Our next date will be Sunday 28th April after St George’s 9am mass – All welcome invite friends and family, they are welcome just to attend breakfast or join for mass also. The charity we are supporting this month is Mary’s Meals.
Category: Latest News
Lourdes Fundraiser
Our thanks to all who have given so generously with both money and prayers for Claudia, Laura and Maria our parish youth due to attend Lourdes in July/August. The girls are all very humbled by how much has been raised, in excess of £800 to be divided equally towards their fares. They plan to produce a short video of their journey and time in Lourdes which we will arrange to show to you all in Autumn. Please do continue to pray for all Lourdes pilgrims this year.
Bluebell Walk – Arlington
If you would like to join us on this visit to the Bluebell Walk on Monday 22nd April, we will be meeting at 11am at St Wilfrid’s Church. Anyone who has a car and spare seats, please could you offer a seat to someone else.
Parish Quiz Night Success
Last Friday’s Parish Bi Annual Quiz night at St George’s was a great success and our thanks go to all who made it so: quizzers; refreshments and raffle team; and especially Mary & Colin our quiz masters. The night raised over £400 (£200+ for each church) and the winning team, Paula’s Angels, really were wonderful when they donated their £60 winnings to our Youth attendees at Lourdes fundraiser, a very lovely gesture – they were more keen on the coveted trophy than money it seems! Our next Parish Quiz will be in October at St Wilfrid’s Date TBC.
St Wilfrid’s
As mentioned in last week’s newsletter, we would like more of you to help us in our hall on the various social occasions. Many of us are too old to help as we did in the past. This was brought home to us last Sunday after mass when Anne had to rush off and Lulu was offered a lift home after mass because she was in a lot of pain. Many of you went into the meeting in the church following mass and so it was left to the “oldies” to do the best they could. If anyone would like to help us in the hall after mass on a Sunday and Wednesday, please get in touch with Joan 07873390944. Thank you.
Having enjoyed our “Easter Bag Sale”, if you have any bags to spare ready for the next one, please pop them in the box provided in the church porch. Thank you.
Walk for young people (Age 16+)
Walk for young people (Age 16+), Saturday 25th May, 9.30am to 4.30pm, commencing from St Wilfrid’s Church, Hailsham. Please wear suitable clothing and shoes. For more information email [email protected]
Youth Ministry Training
Youth Ministry Training – 20 April and 18 May at The St Philip Howard Centre, Crawley: Do you want to see more young people in your Parish? Sign up for the Diocesan two-day Youth Ministry Training course. Be inspired, encouraged and equipped for the new era of mission that we find ourselves in. E: [email protected]
Parish Charity Breakfast
Our next date will be Sunday 28th April after St George’s 9am mass – All welcome invite friends and family, they are welcome just to attend breakfast or join for mass also.
South Downs Singers Spring Concert
The South Downs Singers Spring Concert on Saturday 27th April at 3.30pm. St George’s Church. Tickets £10 on the door or by calling 01323 832767.
Easter Celebrations at St Wilfrid’s
Easter Celebrations at St Wilfrid’s: We started at 10am, Good Friday “Stations of the Cross” led by Teresa and our children, a very simple version enjoyed by us all. Then into our hall for hot cross buns and tables of activities for the children. 3pm “Veneration of the Cross” led by Deacon John, well attended and moving. Next our Easter Vigil, Sat at 7pm, starting in the hall then outside, lighting of new fire and decorating the two Easter Candles for both churches. Then into the darken church, each one holding a lighted candle to begin the lovely service we always look forward to and enjoy. Easter Sunday Mass absolutely packed out. Thank Goodness the sun didn’t shine until later, so the “Egg Hunt” got away without melting. The bag sale was very successful and many of you came in for tea and refreshments, especially the 2 large cakes decorated by Anne. A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helped in anyway towards making our Easter Celebrations so successful. It is the many willing helpers we have that make these occasions so special. If you would like to join us, please do let us know, we need you. Last, but by no means least, Fr Rory, who is the one person who gives meaning to all our services and celebrations, thank you Father.