Candlelit Vigil

On 24th February there will be a candlelit vigil at the Hailsham town centre memorial to mark the second   anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This event starts at 6pm and Father Rory will be leading the prayers at the      service. All parishioners are welcome as our community comes together to show support for the people of Ukraine. More     details and timings about the event can be found in the leaflet in the church porch.

CAFOD Family Fast Day

CAFOD Family Fast Day – Lent Appeal and Soup Lunch

This Lent, your donations to CAFOD’s Family Fast Day appeal will help hardworking people like James the fisherman in      Liberia with resources, tools and training to safely feed their families for good. Please join us for a simple lunch of soup and bread at St Wilfrid’s Hall after mass on Sun Feb 25th to support this Appeal. It is a fun event for all ages with Lenten themed activities and fellowship. If you could spare a little time to make soup or help at this event, please sign up on the sheet at the back of church. Alternatively, you can make donations using the envelope or online at

Fr Rory Writes

We have just celebrated a great event “Ash Wednesday”, the beginning of Lent. 

With a powerful sign of ashes and the traditional words that accompany it.  “Remember man thou art, but dust and unto dust thou shall return”.   Remember man thou art, ….  This powerful moment remains deeply embedded in my being from my first experience almost seventy years ago, in fact sixty nine.  I was in High Infants in Fantane N. S. (because my mum loved me I was a bit later starting school).

The Head Master was Mr Boyle and on that Ash Wednesday he went to the morning mass in Borisleigh before coming to school.  This is an early symbol of delegation when he was appointed by the parish priest to minister the ashes to the school community.  Beginning with the youngest, we were in Mrs Ryan’s Class, and each and every child as the ashes were placed upon the forehead, the constant refrain “Remember man thou art, but dust and unto dust thou shall return” placed on every head.  “The date of my birth was the reason for the year I started school”.

Tosnu maith se laith an oibre, a good start is half the work and that good start was extended into the liturgy of life “Repent and belief, the good news “God’s salvation has remained the bedrock, the foundation for my life and I am eternally grateful for this.


Everyone is invited to be part of our Lenten Programme.  Whether you take part in our five “Invited” mission sessions that will take place after the 10am Mass on Wednesdays at St Wilfrid’s or online as part of the diocesan group, everyone watches the same episodes and explores the same material each week.  The material explores “Discipleship” as we continue to conform our lives to The Lord.  If anyone would like to join an evening session, we could hold these on either a Monday or Friday evening if enough people are interested.  Please talk to David Hoad or Maria Hills if you would like to explore this further.

The five parish sessions will be held on Wednesday 21st and 28th February and 6th, 13th and 20th March.  For online sessions please see the “Invited” section on the Diocesan website.

St Patrick’s Feast Day

March 17th, St Patrick’s Feast Day this year is on a Sunday. The 10.30am Mass at St Wilfrid’s will be a celebration of this feast day, followed by a light lunch of sandwiches and cake in the hall after, along with Irish music etc. There will be a nominal charge to cover the food costs of £2 per adult.

Lent Devotions & Charity Fundraising:

Lent starts this Wed 14th with mass being said at 10am in St W and 12noon in St G. During this most important part of our year with Christ we are encouraged to do even more: more prayer and devotions; more fundraising (our lent charity is Lourdes youth attendees); more for our community and others.

There are several things already planned All Welcome:

Sunday 25th February:  St G – Charity breakfast after mass for those attending Lourdes from our parish

St W – Family lent activities and CAFOD Soup lunch after mass 

Saturday 9th March at St Georges from 10.30am

– Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 10.30 – 11.30 Holy Hour

– Family Stations 11.30am followed by Soup lunch 

Please all make a special effort to attend this together as a   Parish.

Stations of the Cross Sundays at St George’s 3pm. 

(Not Mothering Sunday 10th or St Patrick’s Day Sunday 17th)

Good Friday 29th March

– Family Stations 10am St Wilfrid’s followed by refreshments/hot cross buns

– 3pm Good Friday Liturgy in both churches 

Holy Week services and times will be listed next week.