Pat Burke sadly past away recently, the Requiem Mass will be held at St George’s Church on Thursday 22nd August 2019 at 10.30am.
Category: Latest News
Deacon John Writes
Deacon John Writes:
Last week I concluded with a prayer from CAFOD which ended with this plea: “Teach us how to share our daily bread with all people, and to treat each other as members of one family.” This leads me to remind you that we already have the answer to this as we collect goodies for those in need of support in Eastbourne and Hailsham through the Food Banks. There is a basket in the porch at St George’s into which you may put any items for this cause. It is emptied regularly and the Food Bank arrange a monthly collection of the goods we have collected. (See the separate article in this newsletter about the Hailsham Food Bank for more details at St Wilfrid’s.) Current urgent needs include UHT milk, cereals, tinned meat, tinned fruit, tinned rice pudding/custard, tinned vegetables, pasta sauce, tinned fish, instant mashed potato, long life apple and orange juice, pasta, coffee, tea, biscuits, peanut butter, chocolate spread, marmite, baby food, nappies, shower gel, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant. [Currently they have plenty of baked beans and spaghetti] Please ensure all items are within use-by date. I wish to thank you for your support of this venture and if you haven’t supported it to date I invite you now to consider doing so if you possibly can. Thank you.
With my love and prayers for you all.
A priest settled into a chair in a lawyer’s office. “Is it true,” said the priest, “that your firm does not charge the members of the clergy?” “I am afraid you are misinformed,” stated the lawyer. “People in your profession can look forward to a reward in the next world, but we lawyers have to take ours in this one.”
Diocesan Mass for Altar Servers
Diocesan Mass for Altar Servers: on Saturday 14th September, at 12noon, with Bishop Richard presiding. For all who have served, are serving and anybody who would like to. Please bring cassock/cotta or alb. Light refreshments will follow (bring a packed lunch if you wish).
Day of Reflection for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Day of Reflection for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy
Communion: Sat 28th September, 2019, from 11am to 4pm at Mayfield School, Mayfield, TN20 6PH. Please book at [email protected] – 01293 651164. Numbers limited therefore priority will be given to those who have not previously attended.
The Knights of St Columba and SPUC
The Knights of St Columba and SPUC invite everyone to continue praying the Rosary for the Unborn. The intention for August is for women and families expecting a child at this time.
Deacon John & Tessa
Deacon John and Tessa wish to thank Fr Rory and parishioners of St George’s for the flowers, wine and good wishes on the occasion of their Wedding anniversary. They were much appreciated.
Holy Spirit Evening
Holy Spirit Evening
Led by Sehion UK Catholic Ministries on Monday 19th August 2019, 6pm to 9pm, St Wilfrid’s Church, Hailsham. Speaker, Fr Soji Mathew Olikkal (Parish Priest of St Gerard’s Catholic Church, Castle Vale, Birmingham). He is an International Preacher and director of Anointing Fire Catholic Ministries. Preaching Word of God, Prayer for Healing and Holy Mass and Adoration
Deacon JohnWrites
Deacon John Writes:
Some thoughts about inviting friends to have a meal with us by an unknown author: “When we invite friends for a meal, we do much more than offer them food and drink for their bodies. We offer them friendship and fellowship, we offer them good conversation and intimacy, and closeness. When we ask them to help themselves, to take some more, not to be shy, and maybe to have another glass, we offer our guests not only our food and drink, but also ourselves. A spiritual bond grows between us, and we become like food and drink for one another. This happens in another way, when Jesus gives himself to us in the Eucharist as food and drink. This can help us as we try to live in his way.”
Here is a follow-up prayer that comes from CAFOD which may help us to make sure that we also think of people in all parts of the world, and for whom finding food and drink is a daily struggle: “Generous and loving God, creator of the world we share, we ask you to give us today our daily bread. But as we store the crops and fill the barns, as we stack the shelves and pile high the tins, and wander the aisles of supermarket choice, show us how to see the world through the eyes of the hungry and thirsty. Teach us how to share our daily bread with all people, and to treat each other as members of one family.” With my love and prayers for you all
Please pray for
Please pray for Benjamin and Toby who will be welcomed to our communities this Sunday prior to being baptised at St George’s next Saturday.