’s.  We are still accepting donations to this charity if anyone wants to boost our total and the Pound Cross will     remain in situ for more to be added.  It costs around £850 for HCPT to provide a life-changing week-long pilgrimage holiday to Lourdes for disabled and disadvantaged young people.   If you want to find out more about HCPT visit the website www.hcpt.org.uk.

Parish Last Sunday Charity Breakfast

Parish Last Sunday Charity Breakfast, April 30th, St George’s Hall at 10am after mass, all funds raised will go to our local RNLI.  These breakfasts are proving very popular with parishioners and their friends and family.  Please encourage others to join us, they don’t have to be at mass to attend, everyone is welcome, spread the word.  Sausage and bacon baps and croissants and cake are all on offer along with a lovely cuppa and a good chat and laugh.

Fr Rory Writes

At the Link on Sunday

Such a special occasion; indeed a great privilege to have been there.  The food was so good, indeed delicious, yet the    occasion was so, so sad.  Kay’s acknowledgement “she was heart broken as the Link had come to a close”.  After years of love and care, a sanctuary for those in need, a port of call as a Christian outreach to Hailsham and beyond.  It      expressed its belief in actions; always spoke louder than words, an open door.  Ron will continue his outreach from the Christian bookshop for the moment and we will always keep them in our thoughts and prayers.  It brought Anne Fielder to the foremost part of my mind, as she was always so involved in everything good that happened in our     parish.  It helps me to strengthen hope that our parish communities continue to refocus and grow.  I believe Pentecost this year will be truly important.  Let us walk and work together for a new Pentecost, for a revived journey of life, love and faith.

The Feast of St George brings with it an opportunity to highlight our shared journey.   So the Mass at St George’s will be followed by tea and cake, thanks to Shirley and friends.  It presents us with an opportunity to share new steps on our journey.  We look forward to the work of our parish council.

A sad note to end.  We have been informed Anita Stone has died; with her husband Geoff, they too made a great   contribution to the life of our parish.

World Youth Day

Are you aged 18-35? If you are, we invite you to join the Diocesan Pilgrimage to   Lisbon to meet with the Holy Father. 31st July -7th August 2023. Join millions of other young people from all over the world to celebrate our faith and make life-long friendships. The week will include a trip to Fatima as well as all the amazing festival    activities, not to mention Mass with Pope Francis. For more info E:  [email protected]

Parish Over 50’s Club

Next afternoon tea will be Thurs 27th April, 2-4pm, St W’s Hall.  The theme will be Red for St George.  All the usual fun for £5.

Four Parish Outings: If you are interested in coming with us on any or all trips, please contact Joan on 07873390944 asap please, to ensure you have a seat reserved.

Mon 24th April, Bluebell Walk:  Leave St Wilfrid’s Car Park at 10am, £10.  Charity for that day is “Demelza Hospice Care for Children”. 

Thur 4th May, Staverton Garden Centre:  £10.      Family run business by Christians, great selection of plants inside and out, also to enjoy a light lunch.

Tue 9th May, Emmaus Visit:  £15. Hoping for better weather to wonder through the gardens & large  second-hand store.  Light lunch to be ordered before we go.

Sat 24th June, Headcorn Aerodrome:  £20.

Easter 2023

Well what a great Easter it was this year, celebrated in our two churches. Maundy Thursday at St G’s, lovely service to start Easter and the first time to take wine from the chalice since Covid.  Three services on Good Friday, especially enjoying the children’s own version of the Stations of the Cross, the children reading was very moving.  Easter Vigil at St W’s; starting in our hall by candle light, then outside around the new fire, blessing the two Easter Candles for both churches, then into the church for the rest of the special service.   Easter Sunday at both churches were very well attended.  At St Wilfrid’s many young families attended; the future of our church.  A great turnout in our hall after for Easter refreshments/Grand Easter Raffle.  We had so many willing people helping out, a big thank you to all of you.  Without your willing help these special occasions would not be possible.  Most of all we have to thank Fr Rory, without him and Deacon John all the lovely services for Easter would not be possible.  Thank you to everyone who helped in anyway to make our Easter Services really wonderful and fulfilling.

Now Accepting Contactless Donations at St Wilfrid’s

You will find our new DIGITAL COLLECTION PLATE, contactless terminal in the church.

Just use your contactless debit/credit card or smart phone/ device to make a donation.

Simply choose the amount you wish to donate and hold your card onto the reader.

You can also opt-in for Gift Aid to increase your donation by 25%.

If you are a UK taxpayer then donating with Gift Aid means that we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 received.

Contactless donations are simple to administer, secure and convenient.