Fr Rory Writes

“Though He was in the form of God, Jesus did not cling to that equality,

but emptied Himself to become as we are.”

He did this for a great purpose.  To bring to us the salvation of God.  He became as we are, the best way to say it to “share our journey”.  At the heart of that journey was the forty days Jesus spent in the wilderness, hence we have this important season of Lent.  As Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, “so the son of man would be lifted high upon the cross”.

So prayer is at the heart of our response.  The best preparation I had when I was going into the seminary; a six year sentence, was the conviction established in the early years of my life.  Pray and pray constantly and never lose heart.  Aspirations are the key building blocks.  Father, Son and Holy Spirit are Jesus, Mary and Joseph, are Jesus mercy, Mary help me, no cross no crown.  These are the trails through which we triumph, by the power of Him who loves us.

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday after Mass in St Wilfrid’s Hall, we shall have our “surprise bag sale”, choose a bag for £2 (£1 for children) prize every time.  This was so popular last year, we sold out within half an hour.  This year we have more bags to fill.  If you have any bags to contribute, please put them in the box in the porch, empty or full.  Thank you.  The proceeds will go    towards items for children’s liturgy.

Scripture Reading for Lent:

We are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal through us; we entreat you on behalf of Christ: be   reconciled to God. For our sake God made the one who knew no sin to be sin, so that in him we might become the goodness of God. As we work together with him, we entreat you also not to accept the grace of God in vain.For he says, “At an acceptable time I have listened to you, and on the day of salvation I helped you”. Look, now is the acceptable time; look, now is the day of salvation!.

Fr Rory Writes

“Moment by moment we continue to build the Kingdom of God”

We had a very successful celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation last Saturday morning at St George’s Church.  The enrolment ceremony for the Altar Servers at St Wilfrid’s Sunday Mass, in conjunction with the first scrutiny can point us in the right direction.  As our progress through Lent develops it will please God, prepare a platform for the most important events to come, the resurrection of our Devine Lord from the dead, the ascension into heaven and the greatest experience, Pentecost. 

Then for the more down to earth events, parish finance council, parish meetings, but especially all our parish events like tea and coffee, where we share with one another the life God has given, bestowed upon us, so that we may     continue to bear good fruit, fruit that will last.

A very special event on Wednesday evening, we had a visit from Katherine Bergin.  Her work with the diocese, but especially her involvement with her parish, make her a rich source of contact.  As we face the plans that Bishop       Richard has laid out for our diocese, and will have great implications upon our future, certain aspects of it have been dictated, especially by the shortage of priests.  But equally so, lack of baptism, lack of marriage, lack of involvement of people in the life of the church.  So much of the focus has been on going to Mass and what we liked to happen there.  We have a great challenge before us.