Deacon John Writes

Deacon John writes: There is an internet site called Rivendell which is locally created. This was posted there on Pentecost Sunday and I have been given permission to reproduce it for you.

Some of us may remember a programme on the Radio, or as it was called in those days, the Wireless.  It was called “Listen with Mother.” After some music, a lady would say: “Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin.” And she would tell a story.

There is something in the Pentecost gospel about the sequence of events. They remind us that they need to be right before something can happen. Before Jesus says to the apostles Receive the Holy Spirit he says Peace be with you. It is as though they needed to have the peace that Jesus brings, before the Holy Spirit could work in their lives.

So if you are sitting comfortably, I’ll begin.

Once upon a time there was a stonecutter, who each day climbed a mountain to cut stones from the rock. While he worked he sang, because although he was poor, he desired no more than he had, he was content to be what he was, and he lived with peace in his heart.

But one day he was called to work on the mansion of a rich man. When he saw how magnificent it was, for the first time in his life he was envious, and wanted to be someone else. He sighed as he said to himself: “I wish I was like this rich man, then I would no longer have to earn my living cutting rocks all day.” Suddenly he heard a voice saying “Your wish has been granted. From now on, anything you wish for, will be given to you.”

He didn’t know what to make of this, but that night when he returned home, he found the hut he lived in, had become a magnificent mansion. So he gave up cutting stones, and began to enjoy a life of luxury.

One day, when it was hot and humid, he happened to look out of his window and saw the King go by.
He was sitting in the royal carriage, and had servants fanning him to keep him cool. This made him think, “I wish I was a King being kept cool like that.” And immediately, his wish was granted, and he found himself reclining in the comfort and cool of a royal carriage. But the carriage turned out to be hotter than he thought it would be. As he was carried along he looked out of the carriage window, and began to marvel at the power of the sun, whose heat could penetrate even the thick walls of the carriage.

He said to himself: “I wish I was like the sun.” And immediately his wish was granted, and he found himself sending out waves of heat into the world.

But one rainy day, he tried to pierce through a thick bank of clouds, and found he could not. So he wished he was a cloud, and his wish came true, and he was proud of his power to keep the sun away. But then the cloud turned into rain, and he found that a mighty rock was blocking his path, and he had to flow around it. He was so frustrated to find that a mere rock was more powerful than he was, so he wished he was a rock, and his wish came true.

But as he stood tall and powerful on the mountainside, he suddenly heard strange chipping sounds by his feet. When he looked down he saw a tiny human being, who was cutting chunks of stone from the base of the mighty rock. He said to himself: “How can a little creature like that, be more powerful than a mighty rock like me? I wish I was like him.” And immediately, his wish was granted, and he was a stonecutter, going up the mountain to cut stone.

But he found that once more he had a song in his heart, because at last, he was truly content to be what he was, and to live with peace in his heart. This Pentecost, may you all have peace of heart, the sort of peace that as Jesus said, the world cannot give. May the Holy Spirit inspire you to act justly, to love tenderly, and to walk humbly with God. May God breathe upon you the Spirit of peace, so that wherever you are, and whatever you do,you may always have peace in your hearts and minds.

Friends of Westminster Cathedral Quiz

Take part in the Friends of Westminster Cathedral Lockdown Online Quiz on Tuesday 2 June at 6.30pm on the Friends of Westminster Cathedral Facebook Page. The quiz is free to enter but we are asking if you might make a £5 per head donation.  All monies raised will help to support Westminster Cathedral. Parish virtual teams are welcome and may communicate using Zoom, Microsoft Teams, What’s App etc.

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Please note that the Friends page is private and you will need to join the page in advance to take part in the quiz.

Pentecost Prayer

Pentecost Prayer

This weekend let us all say St. John Henry Cardinal Newman’s favourite little prayer, “Come Holy Spirit:”

Come Holy Spirit
Make our ears to hear
Make our eyes to see
Make our mouths to speak
Make our hearts to seek
Make our hands to reach out
And touch the world with your love.  AMEN.

Deacon John Writes

The title for this weekend is Pentecost which literally means 50th and is a feast celebrated on the 50th day after the Passover feast by the Jews and a feast celebrated on the 50th day after the feast of the Resurrection of Jesus by Christians. The Jewish Pentecost was originally a post-harvest thanksgiving feast. Later, the Jews included in it the remembrance of God’s Covenants with Noah after the Deluge and with Moses at Mt. Sinai.

There are four important events that occurred on this Feast day. First The Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles and the Blessed Virgin Mary as fiery tongues. Next the frightened apostles were transformed into fiery preachers and evangelisers and were given the gift of tongues by a special anointing of the Holy Spirit. Third the listeners experienced a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit through the apostles’ gift of tongues and they heard the Apostles speaking in their native languages. Fourthly the early Christians became powerful witnesses and brave martyrs for their Faith in Jesus.

The Holy Spirit has many roles in to play in our lives. 1) As an indwelling God, the Holy Spirit makes us His Living Temples (I Cor 3:16). 2) As a strengthening God, He strengthens us in our fight against temptations and in our mission of bearing witness to Christ through our Christian lives. 3) As a sanctifying God, He makes us holy through the Sacraments: a) Through Baptism He makes us children of God and heirs of Heaven. b) Through Confirmation, He makes us temples of God, warriors, and defenders of the Faith. c) Through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, He enables us to be reconciled with God by pardoning our sins. d) Through the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, He gives us spiritual nourishment by converting bread and wine into Jesus’ Body and Blood. e) Through the Sacraments of the priesthood and matrimony, He makes the Church community holy. 4) As a teaching and guiding God, He constantly reminds us of Christ’s teachings and guides the Church to teach Christ’s teachings correctly. 5) As a listening and speaking God, He listens to our prayers, enables us to pray, and speaks to us, mainly through the Bible. 6) As a Giver of gifts, He gives us His gifts, fruits, and charisms, thus enriching the Church.

