Parish Reconciliation Service

Sat 2nd Dec, 5pm at St Wilfrid’s Church. Please come to this very moving service lasting just half an hour.  In previous years this service has been very poorly attended.  Our first communion children will be making their first confession and it would be nice for us to support them.  By coming and participating in this service you will be fulfilling your Christmas duty.  All welcome.

Fr Rory Writes

We celebrate the Great Feast of Christ the King, which celebrates the end of our churches year, with the assurance that Christ will come again in great glory. 

The introduction to my sister Mary’s book “Love Speaks”:  Love Speaks is a timely book, appearing at a time when all God’s people are asked to embark on a spiritual journey marked by two important elements:  listening and sharing.  This journey is the synodal path that Pope Francis has proposed for our times so that the Church can listen profoundly to what the Holy Spirit is saying to us.  Please God, we will make this journey together in the coming years.

Nine Lessons & Carols

On Saturday, 16th December at 3.00 pm there will be a parish Nine Lessons and Carols at St Wilfrid’s, with refreshments afterwards. We would love singers from both churches to come along to a rehearsal on Tuesday 21st November, 7.00 pm at St Wilfrid’s Church.

Fr Rory Writes

When God’s Glory is revealed our joy will be full.

It is the Glory of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit.

As we celebrate this Great Feast, we will have a celebration of baptisms at St George’s Church.  This is very appropriate for them, as it bears fruit from their children’s liturgy.  A corresponding amount of work has provided us with our parish council.  Embedded in its foundation are the goals that are established to develop our ministries, our liturgies, our maintenance, and fundraising and social activities.

Early memories of this Feast Day in my time in the diocese was “Youth Gather”.  Memories of the weather favourable for a youth ramble and social activities, and made for a very successful event.  Memories of meeting people, and plans for the future.

It now leaves me on the eve of my Golden Jubilee as a priest.  Tempus Fugit.  So please God, as the new year unfolds we will lay out our plans for the future, focused upon the lighting of our advent candles, as expression of our plan for developing ministries.  So please God, our new year will present opportunities and challenges just as new formed plants do.