Hailsham Foodbank: Have given 3 day emergency food parcels for 2071 people between April 18 and March 19. This is a 39% increase on the previous year and actual increase of 585 people. 1.6 million were given out across the country. They were donated 17,691kg of stock. During the Easter Holiday Shack they served 203 hot meal. They have served 1795 meals since the Holiday Shack started in April 16. They were successful with a Bags of Help grant with Tesco and this month and June you can put your blue tokens in for them for help towards the Holiday Shack. Thank you.
Category: Latest News
United Nations Lunch – Change of Date
United Nations Lunch – Change of Date: Please note the United Nations Lunch will now take place on Sunday 30th June, 12noon at St Wilfrid’s Church.
Wanted – dvd’s and books for school summer fayre
Wanted: St George’s young parishioners, Maria & Bruno, are running the second-hand DVD and Book stall at their school summer fayre on Saturday 29th June and would love your support via donations of books and DVDs. Please leave bagged in the back of the church you attend labelled, ‘School Summer Fayre’. Thank you for your support.
Thank you for your help at Mass
St George’s – thank you to our welcomers, choir, flower arrangers, organist, readers, altar servers and all who work so hard to make our church such an absolute pleasure to be part of. From the moment we walk through the door, enjoy being welcomed with a beaming smile, hear the sound of glorious singing, witness the wonderful display of flowers and meaningfully read readings of the day etc. we can take pleasure in being there. A BIG Thank You.
St George’s Children’s Cake Sale
St George’s Children’s Liturgy Cake Sale: Thanks to everyone who supported the St Georges Children’s Liturgy Cake Sale at the Plant Fair last week, we raised nearly £130 towards resources to enrich our Children’s liturgy throughout the year.
The Abbots Wood Annual Gathering
The Abbots Wood Annual Gathering was a huge success, everyone had a wonderful time socialising together, playing field games, taking part in a scavenger hunt and the ice creams bought via a donation by a generous parishioner. Our prayers were answered as a dull start turned into a glorious sunny day. Thanks to everyone who joined us. If you missed out there is always next year, 3rd Sunday of May, same time same place!
Deacon John Writes
Deacon John Writes:
I am sure that we are all aware that Jesus spent his life being concerned for other people. Do you worry about the times when your concern for others is not what it should be? If you do then perhaps this prayer, based on one by William Barclay, might help: God of all people, may I never pray as if there was no one except me. Help me to remember that I am not the only person in the world, and I live in a world in which there are many people who have troubles. Bless all those today who are lonely or frightened, all those who are shy or nervous, all those who are suffering a lot of pain, all those who are feeling depressed, all those who are worried, all those who are ill, and may not get better. Help me to forget my own troubles and to show loving care for the people I meet. May I remember that Jesus is my friend and brother, and may I try to be like that to everyone. With my love and prayers for you all.
Advance Notice
Advance Notice: Wednesday 29th May, 7.30pm at St Wilfrid’s Church, there will be a Vigil Mass of the Ascension.
Thank You
Delia, Shirley, Patrick and family would like to thank everyone in both communities who have been so kind following the passing of Tom. We have been overwhelmed by the number of cards received and the offers of help at a difficult time. We are so grateful for the love and support of our parish family. God bless and thank you for your support. Tom’s funeral will take place at the church he loved so much, St George’s, on Friday 24th May, 1.30 pm followed by burial at Willingdon Cemetery. There will be a reception in the hall afterwards. Family flowers only.
St George’s Helpers and Volunteers
St George’s Helpers and Volunteers – a big ”thank you” to all volunteers and to everyone who quietly and generously give their time to help with the running of our church. So much is happening at present, to the church, to our priest as well as to friends in our congregation who need our love and support. It is good to see so many members of our community come forward. Heartfelt thanks to you all.