Children’s Liturgy

Children’s Liturgy will return in both our churches next Sunday 10th Sept.  This is a wonderful offer for our young Catholic   families who wish their child/ren of nursery and primary school age to benefit from our  child-friendly focus on the daily Readings and Gospel.  Attending a children’s liturgy group is an essential part of all young people’s journey in faith, and we are lucky to have committed teams at both our churches to offer this still – if you know other families who might like to bring their children they are all welcome to join. To help us to ensure the safety of our children, we ask all parents to complete a  registration form. Please remember to return your completed forms to a member of the children’s liturgy team. 

Songs of Praise

Sunday 17th September at St George’s Church.  Starting at 4pm followed by refreshments.  This event will see us once again host the annual service where all Polegate churches join together in song and prayer.  All are welcome.  Our Parish Children and the Youth team have kindly offered to serve refreshments afterwards and we will be treated to homemade Blackberry jam and scones along with other cake offerings. Donations of cakes welcome please leave in hall after Sunday mass that day or bring along before the service.

Parish Quiz Night

Friday October 13th 7pm St Wilfrid’s Hall

This will be the first of two annual parish quiz nights, St George’s will host the second in their Hall next Spring.  So find yourselves a team of maximum six and put the date in your diary, £5 per person there will be a coveted trophy and a cash prize for the winning team – family and friends most welcome.

Quiz masters are in the process of preparing the rounds at present ……bring your own nibbles and wine/beer, tea, coffee and juice will be on sale.

Fr Rory Writes

Help ……… and with the help of God that help is on its way.

We always have that assurance from God.

The harvest is ready but the labourers are few.  For the past couple of years some of our parishioners have worked very hard to prepare a foundation for the future life of our parish.

Now is the time to begin, because the reality is urgent.  Again, a body is made up of many parts working together.  As we begin a new year in our life of faith.  The beginning is called the time of enquiry.

We see in the newsletter who needs to be prepared for the Sacraments, First Holy Communion, Confession, Reconciliation and Confirmation.  This needs to be extended to the ministries and to all the needs that are essential and vital to the future of our parish.  Please God, in the weeks to come we will really address those needs.

First Communion Preparation

Parents are invited to enrol their children for our First Holy Communion Programme 2023 – 24 (those entering Year 3 or above).  Application forms to join the programme are available at the back of the church and on the parish website. The  course will begin with an introductory meeting for parents and children on September 28th at 6.00pm in St Wilfrid’s Church Hall. Deadline for enrolment is September 22nd .

For more information please contact Teresa Palmer. 07951082592,

Fr Rory Writes:

“Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee,

blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus”.

There is a kingdom of darkness that flails its way through our world, and Putin is one small example.  Above all, there is a kingdom of light that has come into our world: Christ the Lord.  Let us make sure that prayer has an essential place in our lives.  If God is for us who can be against; the trials and tribulations of life reveals that quite a lot of things can be against us.

Putting our best foot forward, these are the trials through which we triumph by the power of Him who loves us.  First and foremost, God holds all things together, so that an acknowledgement of our needs is important and the sure hope that this brings into our life is simply helpful.

Then as we move forward together in the life of our church, the parish council, our young peoples liturgy, the various ministries, the care for our churches, and especially a real life of faith shared together.  The question of Sunday     masses will not go away.  They need not put too much of a shadow if Christ is our life.  Our light will shine.

Because I am human, the fact that my church at home in Ireland does not have Sunday morning mass, makes the    challenge very real for me and I hope for all of us.

First Communion Preparation

Parents are invited to enrol their children for our First Holy Communion Programme 2023 – 24 (those entering Year 3 or above). Application forms to join the programme are available at the back of the church. The  course will begin with an introductory meeting for parents and children on September 28th at 6.00pm in St Wilfrid’s Church Hall. Deadline for enrolment is September 22nd .

For more information please contact Teresa Palmer. 07951082592,