Parish Over 50’s Club

Next afternoon tea will be Thurs 25th May, 2-4pm, St W’s Hall.  £5. Unfortunately we cancelled the trip to Headcorn, due to lack of interest.  We are now arranging a trip to Staverton Nursery, now re-open after the fire.  Either Mon 19th or 26th June, dates to be confirmed If interested please contact Joan on 07873390944.

2023 Sacrament of Confirmation

2023 Sacrament of Confirmation for young people – our parish is delighted to be instructing 12 local young Catholics for Confirmation. Please keep our candidates in your prayers. The Deanery service is at 3pm in Arundel Cathedral all are welcome welcome                                 


Urgent – more parishioners from both St George’s and St Wilfrid’s are needed to join our social committee and even more importantly help the team for future events.  If you can’t attend the meeting or be part of the committee but can offer your help for events, speak to Jean at St Wilfrid’s or Sandra at St George’s after mass or email the parish office with your name and contact details to pass on to the committee.  

Parish Sponsored Walk

Parish Sponsored Walk: June 11th Start time 3pm:  All parishioners, friends and families please join this sponsored walk. We will start at 3pm from St George`s Car Park Polegate and walk via the Cuckoo Trail to St Wilfrid`s Hailsham (approx. 3miles). At St Wilfrid’s we will be greeted by those who couldn’t walk and warm hospitality from Joan and her refreshments team with delicious cakes and a cuppa. 

Fundraising is very important: Sponsor forms are available at the back of church please gather as many sponsors as you can from friends and family.  We are raising funds, 50/50 for: Hailsham and Eastbourne Foodbank, who will need more than ever during school holiday time this year; and Parish Church funds, much needed at this time with rising costs and often lower collections. 

Young & Old Unite – all our parishioners whatever age and their families are welcome to join us. Our Confirmation candidates will all be there and as they are not all from our parish we want them to meet as many of us as they         can – this will be great for all ages, let’s make this a whole Parish effort, if you can’t walk join us at 4pm onwards anyway in St Wilfrid’s hall.   

Fr Rory Writes

‘As Good as Gold’

and with the help of God, far more valuable.  We had our first parish council meeting to lay out the tasks and responsibilities.  To focus our care for our parish and with the help of God “bear fruit, fruit that will last”.  Jesus could not be clearer “by their fruits you shall know them, good trees bear good fruit”.

For years now there has been question marks about the number of priests that are available to serve in our parishes.  An honest assessment is that in the prevailing circumstances a great shortage, not likely to change any time soon.  Now with the help of God, we will respond to our present circumstances and the Lord will provide.

Two thousand years ago, the church was in exactly the same situation, coping with the circumstances of their time.  One idea they came up with was deacons, God’s grace always works in other ways.  The greatest obstacle always is human nature effected by the sin of Adam.

The Link

As we know the Link closed due to Ron & Kay’s retirement.  An answer to many prayers; a  caterer will be renting the coffee shop for 3 months, opening in June.  Serving Tea/coffee/cakes, no hot meals.  Please do support her, to help her make a good go of it.  Thank you.

Table Sale

St George’s table sale is in need of more donations of new/nearly new items that can easily be placed on the table, please leave at the back of the church or under the table in the hall.  Or even placed directly on table if space permits. Thank you