Finally, there is this Pentecost story about Chippie from the Internet. It all happened in Galveston, Texas. A woman was cleaning the bottom of the cage of her parrot Chippie with the canister vacuum cleaner. She was not using an attachment on the tube. When the telephone rang, she turned her head to pick it up, continuing to vacuum the cage as she said, “Hello,” into the phone. Then she heard the horrible noise of Chippie being sucked into the vacuum. Immediately she put down the phone, ripped open the vacuum bag, and found Chippie in there, stunned but still alive. Since the bird was covered with dust and dirt, she grabbed it, ran it into the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and held the bird under the water to clean it off. When she finished that, she saw the hair dryer on the bathroom sink. She turned it on and held the bird in front of the blast of hot air to dry him off. A few weeks later, a reporter from the newspaper that originally published the story went out to the house to ask the woman, “How’s Chippie doing now?” She said, “He just sort of sits and stares. he doesn’t sing any more” Today’s Gospel tells us that it was what happened to the apostles. They all were traumatized by the arrest and crucifixion of their master and bewildered by his post-Resurrection appearances and his command to prepare for the coming of his Holy Spirit. Many of us can identify with Chippie and the apostles. Life has sucked us up, thrown cold water on us, and blown us away. Somewhere in the trauma, we have lost our song. Hence, we, too, need the daily anointing of the Holy Spirit to keep us singing songs of Christian witnessing. (

Joke of the Week

You may decide for yourselves whether the Holy Spirit was assisting the solicitor in the following story: A solicitor was on holiday in a small farming town.  While walking through the streets, he noticed that a car was involved in an accident.  As expected, a large crowd gathered.  The solicitor was eager to get to the injured, but he couldn’t get near the car.  Being a clever person, he started shouting loudly, “Let me through! Let me through!  I am the son of the victim.” The crowd made way for him.  Lying in front of the car was a donkey!

Deacon John Writes

Deacon John Writes:

This Sunday is World Communications Day and the scriptures remind us of the power of prayer.  Prayer is world communications day in action.  It is the conversation we have with God.

The first reading, from the Acts of the Apostles, shows us the importance of prayer in our lives – to sustain and to comfort us through the current difficult period.

The gospel contains the opening section of Christ’s great prayer before he begins his passion and death.  It has been called the “high priestly prayer” of Jesus. .

When the disciples were uncertain about the future after Jesus’ Ascension into heaven they turned to the one thing they knew that could help them – prayer.  Their prayer would not be answered at once – it was nine days before Pentecost arrived and the Holy Spirit would fulfil what Christ had promised.  They persevered and did not stop praying — praying for guidance, for wisdom, for “hope unseen.” The disciples didn’t give up. Neither should we!

The psalm today offers us all the gift of hope. “The Lord is my light and my help; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; before whom shall I shrink?”

The scriptures cry out to us: trust and pray.  Trust in God’s generosity and mercy.  Trust in His plan for our lives. In the midst of our darkness, pray for light.

The important word is pray. The disciples did just this in the community when they turned to others for help and support. So should we. We are the Body of Christ, and that means we are, together, not only his hands and his feet – we are also his voice — to one another, and to the world.  Trust in Him and no matter how deep the darkness, the light we are all looking for will come.

Wait for it………Watch for it………Pray for it.

The disciples in the upper room did and look what they achieved!


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Job Vacancy

“God doesn’t call the qualified. He qualifies the called”

2 Corinthians 3 v5

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Previous applicants are welcome to apply

Joke of the Week

Joke of the Week

Lord Birkett, the English judge, said “I do not object to people looking at their watches when I am speaking.  But I strongly object when they start shaking them to make certain they are still going.

Deacon John Writes

Deacon John Writes:

From Easter to Pentecost the readings all concentrate on the preaching of the Good News of salvation and on the promises Jesus made to his disciples, culminating with the promise that all would receive the Holy Spirit. This Sunday we hear about the Holy Spirit and how we can experience Him in our daily lives. 

The reading from the Acts of the Apostles begins by describing how the Deacon, Philip, in Samaria, converted many of the Samaritans to Christianity and then how Peter and John were sent to follow this up through prayer and laying on of hands to bring the Holy Spirit to them.

The reading from the first letter of Peter reassures us that life is possible when we suffer in any way so long as we continue to live our Christian lives of love in the midst of any kind of suffering, be it from a virus or any other difficult situation. The Gospel contains Jesus’ promise to his disciples of the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit, and is part of the long “Farewell Discourse” near the end of John’s Gospel. The Gospel tells us quite specifically that, providing we live as Jesus commands, the Holy Spirit will accompany us in all that we do in the name of Jesus – our faith will be nurtured, we will see Jesus in the poor, the sick and in all those in need, so enabling us to be healers of discord in our world. We are assured that we will never have to face any trial alone—even death—if we walk with Jesus.  There is a sentence in the second Eucharistic Prayer when the priest holds his hands over the offerings and says: “Make holy, therefore, these gifts, we pray, by sending down your Spirit upon them like the dewfall, so that they may become for us the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.” It has only been during the lockdown that Tessa & I have actually noticed the word ‘dewfall’ at this point while listening to Mass! 

Next Thursday is Ascension Day, the day on which Jesus was taken up to heaven. We can perhaps imagine him flying up from the land and vanishing into cloud in front of our eyes. Jesus invites all of us to prepare ourselves for a similar flight. Set our eyes towards heaven. Keep our hearts open to receive the Holy Spirit to help us achieve that goal. Surely that is what He is inviting, encouraging, helping us to do.