Two thank yous to Children’s Liturgy at St. George’s. First for the lovely daffodils distributed to Mothers on Mothering Sunday and secondly for the Stations of the Cross on Saturday followed by a hunger lunch in aid of CAFOD and a local charity, EMBRACE. Well done.
Category: Latest News
Important Notice for parishioners using St George’s Hall
Important notice for parishioners using St George’s Hall – There have been several instances in the last few weeks of the hall doors being left unlocked, lights not switched off, the cooker switch left on and the heating being left on for 24 hours. If your group uses the hall, the leader, or leader on that day is held responsible for ensuring the hall is left clean, floor swept for the next user, lights and heating switched off, windows shut and doors locked. It is important that the hall is used by parish groups, but with this comes a huge responsibility for its care.
St George’s Bible Study Group
St George’s Bible Study Group: A Bible Study group takes place every Tuesday at 6 pm. Sessions last 1 hour. For information please ring Merce (07855452741)
Walk of Witness – Good Friday 19th April 2019
As usual The Walk of Witness on Good Friday will take place from 10am until 10.30am starting at Polegate Community Centre and ending at St. John’s Church Polegate.
Palm Sunday – St George’s
Palm Sunday, 2.30pm at St George’s: Our Lady’s Way of the Cross and Benediction. Followed by refreshments in the hall after .
St George’s Film Club
St George’s Film Club: Next dates for film club are: April 28th (1959) A storyteller seeks the proverbial pot of gold. May 12th (1963) A charming Disney film about love, mysterious family secrets and small town summer nights. May 26th (1993) The latest adaptation of Mark Twain’s timeless story. All showings start at 3 pm.
Easter Collection
The offertory collection over the Easter weekend goes towards the upkeep of Fr Rory your Parish Priest. This collection is only taken twice a year, Christmas and Easter.
Hailsham Choral Society
Hailsham Choral Society will sing J. Maunders ‘Olivet to Calvary’ on Good Friday the 19. April at St. Mary’s Church Hailsham at 7pm. Free concert with retiring collection.
Mothering Sunday at St Wilfrid’s
Mothering Sunday at St Wilfrid’s: A very big THANK YOU to everyone who arranged and organised this Happy Mass. The children really enjoyed their readings, prayers and musical hymns, such a variety of bells, tambourines and shakers for the final hymn, even Fr Kieran was seen shaking a maraca to the music. Then the children handed out a beautiful yellow rose to all the ladies. A special “Mothering Sunday” cake was washed down with a cuppa in the hall afterwards.
St Wilfrid’s Easter Raffle
St Wilfrid’s Easter Raffle: To be drawn in our hall after the 10.30am Mass on Easter Sunday. Tickets are available in the hall after Masses, see Joan/Annette/Sophie. £1 per strip. There are 20 good prizes to be won. All proceeds will go to the church.