Lovely to have our normal numbers back after all the illnesses. Our Next Meeting has unfortunately had to be cancelled. Please await further notice for the next date.
Category: Latest News
Lent has begun
Perhaps an extra weekday Mass, quieter than a Sunday; plus tea/coffee in the hall to get to know each other. Many of our parishioners need your prayers please, many illnesses and operations amongst us. Thank you.
Pilgrims of Hope for CAFOD – Saturday March 29th
In this Jubilee Year of Hope, Pope Francis invites us to be Pilgrims of Hope, journeying in faith and solidarity. Join us for a day of prayer and walking as we take part in the Big Lent Walk for CAFOD.
The day begins at 10:00 am at St. Wilfrid’s Church with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Confession, followed by our 5km walk along the Cuckoo Trail to St. George’s. There, we’ll share a simple soup lunch before our youth lead us in a Family Stations of the Cross.
Together, we aim to walk 200km, so we need 40 walkers—please join us! To sign up or sponsor, visit:
🔗 CAFOD Walk Link
If you can’t walk, your prayers and sponsorship are greatly appreciated. Sponsor forms are available at the back of the church. Thank you for being a Pilgrim of Hope!
CAFOD Family Fast Day – Friday March 14th
By praying, eating simply and giving to CAFOD we will be helping to support CAFOD in their vital work helping local experts to provide simple, effective solutions to the toughest problems facing many of the poorest peoples around the world. This year’s focus is on helping to train communities in creating drought resistant vegetable gardens in East Africa following the devastating effects of drought. Envelopes are available at the back of church. Please return them with your donations on March 16th. If you are able to Gift Aid your donation, please sign the back of your donation envelope. The government will add an additional 25%. Thank you.
Youth Fundraising for Flame Pilgrimage Travel
Our thanks to all who have supported our Youth Led fundraising, we hope to update you on funds raised so far from the parish quiz and the OLR breakfast next week. The CTK bingo has been put on hold until after Lent. Overall we hope to raise £2000+ across the parishes in our Deanery. If anyone would like to donate towards the fundraising for the Youth travel but can’t attend the fundraising events, please do pop a donation in an envelope marked Youth Fundraising and hand it in via the collection or parish office.
St Patrick’s Day Celebration
St Patrick`s Day celebration will be at St Wilfrid`s on Sunday March 16th after the 10.30am Mass. Start time 11.30 to 3pm. Tickets are on sale from this weekend £5 adults, children free. Come and join us with games, music, raffle and fun with food provided. Bring your alcoholic drinks.
Arundel Cathedral – Feast of Corpus Christi, Thursday 19th June 2025
We hope to arrange for a parish pilgrimage to Arundel Cathedral by coach, using Lynns Travel, for this year’s Feast of Corpus Christi on Thursday 19th June – returning after the 5.30pm mass, procession and benediction. The coach cost is expected to be £21 per person. If you, your friends or family are interested in this please give your name, number of seats required, contact phone and email to Jean at St Wilfrid’s or Sandra at St George’s. This is to initially find out if there is enough interest and we will return with exact details of the trip once we have them.
St Wilfrid’s Church
There will be a music practice for everyone who wants to be involved in providing music for the Children’s Mass on Saturday 8th March at 10am till 11.30am in St Wilfrid’s Church Hall.
Resources for Lent and the Jubilee Year
To help with your Lenten preparations we have obtained copies of the booklet, Walk With Me, A Journey of Prayer for Lent 2025. These are available in the porch, and we ask that you take one per family. There are also booklets and a Lent Calendar for every child. There isn’t a charge for these resources, but we suggest a donation of £1 for the adult copies of the Walk With Me booklets.
A free copy of The Jubilee Companion Booklet is also now available to assist you on your journey through this Holy Year. Please take one copy per family. To find out more about Jubilee Year, please join us at our Reflection Gatherings and discover more about what it means to be a true ‘Pilgrim of Hope’. We’ll be meeting at St Wilfrid’s Church on March 26th after the 10.00am mass for the first of four gatherings. This will be followed by a soup lunch to raise funds for CAFOD. Sign-up sheets are available at the back of the church.
Used Postage Stamps
The Card Shop next to the level crossing in Polegate are pleased to receive any used postage stamps.