St Wilfrid’s Sales Table

St Wilfrid’s Sales Table:  We have some Christmas Gifts for sale and have also been given a baby rocking cot by one of our new mums – any offers?  The money taken during November will go towards much needed sound equipment for the Hall.  The table is a permanent fixture in the hall, so please do come and browse and place your money in the honest pot.   Thank you.

St Wilfrid’s – Money Collected from Children’s Sale and Harvest Products

St Wilfrid’s – Money Collected from Children’s Sale and Harvest Products:  The final amount collected for Gifts to our Friends in the Third World Countries amounted to £115. This will be distributed to several poor communities in the form of helpful gifts, to enable them to be a little self sufficient, through representatives from CAFOD.  There is a notice in the church porch showing the Countries and gifts who will benefit, please take a few minutes after Mass to read this.  Much work has been going on behind the scenes and we and the children are very proud of all efforts.  Thank you.

Wealden Dementia Action Alliance – Hailsham Community Cafe

Wealden Dementia Action Alliance – Hailsham Community Café:

St Wilfrid’s Church Hall, Second Thursday of the month, 2pm till 4pm.  A free service and community café with entertainment and activities for local people.  Free refreshments and activities.  Everyone welcomeFor more information please contact: [email protected] or Tel: 01323 443266.

Las Posadas

Las Posadas:  Sunday 1st December at 3pm.  St George’s Church invites you to join them for their Las Posadas Celebration St George’s Church Hall.  Please bring buffet food donations.  For more information call or text Sandra on 07791 627368.

St George’s Hall

St George’s Hall will be in use as a Polling Station for the General Election on 12th December. Mass will go ahead at 10am, but please be very careful driving in and out of the car park and give way to any vehicles turning in to the car park from the road. The hall cannot be accessed at all on this day.

We need all keen gardeners

We need all our keen gardeners to take cuttings/root cuttings or, if dividing perennials to remember our Plant Fair next May at St George’s. If you grow anything, please do a few extra for the Fair. A reminder on seed growing will be sent out early next year. Thank you for your help and support.

South Downs Singers

South Downs Singers will be performing their Christmas Concert for the charity “You Raise Me Up” on Saturday 14th December, 3.30 pm at St John’s Church, Polegate High Street. It will be a lovely concert with audience participation of well loved carols as well as choir and solo pieces. A great way to prepare for Christmas. Tickets available from Shirley at St George’s or Clodagh at St Wilfrid’s priced at £8.00. Tickets also on the door.